Many men and woman have had the misfortune of dealing with the agonizing pain of passing a kidney stone. If you have not had to deal with the excruciating pain, you are one of the lucky ones!
To make matters much worse for those that have had kidney stones, there is an 80% chance that they ... Views: 3812
High blood pressure can be managed by dietary intake and lifestyle. If we can control high blood pressure, chances are that we will lessen the risk of heart attack, stroke, kidney problems, and other complications related to the excretory and the cardiovascular systems.
In order to do this, we ... Views: 1234
It is not unlikely that you may develop the disease called Gastroesphogeal Reflux Disease or acid reflux. As a matter-of-fact, one out of every 10 adults may develop the condition in a lifetime.
GERD is a chronic digestive disorder that damages the lining of the esophagus. The symptoms of acid ... Views: 4022
Gout occurrences in certain individuals may be attributed to their kidney conditions. Uric acids found in purines are generally excreted out of the system and are not expected to be totally absorbed by the body. Uric acid levels are not wholly dependent in the amounts of purine rich food that ... Views: 909
In order to successfully manage or even cure this condition, you must first know the foods to avoid for acid reflux. Because making the wrong food choice is the major ingredient for developing acid reflux, eating a healthy diet is critical.
Research indicates that 1 out of every 10 adults will ... Views: 1514
During the start of the century in 1900, the most common causes of death were mostly communicable diseases which later on were addressed and cured by medical science. The elimination of these diseases in our midst somehow doubled the life expectancy of humanity. What can be quite interesting is ... Views: 1082
Gout inflammation occurs when the immunity system recognizes the crystalline uric acids as foreign bodies to be attacked. Different people have different ways of experiencing inflammation discomfort.
While some may experience gout pain by intermittent flashes of attack, some sufferers on the ... Views: 26655
Type 1 diabetes is also known as "juvenile diabetes" because it typically appears during childhood or adolescence.Typical in the treatment of all diabetic patients, the initial concern in the type 1 diabetes treatment is to maintain blood sugar near the normal level to delay or prevent any ... Views: 756
Anyone that is suffering from a kidney stone or knows someone that is, needs to read this article. Through trial and error we have found the best tips available for the removal of kidney stones. One of these tips are meant to redirect you from medical attention. You should always seek the advice ... Views: 950
Research indicates that 1 out of every 10 adults will suffer from a disease called acid reflux in their lifetime. Also known as Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD); the condition occurs when the acidic liquid content of the stomach travels back into the esophagus.
The symptoms can become ... Views: 637
Acid reflux disease is a common condition that causes damage to the esophagus. The effects of the disease (also referred to as GERD) have great potential to be painful and ongoing. Although most healthcare professionals initially prescribe drugs to slow down the progression of the effects, acid ... Views: 740
Gastroesophageal Reflux (GERD), more commonly known as acid reflux is a condition that directly affects the esophagus. The esophagus becomes inflamed when the liquid content of the stomach builds up in the organ.
Surprisingly enough, the severity of the condition ultimately depends on you. To ... Views: 945
The average normal adult blood pressure is 120 systolic and 80 diastolic or simply stated as 120 over 80 in millimeters of mercury (mmHg) or 120/80 mmHg. Every individual varies in his or her blood pressure level.
The blood pressure reading mentioned above may be used as a reference in ... Views: 1128
Although blood pressure is the result of different factors, the common denominator is extreme salt and the improper balance of potassium and sodium. These two are the major electrolytes of the body in the production of energy, nerve conduction, cell integrity, to name a few. They are the ... Views: 7494
Unknown to many, unprocessed, or natural foods already contain sodium chloride sufficient enough for our body’s needs, hence, obtaining salt through natural food is not a problem. It is with the intake of processed foods that our body gets to encounter sodium chloride content that causes high ... Views: 950
In order to control high blood pressure, you have to control your weight. This is based on statistics that almost 30 percent of people with high blood pressure can be cured by losing weight.
An additional fat will need blood capillaries measuring a length of about 5 miles longer, hence, ... Views: 1167
Kidneys affect high blood pressure due to certain imbalances while in the process of cleansing our body of about 50 gallons of fluid daily. Any imbalance will cause the filtering units of the kidneys called nephrons, to exert more effort than what is normally required.
The nephrons will also ... Views: 680
Hormones are the chemical messengers of the body since they release certain cells that affect tissues, muscles, and organ cells. Hormones influence blood pressure, like in the case of our kidneys where the hormonal imbalance of insulin leads to a diabetic disorder that progresses with high blood ... Views: 1142
Managing type 2 diabetes is concerned in lowering the blood sugar level by strictly following the planned diet by the dietitian and through regular exercise. Usually, an initial oral medication may suffice to correct the insulin defficiency. Since type 2 diabetes is progressive in nature, ... Views: 682
A large amount of the food we consume is transformed into glucose (sugar) during the digestion process. The glucose travels in the bloodstream and is expected to be absorbed by the body to provide sustenance and energy for the body.
If the pancreas fails in its insulin production, the glucose ... Views: 646
Gestational diabetes is one of the three types of diabetes, aside from type 1 and type 2. This afflicts non-diabetic pregnant women during the fifth or sixth month of pregnancy (weeks 24 and 28) and the symptoms are not usually specific and typically the same with that of other diabetes.
As the ... Views: 627
Cystine kidney stones are unique because they are the part of the traits we inherited from the genes of our parents or from someone who carried such genes down to the family line.
What a person inherits is the poor ability to transport an amino acid product called cystine to different parts of ... Views: 817
What does a woman do if she finds out that she has kidney stones and her pregnancy is almost full term?
Kidney stones and pregnancy often meet during the last phases of a woman’s pregnant condition. Besides, statistics show that only 1 out of 1,500 pregnant women develop stones during her ... Views: 817
The number of gout victims nowadays is quite significant. The main suspect? The food that people include in their diet; the food we guzzle is a big factor to our health. If you are therefore a victim of gout, you need to follow a strict diet for gout sufferers.
However, the problem with the ... Views: 1970
Today, almost all types of disorders have drug based treatment and a corresponding natural remedy. In fact, natural remedies are giving some pharmaceutical companies a run for their money, since they are now more popular.
The gout disorder is one of those disorders where sufferers would much ... Views: 1079
With the financial difficulties that hover around us due to the rising cost of commodities, it is only normal to look for gout natural treatment. Aside from the use of organic materials that are harvested from nature's bounty, gout natural treatment is free from radical side effects brought by ... Views: 1155
You have reached your goal weight, you are finally happy with the way you look in your clothes, so what is the next step? Actually, the next step is to continue the steps that got you this far. Long term weight loss success is continuing to work for what you want. If you want to stay looking the ... Views: 662
If you walk down the street and ask fifty people if they have an area that they want to lose weight, more than likely at least half of them would give you one location or another.
Targeted fat loss has been something people have been looking for a way to achieve for many years. The issue at ... Views: 667
If you are looking for a magic pill that is going to shed your weight for you, let me know when you find it! It is important that you are losing weight in a healthy fashion.
Following some of the popular trend or fad diets can prove to cause more harm to your overall health than the few extra ... Views: 1778
For a large number of individuals, they suffer from chronic kidney stones. There are some people that only have one unfortunate bout with kidney stones, but for the rest, they live a fairly long period of their lives suffering from the agonizing pain that is associated with chronic kidney ... Views: 1202
It is almost common knowledge that when a person suffers from kidney stones, he or she is in a great deal of pain. Although kidney stones are often linked to genetics, your diet can also be a factor. It has been proven that in many cases diet and kidney stones can be linked together.
Here are ... Views: 813
It is important that kidney stones are removed from the body as soon as possible. The longer they are in the body the bigger they become. As they increase in size the discomfort will increase. This can also cause a greater risk for needing surgery to remove the kidney stones from the body.
In ... Views: 827
If you're a person afflicted with diabetes mellitus, a team approach in your treatment would be the best way to handle your affliction. Your doctor, a certified dietitian, a licensed nurse, health care professional and diabetes educator should work hand in hand to have a systematic approach in ... Views: 639
High blood pressure is widely known as the “silent killer”. Statistics have it that out of the fifty million Americans afflicted with hypertension or high blood pressure, only an estimated of thirty million had proper diagnosis.
In fact, most of those who were diagnosed did not visit their ... Views: 1098
Based on medical studies, it is said that smoking tobacco or cigarettes can cause your blood pressure level to increase by 5 to 10 mm Hg during the day. It is actually the systolic blood pressure that is largely affected since the systolic blood pressure count increases by at least 20 mm Hg. ... Views: 767
Based on statistics, 3 percent to 5 percent of pregnant women suffer gestational diabetes. This type of diabetes is related to the insulin resistance in type 2 diabetes as far as the need for proper diet and exercise is concerned.
Due to her pregnancy, the pregnant woman is less mindful of her ... Views: 817
Type 2 diabetes is often associated with obesity and the insulin concern is either the insufficiency of its production or the lack of response by the body cells to insulin functions.
Hence, treatments involve the implementation of a proper diet, enough exercise, and drug medication. However, ... Views: 668
Acid Reflux or GERD is a severe digestive condition that affects 1 out of every 10 adults in their lifetime. The disease is obviously very common, yet often goes untreated.
If treated, it is generally treated with the use of drugs which does not cure the problem. The drug treatment only ... Views: 702
Recent technology aimed on how to dissolve kidney stones are already available in some hospitals. Thanks to various medical practitioners whose purpose is to ease the pain of the sufferers, giving rise to modern equipment on how to dissolve kidney stones effectively.
Kidney stones are ... Views: 1028
Kidney stones start out as minute pieces of crystals, formed out of insoluble salt and minerals known as oxalates, which the kidney was not able to excrete through its urine. Often times, this may be due to lack of water intake to keep the stones soluble enough to be washed out.
The treatment ... Views: 864
Living a healthy life is keeping away from any kidney stones disease. This is not accomplished overnight but by maintaining healthy eating habits and healthy lifestyle in order to avoid it.
Kidney stones are formed when the mineral deposits in the body hardened in the kidney. There is the ... Views: 782
Being aware of the symptoms of high blood pressure and its causes are the best tools we can have in order to avoid high blood pressure. We can deter its debilitating effects if we know its causes before the symptoms of high blood pressure takes place.
The common symptoms of high blood pressure, ... Views: 1054
People develop hypertension or high-blood pressure for several reasons. It may be in the genes or due to a kidney disorder as well as stress related factors. The most common causes however are due to dietary intakes that result to excessive salt in our body. Excessive salt intakes will result to ... Views: 1646
If you are afflicted by the diabetes disease, chances are you will spend the rest of your life coping on how to control the dreaded disease. A person has diabetes if the blood sugar level is higher than the normal level.
Diabetes are categorized into three types namely: type 1, type 2 and ... Views: 630
In order to avoid long-term complications such as amputation, blindness and damage to the different body organs, diabetes management is a serious undertaking that every afflicted person should handle. The objective is to maintain the blood sugar level within the bounds of the standard level and ... Views: 554
So much has been said and written about home remedies for gout, it may often lead people into confusion as to what is true and what is not. Let us tackle some matters about gout and separate each fact from the fallacy:
1. There are no definite home remedies for gout to prevent gout ... Views: 2518
We have often concentrated our attention in the kind of gout foods to avoid. Avoidance of purine-rich food is often touted as the most effective way to prevent the formation of uric crystals that cause gout pains.
Is purine really that bad? In what other ways does purine affect our health? ... Views: 1092
It seems as though acid reflux disease is becoming more popular and common over the past ten years or so. With such a drastic increase in the number of individuals diagnosed with having acid reflux, testing has also become more popular. However, there is not just one acid reflux test, doctors ... Views: 2375
Whether you are a person that has been diagnosed with acid reflux or you are researching it for a friend, we will hopefully be able to clarify some of the questions you might have in regards to the food for acid reflux that you can eat and the foods that you should avoid eating.
Unfortunately, ... Views: 1557
Suffering from acid reflux is not necessary. Did you know that you can control your acid reflux symptoms, for the most part? Use your diet for acid reflux control, take back your life and let go of the discomforts of acid reflux. Here are 4 tips that you should use to control your acid reflux ... Views: 565