If you still think that YouTube is all about pets doing dangerously funny things, children falling, and various other amusing, but unimportant things, then think again.
Yes, YouTube is a video sharing platform, and yes, it does allow users to upload their own video content. That does mean ... Views: 941
Many a business owner has uttered the phrase ‘the customer is always right’ with a sarcastic tone. That’s because, in business, far from finding the perfect customer, the person we’d love to deal with, and are happy to serve, we often find ourselves dealing with people who make our lives ... Views: 869
Have you ever been to a company where everything is still done the hard way? Where orders are hand written in triplicate, instead of being processed on a computer? Where accounting and calculations are still done with paper journals and calculators? Have you ever noticed how much longer ... Views: 2391
When it comes to business, there seem to be a select few people on this planet who are destined for amazing success, while the rest of us dream, hope, or try to emulate their business success.
However, the truth is that wealthy people aren’t necessarily lucky – except for the few who inherit ... Views: 1920
I have long been a believer that in business, everything comes down to a formula. There is a formula for making more money. There is a formula for business success, and there are other simple formulas that apply to businesses universally.
One of the simplest formulas out there, however, is ... Views: 1647
Many people I know think that internet marketing is only for people who have internet based businesses. That could not be further from the truth.
Internet marketing is something that every business owner, and particularly every small business owner, should be doing. It should not be an ... Views: 802
In case you have missed it, Twitter is a revolutionary micro blogging and social networking platform that is fast gaining popularity around the globe. At last count, nearly 200 million people were using Twitter to connect with friends, colleagues, business associates, and even celebrities. ... Views: 820
There is a good chance, if you have been involved in online business for a while, and are tech savvy, that you have used video and audio, either as marketing materials on other sites or platforms, or on your own site, as interesting content for your visitors.
However, if your business ... Views: 910
If you are relatively new to the world of online business and marketing, then you might not know what webinars are, and what they can do for your business.
A webinar, as the name suggests, is the modern equivalent of the old fashioned seminar. You, as the host or leader of the webinar, ... Views: 834
What is the one thing just about every person you know these days will not leave home without? If you answered their mobile phone, you would be correct.
Billions of people around the world take their mobile phones with them wherever they go, and they keep them on, all day, every day. Even ... Views: 900
When most of us start out in business, we do not care who our customers are, or where they come from. All we care about is that they buy from us! That is a good strategy when you are getting started, but, over time, you probably want to start looking at your customer’s transaction rates too. ... Views: 1980
So many people I know think that business is complicated. However, while putting business ideas into practice may be a little challenging, the ideas themselves are simple.
Consider leads. We all get business leads all the time. Someone we know mentions a project they have seen that we could ... Views: 681
If you have heard the term conversion rate, and you are wondering what on earth it is, what it means, and why you should be concerned about it, do not worry. Conversion rate is another one of those complex business terms that is actually used to describe something quite simple.
In a ... Views: 669
I have a friend who emails every important document that he has on his computer to his Gmail account. He has done it for years, and I have always thought that it is a clever way to make sure that his important information stays safe, no matter what happens to his computer!
Fortunately, big ... Views: 818
Have you ever noticed how the term ‘published author’ always makes you sit up and take notice? Whether it is a doctor, a lawyer, or an entrepreneur, having a book published is a definite way to gain credibility and expert status. You don’t even have to have read their book to believe that they ... Views: 754
Most small business owners I speak to tell me that they wish there was a formula that could guarantee their business’s success. The good news is that there is. I have based my own business on it, and I teach people from around the world how to boost their profitability, and get the life they ... Views: 1456
There is a lot of buzz these days about internet marketing, and it is true that it is a great, cost effective way to build a brand, and gain new business. However, whether you are running a brick and mortar business, or an online enterprise, there are still some great offline marketing ideas ... Views: 688
Having a website these days is not optional. If you want to do business effectively, and you want to compete, then your company has to be online. However, there’s a vast difference between an effective website, that boosts your company’s profile, and creates new business, and one that does ... Views: 770
If there is one thing most new business owners are scared of, it is the prospect of selling. You hear it over and over – the phrase ‘I’m not a sales person.’ The truth is, we are all sales people. The only difference is that we do not all have the same sales style.
If trying to sell the ... Views: 965
Have you ever noticed how business seems to have its own language? Even small business owners seem to speak with a language that is all their own, and if you are new to the world of commerce, all that jargon can be daunting.
One of the biggest issues for small business owners, when it comes ... Views: 1168
Most people do not understand statistics in any kind of detail, but if there is one statistic that every business owner out there does understand, it is that the more people there are that know about your business, you are more likely to have a profitable concern.
It is a simple numbers game ... Views: 688
Several years ago, sales was a fairly simple affair. You listed your company and your product or service in the yellow pages, you ran print advertising campaigns, and you had a sales team who spent time drumming up new business, and making sure that your existing clients stayed happy with the ... Views: 698
One of the most common complaints of small business owners is that they do not have the budget for advertising. While that is usually true, that does not mean you cannot get your message out there, and reach thousands of interested readers with the information you would like them to see. ... Views: 762
One of the biggest hurdles to small business owners, who want to do business online, or to boost their real world sales with a website, is that they do not have direct contact with their client. Where they would, in the real world, be able to ‘sell’ their customers on their products, when it ... Views: 564
Many would be small business owners and entrepreneurs believe that if they have a good idea, and they put a lot of thought and planning into it, they are virtually guaranteed that their venture will be a runaway success.
However, while it is true that planning, logic and reason have a lot to ... Views: 826
When it comes to social networking, Facebook is the clear leader, with hundreds of millions of users logging on regularly to connect with their friends, family, co-workers and business associates. However, while Facebook may have the numbers, Myspace has a lot to offer the business owner looking ... Views: 2787
One of the single most important changes that the internet has made to the world is that it is opened up the possibility of becoming a global business owner to everyone who has a computer, a little business and technical knowledge, and a reliable internet connection.
There was a time when ... Views: 700
When eBay first started out several years ago, it was very much a platform for ordinary people to sell their second hand belongings. There were a few new items, but they were far from the norm.
Fast forward a decade or so, and a large proportion of the goods for sale on eBay these days are ... Views: 753
If you are a small business owner these days, then you probably know that trying to do business without a website is virtually impossible. Before you decide to get a website, however, there are a few basics you should know about domain names and hosting, that can help your business.
The ... Views: 702
A few short decades ago, the internet was just starting out. Instead of the millions of websites we had today, there were a few thousand. Back then, there was even a ‘notice board’ that announced the creation of each new site on the net! Something like that would be unimaginable these days, and ... Views: 665
Many people, when they first start a business, believe that ‘if they build it, they will come.’ While that may have worked in the movies, however, in business, just opening your business does not guarantee that it will be a success.
Even if you have a brilliant business idea, offer top ... Views: 927
These days, you are likely to hear terms like SEO, or search engine optimisation, bandied about quite a bit, as businesses move from traditional brick and mortar concerns into the online arena. If you still think they sound like Greek, then read on for a quick explanation about what search ... Views: 678
When most of us think of social networking, we think of Facebook and Myspace. However, while those are certainly two of the biggest social networks, they are by no means the only ones out there!
When it comes to business networking online, LinkedIn is probably one of the best-known platforms ... Views: 655
Even if you have never heard the term pay per click advertising, or PPC, if you have ever used the internet, you have certainly seen it in action.
One of the best-known pay per click advertising programs is the Google’s Adwords service, although every browser, many social networks, and ... Views: 886
When most of us think about starting a small business, we think it is a fairly straightforward process. We believe that we go from idea to business in a blur of activity, and that we suddenly wake up owning our own company. That is not strictly true however, and no matter what type of business ... Views: 940
If you are a small business owner, then you have probably had to pass up a fantastic opportunity or two because you lacked a particular skill, or simply the capacity to undertake the project.
The good news is that there is an alternative – entering into a joint venture with another company. ... Views: 1239
Many people still believe that in order to start a business, they need to have a real world store, and sell a real, tangible product. The truth is, however, that starting a business that sells information products is often far easier for a new business owner or entrepreneur.
Information ... Views: 660
One of the most common mistakes small business owners make is in trying to be generalists. Instead of focusing on a single area of expertise, they try to be all things to all people. The result is that their advertising and marketing efforts are spread too thin, they are trying to service too ... Views: 2266
Every entrepreneur in the world has been there at some point. Stuck in a job that they are not fond of, dreaming of bigger, better things, and wondering how to make that next crucial step.
The trouble is, while you may not like your job (in fact, you may even outright hate it) it does ... Views: 650
One of the biggest problems that many would be entrepreneurs face is that they do not believe that they can start, and run, a successful business on their own. They believe that only those with high level degrees in business or related fields have the skill and talent to create a company, and ... Views: 875
Do you remember the days when sending money internationally meant going into the bank, and doing a wire transfer? Or maybe you chose to post a check. Either way, it was costly, time consuming, and not particularly secure, and you were never really sure when the money you were sending would ... Views: 708
If you have just started to look at the internet as a means of promoting your business, chances are you have been focusing on your website. While websites are the cornerstone of online business however, they are not the only essential, and if you really want to boost your business online, you ... Views: 717
Small business owners around the world are always looking for ways to market their business without spending a fortune. Fortunately, thanks to the internet and electronic communications, there are more possibilities to do just that than ever before.
Of course, every business owner knows that ... Views: 639
Don’t you wish that there were some way that you could track your advertisements, and find out where they go, who saw them, and whether they actually read them, or simply balled them up and threw them away?
If you’re involved in online business and marketing, you can.
There are plenty of ... Views: 655
There are probably many business owners out there who are still asking whether the hype around Facebook is worth paying attention to, or whether it’s just the next fad.
Let’s turn that question around. Is having direct access to hundreds of millions of potential customers important to your ... Views: 817
It’s one of the biggest conundrums that small business owners face. They need more, better-qualified staff in order to take their business to the next level, but because they can’t take that crucial step, their turnover means they can’t afford to hire great people!
Whether you’re running a ... Views: 723
It’s impossible to ignore the phenomenon that is the e-book these days. Major online retailers like Amazon.com are reporting e-book sales that match, and sometimes even beat, their traditional book sales! There are even publishers springing up around the world who publish solely in electronic ... Views: 771
Affiliate marketing is a relatively new concept, having become popular on the internet just a few years ago, but in essence, it works in much the same way as becoming an agent for a product or service, or using freelance sales representatives to sell a product or service.
Unlike those ... Views: 619
There is a lot of buzz about article marketing on the internet these days. Plenty of articles will tell you that it is the best way to get your website from a lonely place in a forgotten corner of the internet, to a buzzing hub of activity – and profit. The trouble is, most people are not ... Views: 715
If you are just getting started in internet marketing for your business, you have probably been wondering how to manage email-marketing campaigns, without spending hours manually sending to your marketing list.
The simple solution that you might have heard about is to use what is known as an ... Views: 605