When it comes to business, there seem to be a select few people on this planet who are destined for amazing success, while the rest of us dream, hope, or try to emulate their business success.

However, the truth is that wealthy people aren’t necessarily lucky – except for the few who inherit their wealth, they all have one thing in common – talent.

The fact is, however, that everyone has some natural talent, which aligns him or her with a certain type of business or entrepreneurship. I’m not talking about a talent for a particular type of art, or a gift for working with numbers – I’m talking about the complex mesh of personality traits that make you, you.

Using this type of talent to determine how you should be running your business, and indeed, what business you should be in, is not a new concept – it’s been around for millennia, and first started being used by the Chinese. Like many ancient art forms, however, it has been abandoned, as society increasingly tries to fit everyone into the same profile.

We are not all the same though, and the fundamental rule that governs your success starts with working with your natural talents. It’s the difference between finding, and settling into your natural groove, where everything you do seems easy and right, and trying to follow the rules that society has set for business, and finding yourself swimming up stream.

Essentially, there are five distinct talent profiles: the dynamo, who is great at getting things started, but struggles to follow through; the blaze, who is fascinated by people, and great at networking, but easily distracted; the tempo, whose natural niche is working in a team; the steel, who is born to devise, and follow, structured systems; and the spirit, who is cool, calm and collected, no matter what.

Most of us, however, do not fall into a single talent category. We combine elements of two or more profiles, into our own unique wealth creation talent profile that we can use to create wealth, or that can be a stumbling block as we struggle to conform to what conventional wisdom tells us we should be doing.

Understanding where your personality falls within that framework of natural talent allows you not only to find the business that is right for you, but also to choose the means of turning it into a reality that best serves your personality.

We have all been there. We are working for someone else, and we just know that we have a better way of doing things than the one they are using. That is probably because they have created their own ideal system for getting things done, based on their natural talents. For them, that leads to business success, but to you, as an employee, which simply leads to frustration, because your talents are naturally different to your employers.

The same goes for business. Just because a particular business idea or formula works for one person, that does not mean it will work for you. Unless you understand what your talents are, and create a business that best serves those talents, you’re going to be trying to fit the proverbial square peg into a round hole. Which as we all know is impossible.

That is the secret to business success right there. Discovering and activating your natural talents for business success and wealth. It is also the reason you fail. You are not working with your talents, but against them. It is a constant battle, and you are exhausted even before you get started.

For the would be entrepreneur, and the small business owner, understanding your talents is an epiphany. It’s the moment that you realise that everything you’ve been doing up to now could have been done quicker, easier, and with much less effort on your part. It allows you to design a business, and a system, that makes wealth flow to you, instead of making you chase after it. That is what true success is. Being in a business that you love, and using your natural talents in the way they were intended to be used.

Understanding your unique talent profile can also help you to find the best people to work and partner with. Some profiles work better with others, supporting and boosting each other’s successes, while others naturally clash. Understanding how you and your partner align from the outset can help you to determine your roles in your business, and the best way to move forward.

I am a firm believe that knowing what your talents are, and how to best utilise them and combining them with your passions, is the first step in business success. You will still have to put in time, effort, and money to start your business, but instead of fighting a losing battle, you will have a clear path to success. So why not find out what your unique business talent profile is, and start using it to succeed?

Author's Bio: 

Andrew McCombe is the owner of Activate Your Business where they teach new and existing business owners to Start, Grow and / or Automate their business(es) with EASE, so they can live a life of EASE. For more information and to get a free copy of the 10 EASY Steps to Your Perfect Business EBook, visit http://www.activateyourbusiness.com.au