"Nothing new can come into your life unless you open yourself up to being grateful." - Michael Beckwith
You've heard it all your life - Count your Blessings. Appreciate what you already have and watch it multiply before your eyes. What IS this phenomenon? Why is Appreciation so magical? Well, ... Views: 1937
"All you have to do is decide what you would like to experience, and then allow it in order to receive it." - Abraham-Hicks
According to the Law of Attraction, the manifestation process consists of three steps:
Step 1) You have a desire.
Step 2) Source says YES - every single ... Views: 2117
"Nothing is more important than that you feel good. When you feel good, you can create not only your ideal physical condition but everything else you desire in life." - Abraham-Hicks
If you're anything like me, you've been dieting most of your life, i.e., trying to deprive yourself of the ... Views: 1400
"The body is the servant of the mind." - James Allen
According to Dr. Candace Pert, "our mind literally creates our body." Therefore, if your mind has created the body you now have, it follows that your mind can create the body you would like to have. You can actually THINK your way to your ... Views: 2222
"And the universe is just a big Xerox machine. It simply produces multiple copies of your thoughts." - Neale Donald Walsch
According to the Law of Attraction, you're a giant magnet constantly attracting into your life whatever you think about. If you apply this understanding to weight loss, ... Views: 666
"The world we have created is a product of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking." - Albert Einstein
This wonderful quote from Albert Einstein clearly expresses a basic principle of the Law of Attraction and can be easily paraphrased and applied to the process of ... Views: 583
"We cannot change anything unless we accept it. Condemnation does not liberate, it oppresses." - Carl Jung
Are you very unhappy with the number you see when you step on the scales or the silhouette you see when you look in the mirror? Have you been very unhappy about your size for a very long ... Views: 694
"I am the greatest. I said that even before I knew I was." - Mohammed Ali
What do you expect? Do you expect to be able to eat whatever you like and not gain an ounce or do you expect to gain five pounds just walking past a bakery? With positive expectation of your perfect body, you attract ... Views: 583
"Now and then, it's good to pause in our pursuit of happiness and just be happy." - Guillaume Apollinaire
I'm about to tell you something very important. Here it is: If you want to lose weight because you think you'll be happy when you do, fugitaboutit! Beware of any "I'll be happy when..." ... Views: 812
"As you tell the story the way you want it to be, the Universe has to comply. It has to." - Abraham-Hicks
While listening to the Abraham-Hicks 2008 Mexican Cruise, I noticed a powerful theme running through the entire ten CD set - the concept of telling a new story for your life. Here's the ... Views: 4963
"Argue for your limitations and sure enough they're yours." - Richard Bach
Do you hear yourself saying - I want to lose weight, but...? Do you buy into these kinds of limiting beliefs? I want to lose weight, but it's too hard. I want to lose weight, but I would have to give up my favorite ... Views: 535
"How is it possible that a being with such sensitive jewels as the eyes, such enchanted musical instruments as the ears, and such a fabulous arabesque of nerves as the brain can experience itself as anything less than a god?" - Alan Watts
The human body is truly a magnificent machine. During ... Views: 2089
"The big question is whether you are going to be able to say a hearty YES to your adventure." - Joseph Campbell
You know, I think I get it. I think I finally get it that there's no one else out there saying YES or NO to our desires - no parents, bosses, spouses, no Universe, no God, no karma, ... Views: 767
"Nothing is more important than that you feel good. When you feel good, you can create not only your ideal physical condition but everything else you desire in life." - Abraham-Hicks
Every January for at least twenty years, I have dutifully sat down and written out a list of goals for the new ... Views: 743
"Self-confidence is the first requisite to great undertakings." - Samuel Johnson
As a child, I was quiet and shy and I thought Self-Confidence was something you either had or didn't have - like being tall or having red hair. Actually, I thought it was something that the "lucky" people had. ... Views: 875
"And so we came forth, and once again beheld the stars." - Dante Alighieri
Life Is Supposed to be Fun. Don't you just sort of KNOW that life is supposed to be fun? Isn't there a part of you deep inside that says - "Yeah, I know that's true. That resonates with the core of my being." When you ... Views: 2254
"Success requires first expending ten units of effort to produce one unit of results. Your momentum will then produce ten units of results with each unit of effort." - Charles J. Givens
Momentum - "The Big Mo" - is indeed magical. The front-runner in a political campaign is said to have ... Views: 1053
"It's as easy to create a castle as a button. It's just a matter of whether you're focused on a castle or a button." - Abraham-Hicks
The most basic principle of the Law of Attraction is to focus on what you want, not on what you don't want. As simple as that sounds, it's not always so easy to ... Views: 1754
Do you see yourself as beautiful / handsome? You can, you know. And you don't have to be a supermodel to do so. Seeing your beauty is a choice. Choosing to see your beauty and to love your appearance will actually make you more beautiful. What you focus on expands, remember? It's the Law of ... Views: 790
"If we really love ourselves, everything in our life works." - Louise Hay
Many people believe that if they get really mad at themselves and berate themselves for being overweight, they will be motivated to do something about it. If you've tried this approach, you know it doesn't work. It just ... Views: 825
Where is your financial thermostat set? Is it set way up high for wealth and abundance or way down low for "Not Enough?" Is it set for striving or thriving? The answer is easy. Just look at your life. Your thoughts and beliefs about money are reflected in precise detail in your environment. What ... Views: 3939
"Inside me lives a skinny woman crying to get out. But I can usually shut her up with cookies." - Anonymous
Is there a screaming banshee inside of you demanding, "GIVE ME LOTS OF VERY RICH FOOD AND NOBODY GETS HURT!"? Do you raid the fridge when you're not really hungry and eat in an effort ... Views: 739
"Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness." - Goethe
Over the years of studying and applying the Law of Attraction to make my dreams come true and supporting my clients to do the same, I have discovered an essential step in the attraction ... Views: 872
"Understanding your own guidance system is the only key to successful life in this physical experience." - Abraham-Hicks
Your emotions are guidance from Source to let you know when you're in the process of attracting what you want or what you don't want. Through your emotions, you can connect ... Views: 733
"When you trust, the current will carry you to all of the circumstances and events and experiences that you've been asking for." - Abraham-Hicks
Many years ago, my best friend pointed out to me that I didn't really trust anyone or anything. Although somewhat of an exaggeration, the truth of ... Views: 3830
"Meditation gives us peace of mind without a tranquilizer. And unlike a tranquilizer, the peace of mind that we get from meditation does not fade away." - Sri Chinmoy
Got stress? With the high levels of uncertainty and insecurity all around us these days, it seems like the perfect time to ... Views: 938
"Life is now. It's all right now. Everything is now." - Abraham-Hicks
A vibrational shift is happening on our planet these days. Movies such as The Secret, What the Bleep and You Can Heal Your Life are becoming mainstream. Millions of people across the globe are tuning in to Oprah's webcast ... Views: 1436
"Seize the moment. Remember all those women on the 'Titanic' who waved off the dessert cart." - Erma Bombeck
Dining is one of the most enjoyable activities we engage in and many of us have gotten so concerned about what we eat that we rarely if ever enjoy this wonderful activity. We eat food ... Views: 1746
"If you don't ask, you don't get." - Gandhi
Pssst! Over here! Wanna know how to get what you want in life? Ask for it! That's right, you've got to ask for it. The Law of Attraction promises that when you ask, it is always given. (1) You ask. (2) Source says YES. (3) You allow it in. Since ... Views: 667
"You can extract from that infinite storehouse within you everything you need in order to live life gloriously, joyously and abundantly." -- Joseph Murphy
The promise of the Law of Attraction is that you can be and do and have whatever you desire, right? Well, here's the fine print: You CAN ... Views: 1548
"Our body is really the product of our thoughts." - Dr. John Hagelin, Quantum Physicist
According to the Law of Attraction, you magnetize and attract to yourself whatever you focus on - whether you want it or not. If you think about and imagine yourself feeling exuberantly healthy, you're ... Views: 721
"Shower the people you love with love." - James Taylor
As most of us have experienced, relationships can bring us our greatest joys as well as our deepest sorrows. Relationships are such an integral part of our lives that the quality of our relationships often determines the overall quality ... Views: 1151
"If you would look for something to appreciate and make that your dominant vibration, you would live happily ever after and fulfill your reason for being." - Abraham-Hicks
In this article, I will reveal how you can unlock the Law of Attraction treasure chest. Interested?
After years of ... Views: 1665
"Would you tell me please, which way I ought to go from here?" asked Alice. "That depends a good deal on where you want to get to," replied the Cat. - Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland.
The term, Definite Chief Aim, comes from the success philosophy of Napoleon Hill - especially his landmark ... Views: 7533
"We want you to show yourself your power. We want you to remember who you are. We want you to remember that you are the creator of your own experience." -- Abraham-Hicks
How do you feel when someone says to you, "You know, you create your own reality." If you're looking at a reality you like, ... Views: 1739
"Life from inside the Vortex is sublime." - Abraham-Hicks
Like many of you, I've been listening to Abraham-Hicks talk about getting in the Vortex for some time now and, perhaps like many of you, I've been wondering: What IS the Vortex?and How Do I Get In? These questions and more are ... Views: 1928