I have written so many articles on everything in this title it's almost crazy. And so have most other business coaches.
Why? Because it's just that important.
Think about it. How will you design a website, even a one page website, if you don't know who you are talking to or what you're ... Views: 959
I used to think there was. I used to think that everyone slowed down in the summer and picked up again in the fall. But over the years I have changed my tune on that.
The good news is that so many people really believe in the 'summer slump' that they in many ways just stop working on their ... Views: 973
I wonder how many of you even know. I'll bet a lot of you don't know. Or you kind of know but not really.
It's vitally important for you to know.
For some of you, if you have a more 'elaborate' retirement planned (lots of travel etc) you will need more than someone who has very simple ... Views: 1440
Seriously, this is something you really need to add to your business if you have not already. I have done so many of these myself and I love them!
There are many people who use these two terms, VIP and VRD, as being the same. I see them differently.
I see a VIP day as being with one person ... Views: 1023
First of all let me say, there is nothing wrong with being a volunteer!! I have volunteered a lot in my life and always will. Right now I am a Disaster Mental Health volunteer for the Red Cross and I am Program Chair for a non profit for women divorced and/or widowed. I put a lot of time and ... Views: 986
As with any remodeling or moving you are in a position to make decisions for what to keep and what to purge. I have purged A LOT and ARC and Goodwill are very happy with me.
That said, I have also saved some things. Closets were filled with prom dresses, ski jackets, other kinds of jackets ... Views: 1594
My daughters (Emily just turned 30 (EEEKKK) and 27 years) have been bugging me for years that I needed new carpet upstairs. And they were correct. But the thing was, I wasn't ready. I wasn't ready emotionally nor financially.
It meant remodeling the master bath, the girls bath, painting ... Views: 1059
I realize that's a pretty bold title but I am serious about this.
Attempting to build a business only doing things on-line will be like taking that "Slow boat to China"
I know it feels hard. You know it feels hard, but do it anyway.
Most people don't pick up the phone, which is why it ... Views: 986
The goal here is not to make things complicated, but keep them simple. KISS.
There are lots of secrets to your success but I will highlight only 3.
Be very clear and honest about your value. If you aren't clear yourself you will never be able to demonstrate this to potential clients. When ... Views: 1000
No matter what month it is, you have the opportunity to make your business better and stronger every day. You know it is in your own hands, right? Yes, it is totally your responsibility. This is not something you can blame on others. I know because I tried to do that!! It did not work. Bottom ... Views: 985
Do you want thousands of highly qualified people in your network? Of course you do!
Do you have something to offer people that they really, truly want? That’s the ticket right there.
Keep in mind it’s about giving people what they want, not what you think they need. You can give them what ... Views: 931
Just for the record, even extroverts don’t always like to Network!
One of the best tips I think I can give you is go to a networking event with a purpose in mind. If you enter the room with no purpose it could feel very daunting and you may find yourself just wandering around ... Views: 1000
It certainly could! That piece is totally up to you.
With fall dancing around and teasing us with its hint of cooler weather, trees turning yellow and orange (and we had snow last week, not much but snow none the less, there are many opportunities at hand.
Many of you have been cocooning ... Views: 1072
It hardly seems possible that it's almost mid-September.
I don't think I really was paying much attention until all the stores are selling school supplies, and then I took notice. School? Already?
Yup, our street will be really quiet with all the kiddos back in class.
That also means ... Views: 1303
You have heard this many times before but we all need to be doing more launches! And I can honestly say I have done more than enough launches that have failed. Which in the end means I didn't get the sign ups I was hoping for. Clearly something was missing from my process.
Let's go through ... Views: 1017
Sadly, most women will answer 'yes'. That said, you have more control over your financial situation than you probably think. And if you don't think you have any control then it's time to be proactive and take some action. This is your life. This is your future.
I know how easy it is to be ... Views: 1384
If you don't have more than one revenue stream please read this article carefully!
By having only one income stream you are putting yourself in financial danger.
Let's say you just work on 1-1 with clients. What happens when times get slow, like in the summer or holidays? Where will your ... Views: 866
How would you describe your home office? Neat, tidy and organized? Chaos?
I can honestly say my home office is often less than stellar. It's a project I am working on as I write this to you. I don't care how long this takes me; I am going to create my home office to be a place I really want ... Views: 1225
None of us goes through life without any grief or loss. And it can stop us in our tracks when it does happen. And death is a part of the Circle of Life, so why is it so hard?
For me, even though my husband had been so very sick for so many years, it still comes almost as a shock. While he was ... Views: 1170
You have spent all this time and energy to create a product or service and now you are ready to put it out to the world.
It's easy to think, oh no, this is going to be more work than creating the product in the first place!
Don't scare yourself that way. I am going to give you some step- ... Views: 1084
The good news is you are around long enough to be aging! (As 'they' say, it beats the alternative.)
As I age I notice older people around me and how they live their lives, and it's fascinating!
Some of you live your life to its fullest, some of you act older than you need to and sadly, ... Views: 1161
How are you at setting goals for yourself? You all know how important goal setting is. At least I assume you do! But there is one part in that you set goals for yourself, personal and professional.
And then there is that other piece which is the tough part and that is following through and ... Views: 1186
Yes, this is possible but you have to take the right steps and do them in order. Now, you could probably do those out of order and do okay, but why settle for okay?
Do you know who your Ideal Client is? When you are asked that scary question of “What do you do?” do you have a good, solid ... Views: 1386
If you have had your own business for some time now, you have probably heard about the power of Joint Ventures.
We hear all the time that being a Lone Ranger is a long, slow and painful path to a successful and thriving business. And even though you may know that, it's amazing how many of you ... Views: 1066
What is your tradition for family meals during the holidays? Do you have one? I bring this up because, as a Licensed Clinical Social Worker for 23 years in private practice, I've heard it all: from great times to grim times.
When you think of gathering everyone together, do you cringe? I am ... Views: 1206
You all know that networking is an extremely important part of owning your own business. That said, it doesn't mean you relish the thought of doing so.
It means getting dressed and looking nice so you make a good impression on people. You have maybe 10 seconds to make an impression and if ... Views: 1183
Networking is a requirement if you have your own business. I mean, it's not a law in the legal sense, but it almost should be.
Here is Secret #1: Be consistent.
Your networking needs to be consistent. That means you have several groups that you attend on a regular basis.
It may be ... Views: 1306
Does that sentence ever run through your head? I can tell you the honest truth that this is exactly what I am feeling right now. Here I sit trying to write something you will find interesting, fulfilling and maybe even fun. But my mind is blank and feels like mush! So, I thought I'd write about ... Views: 1073
Poor titles will keep you poor. Now, that's a pretty powerful statement isn't it?
It really doesn't matter how good you are, the first thing that people read or hear is your title. It will immediately get them to click to get more information or they will simply delete.
You might have the ... Views: 1268
If this is you, you are certainly not alone. I am an extrovert and I don't relish the thought of networking events either! I love being around lots of people, but networking is like a party with a purpose. The purpose is to meet new people or connect with those you already know. You might go ... Views: 1216
Any entrepreneur or small business owner knows how important it is to be accountable. Are you accountable to yourself, accountable to your business and, at times, accountable to others? It is the same as simply being responsible and answerable.
You hear this term more and more often it seems. ... Views: 1077
This is a really, truly important question that you should know the answer to. Do you?
You know how often I talk about Niche. And you know how I believe it's so important.
You also probably know, if you have known me for any length of time, how important it is to know who your Ideal Client ... Views: 1116
I know you are committed at least on some level or you wouldn't even be reading this article. But seriously, how committed are you to make your business really be a success?
By being successful I mean how much money are you really making (and keeping) and how many people are you helping?
I ... Views: 1113
I read a lot about the lives of women after 50. Being one myself and even though I am a business coach, clearly there are other things going on for us. One of them is our retirement. It's frightening out there and most women do not feel confident. How are you going to support yourself in your ... Views: 1281
It certainly could! That piece is totally up to you. With spring dancing around and teasing us with its hint of warmer weather, green grass and flowers, there are many opportunities at hand.
Many of you have been cocooning in your warm house with the fireplace going which is fine and ... Views: 1087
I talk a lot about building a business around your life. I do so because I think it's so darn important. As women after 50 we have probably raised our children but we may still have aging parents who need our help. As in the title of this article, it certainly does take faith, action and the ... Views: 1145
Can you really build your business around your life? I believe you can. Do you believe that? You hear that all the time but is it really a reality? It depends, of course, on many things.
Do you work for someone else? If you do, and most of all do at some point, usually in the beginning of our ... Views: 1155
My motto is Simple & Elegant and I try to run my business that way, as well as my life.
It can be very frightening starting an on-line coaching business, or any business for that matter. But please don't let that get in your way. Sure, there are steps you need to take but if you do them one ... Views: 1268
Here we are, where we were last year and the year before and where we will be next year. I know that's a mouthful but it's true!
Every year at this time we take a look back to the past year and see how we can make this year better. Even if last year was a great year, we can also do it better ... Views: 1019
I had some real plans for how to spend my less busy time during the holidays. From December 19th to January 1st I only had 1 client each week. Wow. Certainly different than my usual week!
Here are some of the things I accomplished and feel really good about. If any of these actions look like ... Views: 1422
So many coaches I work with are so darn creative I am constantly impressed. And I consider myself creative too. But did you know there can be a downside to that creativity?
Speaking for myself, and I also know from other coaches that I have worked with over the years, we can get too caught up ... Views: 1131
You work so hard getting a product or service ready that you know everyone is going to want... but no one is buying!
We have all been there. I know I have been there and it's not a fun place to be.
You love your clients and the others on your list, in your data base. You even asked them to ... Views: 1044
I know that sounds a bit dramatic but I know sometimes its daunting to look into next year. Or maybe it seems daunting every year! You always hear people say how important the planning is for the upcoming year but then it looks so huge in front of you sometimes.
How can I plan out 12 months? ... Views: 1172
So, you have finally decided to start your own on-line coaching business. Now what? To have a successful business, clearly you need clients. And I don't want you to get into overwhelm so I will make this really simple.
A strategy call is basically a free session you offer your potential ... Views: 1140
It seems like I have been in this situation too much lately. I know it's a seasonal thing often times. At the same time, it has felt like for the last few months or so I have been spinning, spinning and spinning some more. This is not to be whining. After all, it's what I have set up for myself. ... Views: 1155
Is there ever a bad time? I don't think so. And I also believe that if you ramp up your business your life will change and if you ramp up your life, your business with change. I really don't believe you can separate the two but for now I want to focus on your business.
It's the change of ... Views: 1174
I know you can't be a woman 'of a certain age' which is who I generally write for, and have never been stuck. This can be a time when you were stuck in your life or stuck in your business. Even the word 'stuck' has that 'uck' factor. Yuck. Muck. It happens to everyone. I don't know a person in ... Views: 1191
Isn't it grand being a woman?
In all my decades of years I don't think I have ever wanted to be man. (Well, except when I am hiking or skiing)
I think we are really special beings. I also believe we don't give ourselves enough credit when credit is due.
And what do we say when someone ... Views: 1565
If you haven't added teleseminars to your business yet, I think it's time that you do! They are easy to add to your existing business or if you are already doing them you can take them in a different direction, create products from them and much more.
One of the best parts about Teleseminars ... Views: 1148
-Because you need to.
-Because the statistics are very grim, very scary.
-You live 5 years on average, longer than men.
-You make less money than men, overall.
-You are much more likely to be poor.
-Most of the residents in nursing homes are women.
I know you have heard ... Views: 1189