Kidney stones can sometimes reach a certain size wherein it is no longer removable by passing it out via the urinary tract. The sufferer is already in a state of too much pain and is showing signs of infection.
Intermittent chills and fever adds to the unbearable pain, hence it is quite ... Views: 932
Uric acid is one of the causes of kidney stones. Waste materials in the body if not completely dissolved in the urine will crystallize, hence, uric acid becomes kidney stones (calculi).
Hardened mineral deposits like uric acid, calcium oxalate, to name some, form in the kidney resulting to ... Views: 728
It’s interesting to note that kidney stones compositions vary, each leading to a specific distinction on how each main composition amass to form into a kidney stone. Basically, all kidney stones start with a nucleus of crystal substances. This nucleus if dissolved in a soluble form of urine can ... Views: 735
High blood pressure is normally associated with heredity factors. Hereditary high blood pressure is common since almost all families have a family member or members who had history of this disease.
Opposed to this, a scientist named Lewis Dahl performed a research on laboratory animals linking ... Views: 8763
According to statistics, most adults consume about 130 pounds of sugar each year, which is equivalent to 6-oz glass full of sugar. Sugar as most of us are unaware of, are found not only in sugar rich or sweetened foods but are also found hidden in processed foods.
Hence, if most of the foods ... Views: 8345
Calcium and magnesium are both essential minerals that the body needs. They are two of the minerals contained in each of the body cells, hence calcium and magnesium can contribute to the occurrence of high blood pressure.
Calcium is needed in the integration of cell membrane. However, when ... Views: 2988
Due to insulin resistance, diabetes will be classified as type 2 in diagnosing the diabetes affliction. Some forms of excesses present in the body like unwanted body fats impair body cells. These fats render cells to become resistant to the functions of the insulin hormones.
In due time, as the ... Views: 579
Pathophysiology is that branch in science that deals with the study of the changes in mechanical, physical and biochemical functions brought about by a disease. One such disease that brings pathophysiologcal changes is diabetes. Diabetes pathophysiology therefore deals on the various changes ... Views: 826
Trying to find the most effective weight loss diets can be quite a chore. The research can be a bit overwhelming and often confusing. The majority of popular weight loss diet programs and systems all seem to guarantee results.
But, have you ever noticed the disclaimers, 'results not typical'? ... Views: 560
Losing weight is often considered to be one of the most difficult tasks to do. However, the actual task should be keeping the weight off. If you are already on a diet, you likely already know there are foods that are considered safe to eat and foods that are not safe to eat.
Healthy weight loss ... Views: 615
It's that time of year again when everyone decides they need to go on a diet, they are going to eat healthy and exercise. Have you ever wondered why so many people fail with their diets?
Basically, many people decide to begin too fast and lose motivation or simply have made their own diet and ... Views: 626
In order to have a better understanding of what is high blood pressure, and how we can take appropriate actions to lower our high blood pressure, it is a must that we should first understand the properties of a normal blood pressure. To have a thorough knowledge of what high blood pressure is ... Views: 730
Garlic and onion are being used for centuries in treating high blood pressure by different cultures because of its therapeutic virtues. Garlic and onions are herbs from the lily family with the ability to strengthen the heart and maintain the blood flow thereby regulating the pressure of the ... Views: 2209
Since most of the causes that trigger high blood pressure stems from improper dietary intakes, we should give concern as to how our body eliminates the resulting wastes. These wastes are either eliminated through the kidney or through the large intestines.
Fiber as waste binder plays a pivotal ... Views: 883
Are you confused about the foods you can eat while you are on a diet? Many people are under the misconception that they need to eat salads, drink plenty of water and have to avoid all sweets and carbohydrates.
There is so much more you are able to eat and maintain a healthy diet. Here are some ... Views: 1089
Everyone wants to find a great miraculous weight loss regimen that is going to work with little to no effort on their part. Although, it would be nice if one could find an easy fat loss program that is not going to require any work on our part, no matter how we try to convince ourselves, there ... Views: 641
The methods used for GERD treatment are usually on a trial and error basis. However, the treatments generally all start the same. For example, you will need to lose any extra weight, try to control GERD through diet and possibly medications and the last course of treatment is usually surgery. ... Views: 589
It is estimated that out of the individuals that have been diagnosed with having asthma 50-80% of them also have acid reflux. The interesting part is, not all of these sufferers even realize they also have acid reflux and asthma. In many cases where both conditions are present, the signs and ... Views: 624
Although we would all like to believe that there is only one cause for many medical conditions we suffer from, in all actuality there are usually more than one cause for specific conditions.
Then we have all of the prescription medications, over the counter medications and other remedies for ... Views: 632
Determining the positive effects of exercise as treatment for high blood pressure was proven by a certain study. Two groups of people with high blood pressure were divided into groups and paired according to weight, height and family background with the same medication to maintain their blood ... Views: 1672
Your success in controlling your high blood pressure is ensured by keeping a record of your pulse rates, weight loss or even the waist line. Tracking the progress involves monitoring as to what the heart is doing. Hence, one way of assessing the improvement of high blood pressure is via the ... Views: 2593
Gout is a medical condition that can be controlled with dietary changes. However, controlling the gout is not a guarantee. In many cases, a person will still experience an attack with gout. These attacks generally come on in the middle of the night, waking the person up.
Without warning you ... Views: 1825
Kidney stones, renal stone disease, whatever you want to call them are painfully irritating stones that have the potential to cause an awful lot of damage and a serious amount of discomfort!
Even the smallest of stones in the wrong place can cause a massive problem so prevention is much better ... Views: 589
Every diabetic knows the importance of blood sugar in relation to diabetes. Controlling diabetes blood sugar plays an important role in preventing the disorder from causing complications that will impair the nerves, eyes, kidney, and blood vessels of the diabetes sufferer.
Hence, upon ... Views: 663
Before any treatment of diabetes can be administered by an endocrinologist or diabetologist, the sugar content in the blood will have to be analyzed. Treatment of diabetes will be done the conventional way by a doctor, after evaluating the symptoms and the results of the laboratory test.
The ... Views: 548
Unlike the symptoms in diabetes type 1 and 2, gestational diabetes symptoms are hardly recognized as signs of diabetes due to the pregnant condition of a woman. They are often manifested in the form of excessive thirst and frequency in urination, but are usually treated as part of the ... Views: 569
Just like any other diseases, diabetes has complications. In fact, diabetes has a mortality rate of around 200,000 deaths in the United States alone, that is according to the Centers for Disease Control. Most deaths were attributable to diabetes complications mainly because the fatalities lacked ... Views: 694
Physical inability is one of the risk factors when one has the diabetes disorder, hence, diabetes and exercise must go hand in hand. The correlation between diabetes and exercise is the ability of the latter to prolong the life of the afflicted, while the lack of exercise on the other hand can ... Views: 491
To understand the main cause of diabetes, it is important for us to understand how the pancreas responds in producing insulin beta cells needed for the body's glucose absorption.
Under normal circumstances, the glucose (sugar) will enter the bloodstream which will act as fuel for the body. The ... Views: 580
We often read that cranberry juice can cure kidney stones. Cranberry juice and kidney stones have been associated with each other for generations.
A study made by the University of Texas Southwest Medical Center in Dallas revealed that levels of calcium and oxalate increased when cranberry ... Views: 1237
It is important that you control your high blood pressure and maintain a healthy blood pressure level. It is often wise to find a natural treatment for fluctuating high blood pressure instead of taking prescription medication. To treat your fluctuating blood pressure naturally there are a few ... Views: 3805
As you likely already know it is important to maintain control over your blood pressure. Natural and alternative treatments for controlling blood pressure is rapidly increasing in popularity among people everywhere. Lowering high blood pressure with spices could very well be the most appreciated ... Views: 3514
If you suffer from gout you likely know how important it is to eliminate high purine foods from your diet. Changing your lifestyle and eating habits is key to keeping your gout at bay.
Controlling your gout with a low purine meal plan is among the best ways you can minimize your bouts of ... Views: 3239
If you are one of the many people that suffer from kidney stones then you may be currently wondering what causes kidney stones and why this problem has happened to you.
For the most part, renal stone disease, the correct medical term for this painful condition is an inherited problem that runs ... Views: 566
Normally kidney stones will pass through the body a while after they have been formed causing no serious damage to the patient but may cause mild to severe discomfort. However sometimes the stones will not remove themselves from the body easily enough or within a quick enough timescale and it is ... Views: 8493
Gastroesophageal reflux disease is a condition that affects thousands of people all over the world and so many cases go undiagnosed despite increased awareness efforts by medical health professionals. There are three main stages that a sufferer will need to go through in order to manage this ... Views: 599
Acid reflux medicine is essential for treating those nasty and painful symptoms associated with the condition but before you get the medicine you need, it’s time to get diagnosed. This can only be done by a doctor so it’s time to make that appointment!
After this appointment has ... Views: 613
Acid reflux and chest pain can present some form of danger to a heart patient. The chest pains are quite common, some individuals are not aware that what they are suffering is no longer acid reflux and chest pains but already the onset of a heart attack.
Before going any further, let us first ... Views: 1050
Beware! There are more unproductive methods to losing abdominal fat than there are beneficial methods. A most common question these days is: How can I successfully lose fat off my stomach? Many advertisements these days focus on one thing and one thing only: Making money.
Because of this and ... Views: 990
It’s no mystery to anyone these days as to how to properly lose stubborn belly fat. Of course, this is done by maintaining a proper, nutritious diet with plenty of exercise in accordance to your abilities.
There’s actual conclusive research by professionals proving that the most ... Views: 697
Recent studies have revealed some astonishing results in weight loss for women. According to these results there is a wonderful link with vegetarian diets for weight loss and women.
In these studies the results revealed a substantial difference among the overall health and weight between women ... Views: 642
If you have been suffering from painful bouts with gout you might be considering asking your doctor to prescribe you something for the pain. It is important that you are aware of some possible drug interactions.
There are also some medications that can cause your gout to become aggravated. ... Views: 4728
Are you tired of that extra body fat keeping you from wearing that slinky black dress when you go out on the town? Is it time for you to lose a little weight to feel better about yourself? Rapid weight loss for women does not have to be as much of a chore as you might think.
Although it would ... Views: 659
If you are in the market looking for a proven weight loss diets, you will likely come across several that claim their product will reveal the results you desire. The more you look into the different products you might even begin to realize not too much is similar, so how do they work?
Fad diets ... Views: 517
The hardest part of losing weight is keeping the desire, drive and motivation. Safe effective weight loss does not have to be as much of a burden that it often becomes.
It is important that you realize the ‘quick fix’ and ‘fad diets’ will give results, however they are ... Views: 605
For the most part when no matter how good your intentions are when you begin a diet, it is rare to actually have the motivation to stick with it. Many of your friends and family members will have tips and suggestions to help you lose weight which can often be quite confusing because many of the ... Views: 2758
It's amazing the myriads upon myriads of methods we find in today's world giving advice as to how we can cut our body fat percentage down, safely. Both men and women desire a leaner waist, rock-hard abs and a tighter tush. Sadly, many try to accomplish this with unhealthy diets and harmful ... Views: 1203
When you begin looking for the best diet plan to bring you to your goal weight, you will likely come across some pretty wild ideas and suggestions. From fad diets to high protein diet meal plans and virtually everything in between.
This article is going to focus on the pros and cons of high ... Views: 1277
Many people do not realize they can actually lose the weight they want and still eat food that tastes good. All you want to do is take of a few of those unwanted pounds but still eat food that doesn’t taste like cardboard. It is important when choosing a fat loss diet that you try one that ... Views: 616
When you have decided that losing weight is what you want to do you have to make a commitment. Commit to a healthier lifestyle and yourself. Learning how to lose weight quickly is not difficult, the difficult part is putting your knowledge to work. Below you will find a few suggestions on how to ... Views: 591