All the people are manifesting something in their daily life, regardless of the awareness about its existence. Manifestation exists in all the aspects of your life, including the selection of clothes, the circulation of money, and even creating and managing relationship in life. it is true, that ... Views: 1311
Thoughts are subtle type of conscious energies that are more powerful and beneficial than the strongest weapon of all time. Even a kind of subtle energy in the atoms was used to create the nuclear weapons. This subtle type of atomic energy is even small, but has the power to destroy the complete ... Views: 2132
There are millions of people around the world struggling for the fast sleep, but the question is how to get rid of this problem. The quest for the luxurious life has made the human a restless machine in the world of modern technology. People are running after the money to get as much luxuries ... Views: 964
Fast sleep is a gift of god to every human, but we lost it due to our negligence; our thirst of money and luxuries never lets us a calm and deep sleep, anyhow, you can save this gift with a slight change in your daily routine. I give you these tips to get a fast asleep. You should consider these ... Views: 1058
I am always fascinated by the lucid dreaming, and decided to get through by controlling the dreams. After a deep research and lot of practice, I found myself in a better stage of dream control, so sharing my experience and tips with you to spread more awareness about the dream control.
In the ... Views: 1232
Lucid dreaming helps you control your dreams the way you want, although not completely, but in most of situations while dreaming. After a hard job of developing your skill on dream recalling, the dream controlling is quite easy and very productive in mental health.
You can gain it through ... Views: 1129
Every little being, particularly you and me – from the tiniest creature on earth is a precious gift from God. We sometimes tend to forget how we are blessed by abundant blessings of never-ending furnishes of the universe from trees to mountains, from infrastructure to roads. Everything is given ... Views: 1485
Train your brain. Regularly "exercising" the brain keeps growing and spurs the development of nerve connections that can help improve memory. By developing new mental skills - particularly complex as learning a new language or learn to play a new musical instrument - and challenge your brain ... Views: 1334
Would not it be nice to look at the pages, and never forget what was there? What if he never could forget the birthday of my friend? The bad news is, not everyone has a photographic memory, which is also known as eidetic memory. Most of us rely on mnemonic devices. The good news is that everyone ... Views: 1148
For any part of our anatomy to be in pain, it must be: an area susceptible to injury exposed to pain-causing stimuli and connected to a nerve supply. Through the intricate network in the nervous system, pain tells our brain that there is injury. Sometimes the cause of this injury is obvious to ... Views: 1033
The law of attraction is a universal law. This law creates an impact on each person life especially when it comes to love and relationships. All relationships experience problems and this is the time where one should apply positive thoughts in order to achieve success and not see the situation ... Views: 1425
Many people want to make use of the law of attraction in order to better their relationships, but are not sure how to apply these laws. Relationships are similar to jobs and you have to keep working at them. No matter if you are trying to create a new relationship or are trying to improve an ... Views: 1913
An intuitive empath is an individual who can psychically connect in to the emotional experience of a human being, place or animal. In the paranormal and in some works of science fiction and fantasy, empathy is a highly developed psychic ability to feel the emotions of others and often extremely ... Views: 1037
Affirmations are the statements which are used to produce healthier awareness within one’s life. These affirmations are very important when you have any unpleasant wave in life. You can choose any statement from book or list of affirmations available in net, or you can create a statement of your ... Views: 975
Meditation techniques for stress are not the only, but most impressive tools to manage stress in healthy way. Meditation techniques have provided health enhancing benefits in the life of common people, like reduction of anxiety and stress, dissolving physical problems like headache, and ... Views: 1145
Alpha level is the state of mind where everybody is using most part of the brain. With the growing congested and cluttered life, it is not possible to be in this state of consciousness. Now a days, we have lots of responsibilities and functions to perform at a time. We are driving and discussing ... Views: 1269
The healers got a wonderful gift by the God that is intuitive ability, with the help of this ability they can understand the pains of their clients and cure them to relief. There are some people, who soak up unwittingly the hurts and ills of other people around them, they can learn to control ... Views: 1111
Stress is a common factor in the busy world of today. Use meditation techniques for stress relief. You can wipe away the maximum stress in your daily life with the help of proper meditation. It also brings in the best inner peace whenever you need it.
Consider meditation to resolve the ... Views: 1252
Law of attraction is known as universal law. It has high impact on every existed part of your life, especially, your love. If you find any hurdles in your relationship then you should not give up the hope of success. Although, many people feel scared, cursed, and even mistreated, if they got a ... Views: 1244
The alpha level is a state on mind where the people are relaxed and attentive to the different objects. Mostly people gain this level while sleeping, dreaming, or during the meditation. There are very fewer people in the world that those who can get this level of mind during their normal ... Views: 1475
Getting information about the affirmation of love is source of transforming into loving individual. A loving being is always capable of spreading love to others. You can attract someone to enter in your life by loving that person. Everybody in the world is in need of others and can only get it ... Views: 2344
An intuitive empath is a unique entity who has highly developed powers of emotional, mental, spiritual and overall energetic sensitivity. He is a person who was born with distinctive variations in the central nervous system. This means how the brain is configured and how the nervous system works ... Views: 4609
Before starting on meditation techniques for stress, you should be aware of the stress factor. Stress is an emotional strain which caused by tension, over load of physical work, or irritability. You can get headache, high blood pressure, and anxiety due to long period of stress. Although it in ... Views: 1053
Many people like to use the law of attraction for the better relationships, but do not know how to use them. Relationships need a lot to work on them. You must have an open mind to create a new relation and to continue with the old family relation as well. Even if you got the two nicest humans ... Views: 1183
The alpha level of mind is peak of the human brain, where he discovered his real powers and abilities in life. The result relies on the ability to control the brain at this stage, some times some people are able to read the minds of others as well. Many people do not believe it, but there are ... Views: 1727
Love is an ethereal practice that gives us a cool feeling of completely alive. Love is a stage where all the emotions are magnified, all the senses are heightened, and life looks like worthwhile by transcend of daily reality. Love is a special sustenance of our soul. It has proved that the ... Views: 1331
Everyone seeks wealth, happiness and abundance in their life but do we all really understand nature’s secret way to achieve them? Most of us do not know what the law of abundance stands for. Often termed as the science to get successful, the law of abundance works on the principle that one can ... Views: 1020
Abundance and prosperity are two goals most commonly shared. But the difference comes across when we try to gauge how many of us achieve abundance. Prosperity, happiness, content and wealth all work in an arrangement of the aura you create. The thumb rule says you attract abundance when you ... Views: 1006
The universe operates with a number of laws that are omnipresent but are being used by most of us unconsciously. However, not many of us really know the strength of the universal laws that make the world work. Each aspect in the universe – love, happiness, money, wealth, abundance – is governed ... Views: 1319
Author Rhonda Byrne is acclaimed with the discovery of ‘The Secret’. She traced her research back through centuries, uncovering a universal truth that forms the core of the world’s most powerful philosophies. The journey to Byrne’s secret is also believed to begin with writer Wallace Wattles’ ... Views: 1048
You want an eight figure pay-check, a lavish home, few sports cars, and the list is endless. Also, to add to it you think probably most of your friends what to be a millionaire as well. So, can everyone eat the fruit of abundance? Is there enough for all? Going by the law of abundance, the ... Views: 957
Cooking has been made a feat of secondary or even tertiary importance in the modern world. The variety of take away fast food, Chinese and Italian delicacies, pizza and burger shops have made the modern man ignorant of the importance of cooking at home.
Cooking is not merely an eating ... Views: 1503
Every human being has a sexual existence and that existence is directly linked with their public and social existence. The sexual self is reflected in our everyday actions and relations as well. What most people fail to realize is that sexuality is almost entirely a mental phenomenon. Sexuality ... Views: 9104
In the growing world of communication and fast paced technology, the importance of maintaining public relations has increased manifold. If one wants to progress and climb the ladder of success with ease, he has to have links and relations which can help him out. The interesting point is that a ... Views: 1405
Shopping is the birth right of every woman. Shopping doesn’t necessarily involve availability of money. It is something beyond the superficial plain of money. Even if a woman does not possess enough money to buy things, she can still go for shopping. Shopping is primarily a subconscious act. It ... Views: 2551
Youth is a matter of mind more than a biological phenomenon. Youth is cherished because it is the hourglass through which we can measure our stay in this world. If you are young, you would have more possibilities. Old age is something most people would not covet. People seldom realize that the ... Views: 3429
According to experts, we all are blessed with psychic power or abilities. However, it’s just that some of us are more aware about this latent talent in us and some are completely ignorant. Some consider this power as an asset and some take it lightly saying ‘it was a mere coincidence.” Whatever ... Views: 1069
Do you think it’s really possible to become a psychic? Of course, yes, and in order to bring out the psychic abilities from our inner self, there needs to be a certain amount of training. Every individual possesses certain skills or talents within them and he himself has the potentiality to ... Views: 1062
Clairvoyance means ‘clear-seeing’. This psychic ability is about seeing and sensing events which otherwise cannot be perceived through the normal physical senses. If you are blessed with this gift of psychic ability, you don’t need to depend on your physical eyes. You can simply use your third ... Views: 2902
The question that most curious minds ask is “ how to develop psychic abilities ?” Psychic abilities are inherent in all of us; it’s just that we need to become aware about it and hone our skills through some techniques such as meditation, yoga, disciplined lifestyle etc. Those who get to ... Views: 3382
As known to each one of us, we all normal human beings are endowed with five senses such as of smell, sight, taste, touch and hearing. We use these basic senses in our day-to-day work. If any of these senses doesn’t work, we face problems in dealing with our daily life. But, this is about our ... Views: 1124
The economic climate at present is highly challenging and in every business you have to be much more creative, think smarter and always look for better opportunities. You should take the right actions in order to maximize the performance of your long term as well as short term business. Psychic ... Views: 1763
What is intuition? Intuition is the phenomenon of perceiving extra sensory perception bringing the sixth sense into force. Thus an individual’s ability to know and sense the world around him without using his reasoning abilities is intuition. Thus when we recall our unreasonable judgments or ... Views: 1769
We do lot of things to reduce stress. Our life is quite stressful due to this fast competitive world. This causes many worries and thereby stress. We all have some degree of intuition and extrasensory perception. These both are really useful to us in many ways. There are so many worries in our ... Views: 1531
Extra sensory perception is a metaphysical term that is used for covering all the abilities and events that occur outside the knowledge of science. Sometimes it is known as PSI or parapsychology scientific investigation. According to some people this is referred as mind power while others ... Views: 1107
Extrasensory perception is nothing but your intuition. It is your extra sense that tells you about many things that are going happen in near future. It is also called as sixth sense. In fact many times we may have conversation where we say that it our sixth sense telling us something. Your sixth ... Views: 4644
Till now, we have seen the power of daily affirmations and how they work in our life miraculously in manifesting our desires. Daily affirmation is usually a positive sentence clearly stating your goal spoken or written. Repetition of these affirmations on a daily basis brings its importance to ... Views: 6792
One of the most important and profitable aspect of chanting ‘om’ is, that even if you do not know meditation methods, it still gives you the same results. For chanting ‘om’, it is not necessary to learn it from a teacher, as compared to meditation. Nor do you need to follow a specific routine ... Views: 4128
If you are interested in developing mind skills like meditation and daily affirmations, then switch words are definitely your cup of tea! What are they, exactly? Switch words are like a magic baton used for fulfillment of your wishes! They are specific words used to bypass the active or the ... Views: 6013
We see the outer world through our open eyes and when we close them, and look into our inner Self, through our third eye, it is called a state of Meditation. There are thousands and thousands of thoughts running through our mind every second and the gap between the two consecutive thoughts is ... Views: 1055