When you think of the great enlightened masters, they all seem to share many similar traits: Unusually intelligent, charismatic, can do miraculous things, and they all exhibited the use of the Sixth Sense.

The Sixth Sense or Psychic Sense is anything that excels beyond 'basic' sensory.

* So a dog that can always sense when its owner is coming home,

* Waking up in the middle of the night and feeling something is 'strange',

* Or you and a friend laughing about how you were both thinking of Blue Oyster Cult, are all examples of the Sixth Sense in use.

Let me make clear that the Sixth Sense is natural and scientific, not mystical and unexplainable. It's your body's ability to pick up on fine energies, or 'wavelengths', that have yet to be detectable by today's crude electronic instruments -and yet, the body, being a sensitive supercomputer, can.

And because it's a bodily sense, like any muscle or brain tissue, if you don't use it, it will atrophy. While if you use it, it will develop quickly.

So here we go!

1. The Sixth Sense allows you to feel and detect things BEYOND the basic 5 senses.

If you only use the five basic senses for interpreting this world...

* Taste

* Touch

* Smell

* Sound

* Sight

...Everything you can know and understand will remain as basic as everyone else's.

But with the Sixth Sense you can feel and see energy, sense thoughts, anticipate emerging situations, and many, many other things!

Everybody already has this sense naturally; they just have no idea how to use it nor are they aware of its value.

Imagine going your whole life as deaf, then all the sudden being able to hear; any idea what that would be like?

You would now detect a whole new dimension to EVERYTHING! The leaves on trees make a rustling sound, the sounds in the distance tell me what's going on in the next room or miles away - Everything would change!

That's what its like to have an active Psychic Sense; you gain a normally-hidden layer of understanding to everything. It truly is a superior advantage!

And with a little practice the Sixth Sense becomes a natural part of all your senses. Imagine how your world would change with this new ability to observe.

How much faster would you become Enlightened having a new sense?

2. The Sixth Sense allows you to Communicate with 'God'.

Spiritual people of all kinds long for communion with God.

God doesn't have the means of communicating as humans do. But God can communicate through 'Vibration' or Energy. This form of communication is very real and can fulfill those who seek it.

It's called 'learning to listen', and you do it by quieting your mind and paying attention to extremely subtle forms of inner-sensation. This is a skill that takes some refinement to achieve, but is not hard with the right training. Meditation is a great way to learn how to do this.

The key that makes it all possible is the Sixth Sense, because you 'listen' by feeling, which is the basis of the Sixth Sense. Learn to allow your subtle sensory to pick up on these kinds of 'Vibratory Information' and soon you will feel closer to 'The One' than you ever have.

3. The Sixth Sense lifts the veil of How Things Work.

The Sixth Sense is a tremendous Learning Accelerator.

By applying your new sense to techniques that use it, such as OBEs, Psychometry, Assimilation, or Remote Viewing, you suddenly can explore the inner-workings of the 'Matrix' of this dimension.

For example, Psychometry brings you face-to-face with Sixth Sense data, Remote Viewing shows how mobile the mind actually is, and Assimilation offers you the living experience of another thing.

The experiences from such techniques can be very powerful and will force you to reconsider the world you thought you knew - This is the essence of 'Awakening'.

Say there are some scientists racing to calculate a theory for the Big Bang. And let's say, because they are all very smart and are fairly conventional, all use the five basic senses to draw conclusions and thus are able to bring, say, five variables per sense for their calculation.

25 variables to calculate the Big Bang.

Now, let's say you come along, as a scientist also tackling the Big Bang theory. But maybe you wear Birkenstocks and are not so conventional, but you have an active Since Sense and are not afraid to use it.

Since the Sixth Sense is basically a super sensitive tool for gathering more data, you can then bring in another five variables for your calculation, because you are using one more natural sense that the others are not.

You have an advantage: 30 variables to calculate the Big Bang.

Some of the greatest scientists, teachers, and pioneers of our society have been shown to accept and use Sixth Sense data. When you hear, "I was being pulled in this direction" or "the chalk took on a life of its own" it's a good indication of the intuition at work. But actually, it simply shows they are flexible thinkers who are able to use more resources.

4. The Sixth Sense tunes you into your 'Inner Navigator'.

One of the best tools you have for finding what you need in life is the 'little voice inside'. The Navigator is a part of your inner intuition that knows when something is right for you, when its time for a change, and sometimes when you simply need to do something that seems random but is actually very important.

But few people have learned to listen to it. After all, it's hard to; that little voice is so often drowned out by our common thoughts and daily concerns.

However, building up the Sixth Sense gives your Navigator a bullhorn. Before you know it, you'll have a new resource of confidence within yourself.

5. Superior Psychological Development

Enlightenment includes the pursuit of psychological and behavioral refinement. During this pursuit inner issues become evident and thus present the opportunity to handle them. But did you know that the further you peer into the self, the more essential the Sixth Sense becomes?

The state of meditation is the prime period for true self-observation. No other time are the necessary qualities for this observation present. The ability to quiet the mind and peer into your physical mechanisms is essential for identifying 'dead weight'.

Past memories, unresolved injuries, false ideas, bad thought habits, long standing opinions, and limits in perception are some of the items that arise.

Conventional self-study and therapy can be important, but alone does not amount to the level of introspection required for a pupil of enlightenment. The Sixth Sense is absolutely essential in sensing the deep origins of ideas and the micro mechanics of the brain. Learning how to use it in this way will give you superior advantages.

For example, while using your Sixth Sense you can identify the presence of neurotransmitter stimulants or suppressors that routinely maintain behavior. This is important because when you know your thoughts are being controlled, you take back the power to guide your own mind.

Because the Sixth Sense deals with extremely subtle sensations, you are not dealing with thoughts or ideas - they are too crude and slow. The Sixth Sense can assess arrays of sensation all happening within the same moment. Someone practiced can target the item in question and consciously 'zoom in' to follow a path to a result.

6. Condition the Governor

Enlightenment is all about redefining your understanding of things because of new discoveries of personal experience. But as anyone who has attempted this will find, the brain already has a preferred way of seeing things, thank you very much.

This part of the brain that limits what it will allow you to see, feel, know, and redefine is called the 'Governor', named after the device that keeps cars from going over a certain speed.

The Governor's job actually makes a lot of sense: it keeps you from seeing things that it considers 'unnecessary', like the veins in your eyes, and even certain stimulus that could dangerously overload the brain.

The problem is that it also blocks you from seeing energy, it openly doubts your confidence in healing, and it works to convince you that your spiritual pursuits are in vain. Starting to see the dilemma?

This is where the Sixth Sense can help. By working with the Sixth Sense to establish 'paranormal experiences', these accumulated experiences teach the Governor to adapt to an ever-evolving reality.

If you can teach your Governor that the things you are learning are safe and real, paranormal experiences will get easier and progressively enhanced.

7. Physical Health and Bodily Communication.

Want to live longer and healthier? Learn to build a relationship with the cells of your body; they are living organisms too, with needs and desires. Help them and they'll help you.

Think of your body like an economy. An economy needs different things to run: water, energy, stimulus, vegetables, love, and a lot of other things.

So what happens when your body needs something? Actually, it lets you know. But unless you have a way of paying attention, you won't hear, and the economy falters.

Learning to 'listen' starts with basic awareness and spans into the use of the Sixth Sense. The Sixth Sense is a sensitive tool that can detect various subtle needs of the body. That whim you had yesterday for an Orange - did you act on it? Ever wonder where that craving came from? It could have been millions of living cells desiring a missing nutrient.

Now let me ask you something. If you can hear your body's cells using the Sixth Sense, is it possible also to communicate back? Perhaps have them carry out orders? Fight Sickness?


8. The Sixth Sense will preserve your life.

This section actually carries a dual meaning; the other being your spiritual life.

The more enlightened you become, the more you become a beacon of light. As you may know by now, forces resist this emergence.

Because the instinctual desire to live is so powerful, the natural Sixth Sense of the body has no problem peaking when threatened. No different than the deer that becomes skittish.

Additionally, many of the other tools of the Sixth Sense together form a protective net: Knowing the intentions of others, tracing all likely outcomes, the ability to act according to intuition - all tools brought by the Sixth Sense.

On lighter note, sometimes the Sixth Sense helps to preserve your immediate health. Being aware enough to know that that sandwich 'just didn't smell/feel/look right' can be that deep knowingness that animals commonly display when in the same circumstance.


In summary, if you are interested in Enlightenment or Awakening you are probably looking to EXPERIENCE the profound.

There's nothing wrong with that - experiences lead to true understanding. But unless you have a tool that can allow you to begin to peek behind the veil of the mundane, it will always remain something you know is there but can't seem to savor. I hope this article has helped you.

Author's Bio: 

Higher Balance Institute offers tools for meditation, spiritual development, enhanced intuition and sensory awareness in the world. Our mission is simple - to awaken the world one mind at a time. For more information and free eBooks please visit visit us at www.higherbalance.com.