As an author you have some amazing opportunities if you know how to optimize your position. Beyond being an author is to become a bestselling author.
There are many lists that one can make it on to become a bestseller. One of the ways I really enjoy and recommend to my clients is to utilize ... Views: 1064
Many experts enhance their product offerings with high quality services. Regardless of what you make available to your market, you need to take one very important step. Before you invest time, money or effort into product development make sure you understand the needs of your market. You must ... Views: 978
I don't know of anyone doing online marketing and selling online who isn't looking for ways to establish their credibility with potential clients and customers. With all the fluff and hype, it is more important than ever to position your expertise.
One of the most effective methods for you to ... Views: 1069
Today’s consumer is flooded with messages attempting to grab their attention and place a particular product or service first and foremost in their minds. Methods of advertising that may have been effective in the past are, in many cases, actually counterproductive. The sad truth is that many ... Views: 1181
When became a professional speaker nearly 16 years ago something I heard over and over from seasoned speakers was to develop product. These sage words made a huge difference in the success of my business. Why? Because no matter what is happening with the economy having various information ... Views: 1177
Teleconferences, also known as teleseminars, are fast becoming one of the most valuable strategies you can use to increase your market position, your lead generation list and your profit margins. You can quickly become known as an expert in both your field and market through the power of ... Views: 978
"I'm willing... I'm ready... I'm available to more good than I have ever imagined or experienced at any time in my life." What a fantastic affirmation. I first heard this particular affirmation a few days ago while listening to one of the CDs in the Life Visioning series by Reverend Michael ... Views: 1019
Many people hold the belief that sales and marketing has to be pushy. Nothing could be further from the truth. Sales and marketing is about making people aware of what you offer and creating the opportunity for people to make a decision based on their wants and needs.
If you believe in what ... Views: 1275
“I’m not making any money!” comes the frustrated battle cry. “It’s easy for you, but I have not figured out how to make this thing work!” Recently, lots of people who have been trying to make money online are likely chanting these statements. Yet others are chanting, “Great times! Great times! ... Views: 1185
Far too often solopreneurs try to do everything themselves in their business. There is a misguided train of thought that if you do all the work yourself you are saving money. The fact is you may be costing yourself and your business if you try to be a "Jack/Jill of all trades".
Granted, when ... Views: 1006
Every day, hopeful men and women join the ranks of those who want to build a successful business on the Internet or by using the Internet. What begins out as "stars in their eyes" may soon turn to tears in their eyes. The sad truth is, most will fail. It's not for lack of desire but rather that ... Views: 1107
As a writer, one of the most important things you can do is write. Yet, many people complain that they just don’t have time to write.
A closer look at how they are using their day may explain why. It’s likely they are not setting writing as a priority and/or they are wasting precious time in ... Views: 1155
According to Statistic Brain only 8% of the 45% of those in the United States who set New Year’s Resolutions will achieve them. Most give up on their resolutions within the first 30 days.
Why is this? It’s simple. We forget about our big why.
Is there something you absolutely want to ... Views: 1098
In the time I’ve been in business and coaching others there are four phrases I’ve heard over and over that, quite seriously, are holding people back.
1. I don’t know what to do. Okay, so you don’t know what to do. What are you going to do about it? The difference between those who succeed and ... Views: 1334
When it comes to writing a book, there are those who write simply for the pleasure of writing, those who write to make money and those who write for both the pleasure and profit.
It may seem like all authors want to make a profit, but this is not always the case. However, for the purpose of ... Views: 1800
Those who are making a living by way of the Internet are always on the lookout for ways to increase their visibility. The more visibility one has that builds market recognition, the more likely an expert's credibility will increase.
Gaining visibility is actually quite simple, but not always ... Views: 1135
Are you looking for cost-effective marketing strategies? Look no further. The following three strategies have proven extremely effective for countless businesses and they can for you.
1) Press Releases
Very effective method of gaining visibility and credibility when published. You must ... Views: 1141
“As human beings we don’t lack for things. We lack an appreciation of things. For instance, how often do we notice, much less appreciate, the natural beauty that is there to be seen in our life – a bird singing high atop a telephone pole, a flower growing through the crack in a concrete ... Views: 1125
Most authors want to sell books, but many never will. At least not more than a handful. The #1 way to sell books is to get yours to stand out from the millions of others that are out there.
Below are 10 very easy to implement "stand out" ideas.
1. Article marketing
One of the oldest ... Views: 1203
Recently someone asked me what I think the #1 rule of affiliate marketing is. Actually, there’s more than one top rule, but here’s top of the list.
#1 RULE: Pay your affiliates what you owe them when you owe them. Nothing can sour an affiliate relationship faster than you owing someone money ... Views: 1299
Has the thought of being in the movies ever appealed to you? Dreamed of having your own television show? Want to be seen by hundreds, thousands, and even millions of viewers? If you said yes, then video is for you.
Video is one of the hottest marketing tools around. Not only is it great for ... Views: 1582
How often have you said, “Today’s the day!” regarding something you are committed to changing. Yet, by day’s end you either didn’t do what you said you would do or you did something that directly sabotaged your success?
Unfortunately, this happens more times than not. Whether it be to eat ... Views: 1499
I work with speakers and authors who, more times than not, have the dream of “making it big.”
Making it big means different things to different people, but for most it means having a national, or international, audience, being a featured guest on major radio, television or podcast shows, ... Views: 1078
Recently I offered an open, hop on the phone line, Q&A session. It was on a Saturday and I made myself available for two hours to answer as many questions about building your business as possible during that time.
To encourage people to get on the line I announced the call would not be ... Views: 1311
According to Statistic Brain only 8% of the 45% of those in the United States who set New Year’s Resolutions will achieve them. Most give up on their resolutions within the first 30 days.
Why is this? It’s simple. We forget about our big why.
Is there something you absolutely want to ... Views: 1350
Recently one of my premier clients was invited to write a monthly article for a highly visible online magazine specific to her market.
The magazine is extremely well known, has a huge readership and is definitely a feather in my client’s cap.
These type of opportunities are huge and can ... Views: 762
For years I “pounded the pavement” looking for opportunity. I tried just about everything; except one thing; being myself.
What I discovered was this; as long as I tried to be someone other than who I am, my success was always an arms distance away.
Are you trying to be someone you’re not? ... Views: 1277
Recently someone asked me what I think the #1 rule of affiliate marketing is. Actually, there’s more than one top rule, but here’s top of the list.
#1 RULE: Pay your affiliates what you owe them when you owe them. Nothing can sour an affiliate relationship faster than you owing someone money ... Views: 1202
In a recent conversation with a colleague of mine the topic of business integrity came up. Actually, I’ve had this type of conversation many times during the nearly 20 years I’ve been in business.
It seems in some circles the word integrity means something completely different than in other ... Views: 1427
Most mornings I check discussions on a few of my favorite groups on LinkedIn and Facebook. Today the discussion of blogging was posted on one of my writer’ groups.
“Do you blog? On what?” were two questions posted on a Facebook Group. The woman who posted wasn’t sure what to write about. ... Views: 1390
One of the most rewarding elements of having an online business is the opportunity to communicate with men and women around the globe. There are a number of ways this can be done:
•Simple email messages
•Social marketing
•Information products ... Views: 1137
One of the most important aspects of running a business, any business, is keeping your customer in mind. As obvious as these sounds, not everyone does it.
A business cannot sustain itself without keeping the customer/client in the forefront. One way to fully serve your customers is with ... Views: 1177
One of the areas I specialize in is the creation and development of information products. If they don't know it when they first come to me, within a short period of time my clients learn the importance of packaging their knowledge into information products.
Once developed the need to ... Views: 1111
Most people have heard they should build an opt-in list. This is true.
But it’s not just any list. Your greatest results come from building a targeted and responsive list.
You will be in a better position to put sales on autopilot when you do. The best way to build your list is have a ... Views: 1233
Years ago many consultants, speakers and authors taught that we must work on our weaknesses in order to succeed. Then there was the period where we were told to only focus on our strengths.
The fact is, we must know both our strengths and weaknesses in order to fully position our offerings ... Views: 1355
It’s one thing to know our own strengths and weaknesses in business. It is also important to know the same about your competitors.
Unfortunately, many entrepreneurs don’t take the time to find out about their competitors until it is too late. Knowing your competitors’ strengths and weaknesses ... Views: 1142
One of the most important steps you need to take in your business in order to fully serve your market is knowing your customers problems, concerns and worries. You must be able to answer this question, “What keeps my customers awake at night?”
In addition, you must understand their dreams and ... Views: 1035
The ability to gain and maintain market share can be increasingly challenging for many professionals. There are numerous reasons for this; competition, the cost of doing business, being viewed as an expert and knowing how to stand apart from the crowd.
An excellent way to position yourself or ... Views: 1797
“Necessity is the mother of invention!” The first time I heard this was nearly twenty years ago when I was introduced to Tony Robbins’ material. I have to admit, the first time I heard this it didn’t quite register.
However, nearly three decades later, it makes all the sense in the world. In ... Views: 1343
If you’re an author, speaker, coach or consultant, it’s likely you know how important it is to market your products and services. The challenge for many professionals is not only what to do, but how to do it. Additionally, knowing what is a wise investment in their marketing and what is not. ... Views: 1035
When I moved from Utah to Oregon nearly seven years ago I had the opportunity to experience marketing from a powerful perspective: a consumer in need of numerous products and services. As I settled in, I realized what an incredible opportunity this is for countless businesses to increase ... Views: 1087
Trends come and go. One day something’s hot, the next it’s not. Lately there’s been talk by millions of people about the law of attraction; think about what you want and it will manifest. Every month millions of dollars are spent on books, CDs, seminars, trainings and coaching sessions teaching ... Views: 551
Using the Internet as part of your marketing mix can bring with it interesting challenges; a primary one being the amount of competition for the reader’s attention. For the sake of this article I want to talk about two primary types of Internet buyers.
There is the impulse buyer looking for ... Views: 1053
Have you heard people talk about how slow business is right now? Read virtually any newspaper, watch newscasts, listen to commentaries and you’ve likely been exposed to the “business is slow” conversations. Millions of people are holding daily conversations about how slow things are.
On the ... Views: 1514
Many people think marketing is only about getting word out about your product or service. There's more, much more, to marketing. In most cases you must also establish yourself as an expert. With competition for the consumer’s dollars at an all time high, there are some very simple strategies you ... Views: 1072
Knowing your market is essential to your business success. Understanding demographics enables you to do incredibly targeted marketing.
The demographics of your market are their geographic location, age, gender, family status, income, buying behavior, buying preferences, etc. Analyzing the ... Views: 1661
The best way to influence people’s buying choices is to offer something they can only get if they work with you or buy your product or those you recommend. What is your expertise? What sets you apart from others? And why should prospects choose you over your competition? This is a portion of ... Views: 1219
Ask most people what marketing is and they will give you the steps and strategies of marketing for an answer.
There’s more to marketing than the mechanics. One very important part of marketing is the energy of marketing.
Energy marketing is an energetic connection with your marketing and ... Views: 984
Anyone who has been marketing online for any period of times knows you have to use many different methods to achieve a solid outcome. Most everything will fall into two primary categories; push marketing and pull marketing.
Online push marketing is literally “pushing” information to your ... Views: 1383
One of the primary reasons most entrepreneurs won’t achieve the highest level of success in their business is their lack of effective marketing.
One of the most important types of marketing you need to learn is pull marketing.
As the name implies, pull marketing is persuading consumers ... Views: 1325