No matter what you may think about psychics or the world of the paranormal or unexplainable, there are people who are so relaxing in both mind and body that they have the power to channel the unknown by communicating with the deceased or be clairvoyant enough to receive information about your ... Views: 7257
I have learned to rely on my intuition for everything in my life: relationships, the direction my career is taking and even which Chinese restaurant I should choose to order my dinner. Although some decisions I rely on my intuition for seems trivial, silly even, it’s crucial for the correct path ... Views: 2343
Psychics are changing from what they used to be or perhaps our perception of them is. They are no longer the gypsy looking, hippy wearing mystics who can foretell our future in a crystal ball but rather just like us – that is, with an unusual and heightened gift. They can foretell the future and ... Views: 1815
No matter what medium of the media you turn to, you will discover that there is a psychic promoting him/herself in some way. No, this is not to say that psychics appear on TV, radio, and on various internet venues more than any other self-promoter. However, you will notice that psychics do ... Views: 1451
To different people, spiritual healing has a different meaning. Getting healed spiritually is basically a journey that is very personal to every person. One of the broadest ways of defining it is
To get the emotional self healed
In this kind of a healing there isn’t any kind of physical ... Views: 1246
It is on the energy provided by very tiny particles of matter that both the non living objects as well as living objects derive life from. The particles are always in motion according to the laws of Physics. All objects are covered with energy due to this constant movement of particles. Aura is ... Views: 1468
Healing is a very gradual process and it takes time for you to condition your body into a state where the healing process can begin. Spiritual healing tends to cultivate the mind body connection, allowing you to heal your body naturally, using the energy of your own body as well as the energy ... Views: 5327
There are so many ways in which the human body reacts to its environment. Disease, in a way, becomes inevitable when you look at the constant change and interaction of the body with its environment. Energy healing techniques are very useful in healing the body naturally, by using the energy of ... Views: 1617
Intuitive decision making is the way of the future. Intuitive decision making is direct knowing without conscious reasoning. The mind is a wonderful tool for analyzing. Our intuition is a wonderful tool for knowing. In the natural evolution of man we move from instinct to ... Views: 1548
Are there ways in which you can enhance psychic abilities? Some will say no, it is not possible to do this because psychic abilities are something people are born with. In certain instances, this may be an accurate assessment. There will be those individuals who do not need to cultivate any ... Views: 2088
Affirmations for abundance are exactly what their name implies. Or are they? Actually, they may not be what people initially assume them to be. On the surface, it would seem that affirmations for abundance are little more than self-help statements designed solely for the purpose of amassing ... Views: 1643
Those hoping to live their life to the fullest will certainly find the law of attraction to be inspiring and appealing. Personal development is certainly not something that is easily attained. Yet, it can be attained with the right focus and determination. Of course, having the right plan of ... Views: 1213
Many wish that they had the ability to expand and enhance the power of the human mind. The motivations people have for seeking the ability to improve their mind will vary greatly. If there was a common thread among all these individuals, they would all wish they could expand their mind’s ... Views: 1371
While most people are aware of the benefits of daily meditation, it still is not a particularly common practice. If you were to take 10 random people off of the street, it’s unlikely that even ONE of those people consistently practices mediation each and every day. There are a number of reasons ... Views: 1247
Laura Silva Quesada is the daughter of Jose Silva, the discoverer of The Silva Method. As a child, Laura often worked with her father, helping him with mind experiments and providing him with insights into the success and abilities of the Silva method to improve learning and change lives. ... Views: 4943
For many, maintaining a sense of inner balance can seem like a daunting task. This is because in Western society we're taught to believe that things are supposed to go our own way – all of the time. When things don't go according to some established inner plan, we think we have a right to feel ... Views: 3121
Jose Silva's first exposure to psychology came in the military. When he was mentally evaluated prior to entry, Silva became fascinated with the psychologist's questioning, and decided he wanted to know more about the field. Although he was never formally schooled, he had taught himself to read ... Views: 2326
Theta level of mind is a state beyond that of our normal awareness, and deeper, even, then the relaxed meditative states of Alpha.
While Alpha levels of mind can hone our intuition and happiness, theta provides the energy necessary for deep healing and transformation. This state cannot be ... Views: 2977
Like everything on the planet, the mind has a frequency, and its frequency varies along with our states of consciousness. Humans have several levels of awareness, most of which are experienced when we are sleeping. When we are awake, we typically only think and participate in reality from one ... Views: 3759
Alpha sound
is a frequency of thoughts and a state of mind that, previously, could only be achieved while sleeping or in deep meditation. During our waking hours, our brains usually function at what is known as beta. In beta, we are not apt to think, reason, and remember as well as when our ... Views: 5649
It’s true. Each of us has the ability to be psychic and use that intuitive part of our brains. The reality is we use very little of our brain power. In fact, the medical profession doesn’t even know what most of our brain does. And ancient history shows us that our ancestors who lived in a ... Views: 1493
It doesn’t really matter who you are – the fact is, we all have our ups and downs. If your downs seem to outnumber your ups, and negativity seems to be taking hold of your life in various ways and at a lightning fast speed, then you could certainly use a boost. Here are ten wonderful ways you ... Views: 1445
Self esteem is something that everyone has yet some people seem to have lower self esteem than others. When you have high self esteem you are confident and sure of yourself. Those with low self esteem often suffer from a negative self image that can corrupt every aspect of life. The best way ... Views: 1759
Many people are on a journey towards spiritual growth. Spiritual growth is the realization of a higher level of consciousness. Gaining an understanding of spiritual growth is the first step on the path towards achieving it. The road to spiritual growth is an ever constant one. There is no ... Views: 1484