For many people, the sixth sense is nothing more than something seen on TV or in movies. Actually these are profound abilities that you can develop. This article will explore some of the misconceptions and myths about the sixth sense.
You Are Either Born Psychic or You Aren't
Alison ... Views: 1257
In most cases we try to communicate with ghosts in the same way that we would talk to a neighbor. Many of us have learned this from Hollywood movies and television shows. Characters speak with ghosts in the same way that you would speak to a friend: with verbal communication. You will often hear ... Views: 2114
Manifestation has become a popular topic since movies such as "The Secret" have been released. Sure, there are people out there who have no problem manifesting anything they desire. But how many people do you know personally who have successfully manifested the life of their dreams? Not very ... Views: 2062
The Sixth Sense is something that is usually misunderstood. Many see it simply as intuition. And it is as you are first developing your Sixth Sense. You will find that you have an inner knowing, a sense of direction that you never had before. You might find that time after time you are in the ... Views: 1886
When was the last time you listened or read something that really struck you, really spoke to you, and then the next day couldn't remember what it was? Have you ever wondered how you can begin to hold onto this knowledge?
It's not a matter of intelligence, it's a matter of energy. When you ... Views: 1028
I want to show you the difference between how we think and an enlightened mind in order to introduce some powerful techniques that will change the way you think.
The Enlightened Mind
Let me tell you something interesting that few people know. An enlightened master doesn't think like the ... Views: 1240
What if the planet thought in a way that was similar to us? First of all we would have to work with the concept that it had a consciousness. Much like we do but very different.
We have neuron pathways in our brain. Within these pathways, electricity is used to send and receive signals to our ... Views: 1454
95% of the people who I've seen attempt this technique had overwhelming success in just two sessions! You too will be forced to come to terms with your own Amazing Psychic Sense as the simple proof on the sheet of paper stares back at you!
The Problem that keeps most from becoming Great ... Views: 1760
Inducing Consciousness means to make yourself more conscious or aware.
Want to try it? It takes about 2 minutes to experience.
Inducing Consciousness by Mental Transition
1. Have a seat somewhere and sit upright.
2. Relax your shoulders and wherever else there is tension. ... Views: 1859
I want to show you the difference between how we think and an enlightened mind in order to introduce some powerful techniques that will change the way you think.
The Enlightened Mind
Let me tell you something interesting that few people know. An enlightened master doesn't think like the ... Views: 1546
95% of the people who I've seen attempt this technique had overwhelming success in just two sessions! You too will be forced to come to terms with your own Amazing Sixth Sense as the simple proof on the sheet of paper stares back at you!
The Problem that keeps most from becoming Great
Of ... Views: 1720
Explore a perspective that pushes the imagination as we see the connection between technology, global communication and the human experience.
We imagine that the planet is a living organism, reflecting on its own existence and role within the universe. We will ponder and identify a great ... Views: 1739
When you think of the great enlightened masters, they all seem to share many similar traits: Unusually intelligent, charismatic, can do miraculous things, and they all exhibited the use of the Sixth Sense.
The Sixth Sense or Psychic Sense is anything that excels beyond 'basic' sensory.
* ... Views: 2600
In this tutorial, I'm going to show you a tool that will lead you to remarkable levels of understanding that few have ever reached.
The advantages to this are that you will have rich and productive conversations with people because you'll truly understand them. I'll also show you how to use ... Views: 5588
Want a reality check? You won't want to miss this. Read the top 9 proven ways to never willfully achieve anything greater in your life.
1. Remain skeptical.
It reduces the risk of being let down doesn't it? Before you start your session, remember to analyze truth from fiction. ... Views: 2853
You're driving along, minding your own business and all the sudden the sunset has assaulted your senses with all the color and light of an otherworldly portal. Before you know it you find yourself...contemplating life?
Why do we do that? Is there some spiritual force there, or has the sunset ... Views: 1220
The Earth is Alive
Is planet Earth a conscious living organism, much like us but on a grander scale? What if the Earth was experiencing its own life much like the way we experience ours?
The human body is a single living organism made up of billions of individual living cells with ... Views: 7122
Amplify your Manifestations with this Simple Technique
Whether it's a monetary or spiritual pursuit, there is little doubt that the art of Manifestation through intention works. But have you wondered why some people just have far better results than others? Read further to discover the reason ... Views: 1432
Achieving Astral Projection overnight is as easy as going to bed. There are a few ingredients and three easy techniques you need to cook this up. Needless to mention, if you are an intermediate to expert level in the art of astral projection you might already know these ingredients. However, the ... Views: 11690
15-20 minute meditation that will cleanse your Soul
When you think about the word Surrender, what comes to mind? If you're like most people, you automatically envision a scenario that entails you giving up something that you hold dear because you are forced to against your will. This ... Views: 1429