Gout is a serious and painful medical condition that millions of individuals suffer from each year in the United States. However, this condition is preventable and treatable. Most people do not realize they are putting themselves at risk for being diagnosed with gout while they are living a less ... Views: 1714
If you suffer from gout you probably already know that your diet can have an impact on your symptoms. There are foods that you will be able to eat and foods that you should avoid. It is important that you discuss with your doctor the best diet for gout prevention for you.
The foods you will be ... Views: 977
If you or someone you know is suffering from gout, you know how painful this can be. Finding ways to not only alleviate the pain and methods to control the onset of future bouts of gout can be a difficult task. It has been proven time and again that a person can control gout with diet. There are ... Views: 5418
There are several risk factors that are known to contribute to high blood pressure. More so, millions of Americans fall victim to the disease simply because they aren’t aware of these factors and continue to live unhealthy life- styles. High blood pressure is difficult to detect, in most ... Views: 732
Medical scientists continue to research in order to establish the ultimate cure for high blood pressure. Because the disease is potentially life- threatening, it is recommended that you get your blood pressure checked regularly. If hypertension, also referred to as the ‘silent ... Views: 836
Gout is a type of arthritis that affects the joints, tendons, and other bodily tissues. Even as the medical condition is more common amongst men over 30, it is also known to develop in women who are post-menopausal or hypertensive. Several risks factors increase the chances of developing gout; ... Views: 3239
Gout is a condition that directly attacks the joints. Basically, gout is a form of arthritis. Although most common in men, women are also affected and it has great potential to become extremely painful. Treatment of gout is generally acute, yet physicians may prescribe medications to reduce the ... Views: 1539
Hypertension or high blood pressure is an alarming epidemic that is claiming the lives of many Americans. Medically defined as a cardiovascular condition, if untreated, it leads to more sever complications and potential death. What Americans should know it that managing hypertension is not ... Views: 1117
Many Americans live with high blood pressure everyday, yet they continue to practice unhealthy lifestyles. Because the signs and symptoms of the cardiovascular disease go undetected for so long, other cardiovascular complications develop unexpectedly.
Once detected by medical professionals, ... Views: 745
High blood pressure or hypertension is very popular amongst Americans, yet it often goes undetected. When the disease is not under control in a timely manner, it has great potential to cause further complications.
Subsequently, the cardiovascular disease does not cause symptoms, therefore ... Views: 721
It has been discovered that hypertension is most prevalent amongst African Americans that any other population within the United States. The disease is not easily detected; therefore it remains dormant for many years; as African Americans rarely commit to regular doctor visits. ... Views: 1025
Hypertension affects over 60 percent of adults in the United States. Often referred to as the “silent killer,” this disease can lead to heart failure, heart attack, kidney failure and stroke. Treatment for hypertension is generally controlled by physicians with the administration ... Views: 699
Hypertension is not uncommon amongst Americans and it is the preliminary to the leading cause of death in the United States, heart failure. For this reason alone, it is important to identify the reasons for high blood pressure. Many people live with the condition for years unaware of the risk ... Views: 709
There are changes we can adopt into our diets to control high blood pressure. Adopting a healthy eating plan is a two prong approach as it prevents the development of having a high blood pressure and lowers an existing elevated blood pressure.
Fiber Rich Diet
Having a diet that has a huge ... Views: 816
There are eight common medications used to treat high blood pressure. While many people dealing with hypertension will possibly be prescribed a combination of a variety of these medications, the amount of medication needed depends greatly on the type and the level of severity of the illness. ... Views: 777
The National High Blood Pressure Education Program is an association that consist of professional, public, voluntary and federal agencies. This association has established guidelines with regards with the type of common blood pressure medication to be used to control your high blood ... Views: 808
The causes of high blood pressure are still unknown to many medical researchers, although risk factors have been discovered. Only a small percent of hypertension cases have a clear cause. High blood pressure that is diagnosed with a clear cause of how the patient obtained the illness is ... Views: 688
Many things that we eat actually contain caffeine which is a mild stimulant. Food such as certain soft drinks, chocolate, tea and coffee all contain certain amount of caffeine. Consuming too much caffeine can result in us feeling jittery and nervous. More importantly, caffeine has also an effect ... Views: 836
One of the major contributors to high blood pressure is the consistent consumption of alcohol. Regular alcohol drinkers increase the risks of elevated blood pressure because it affects the normal functioning of the body by reversing what it needs to remain healthy.
Any hypertension patient ... Views: 772
What is the most common health problem that is growing at the alarming rate? Hypertension or High Blood Pressure will be the answer given by one out of four people. Presently, most doctors will urge patients to take pharmaceutical medication to keep their conditions in control. However, ... Views: 1059