"If you don't ask, you don't get." - Gandhi
Pssst! Over here! Wanna know how to get what you want in life? Ask for it! That's right, you've got to ask for it. The Law of Attraction promises that when you ask, it is always given. (1) You ask. (2) Source says YES. (3) You allow it in. Since asking is the first step in the manifestation process, let's take a good look at the Magic of Asking.
Most of us conclude from our childhood experiences whether we can have what we ask for or not. Then we spend the rest of our lives proving our thesis - one way or the other - self-fulfilling prophecy and all that. It's easy for a child who asks and receives to become an adult who asks and receives. And it's easy for a child who asks and does not receive to become an adult who doesn't even ask. But anyone, empowered by the knowledge that when you ask, it is always given, can begin confidently asking and joyfully receiving. Here are some tips to help you ask for what you want - and actually get it:
Ask with confidence and certainty. Inability to recognize failure, refusal to take NO for an answer, and zero tolerance for "impossible" helps you find the YES behind the NO. Example: When my mother-in-law's health failed, she was moved into an assisted living facility. Every day for two years, she said she wanted to go home. For two years, she refused to "listen to reason." As a result, a way was found for her to return home and live out her life in her own home with full-time care.
Ask with determination and persistence. View any rejection as getting you one step closer to your goal. Persistence can turn a NO into a YES. Example: As a kid, I enjoyed hearing my father tell the story of how he persisted in asking my mother for a second date. After a very enjoyable lunch date, he asked her out for the next night. She declined with some reason, so he asked her out for a couple of nights later. She declined with some other reason, so he asked for the third time and she declined with yet another reason. Believe it or not, he picked a fourth possible date night and she accepted. Yay, Dad!
Ask clearly and precisely. By asking specifically and unequivocally, you become a vibrational match to your desires and they manifest quickly and easily. Example: When my husband and I were buying our first house, we offered 15% less than the list price and asked the seller to pay ALL the closing costs. Although our realtor said it was "impossible" in that seller's market, the seller said YES and, with my husband's VA eligibility, we moved into our first home for free.
More ways to become a super-charged Asker: Stay focused on your desire. Watch expectantly for indications that it's coming. Refuse to give up. Stay positive. Greet small results with appreciation. Be open to the YES arriving in surprising ways, perhaps looking a bit different (even better) than you expected. With the Magic of Asking, there are no more missed opportunities, roads not taken, what-ifs, or might-have-beens.
Ask for what you want. Ask for the sale. Ask for a raise. Ask for help around the house. Ask for the job. Ask for a discount. Ask for a better interest rate. Ask for a date. Ask for a friend. Ask for a promotion. Ask to be of service. Ask. Ask. Ask. Then take the next step: See and feel and believe yourself already in possession of what you're asking for.
And, while you're doing all this Asking, remember to ask for assistance from Source. All the advice, guidance and help you could ever want or need is available to you at all times - completely free, absolutely correct and always tailor-made for YOU. Connect with Source to align with your desires and let in what you're asking for.
In this Universe of Well-Being, where you can manifest whatever you desire and allow, it's not necessary to give up or settle. The Universe has already said YES to all your desires. As magical as it sounds, that's the way the Universe is set up. So, make a strong declaration: "This is what I want and I'm not settling for less." With the Law of Attraction and the Magic of Asking, you become the conscious creator or your own precious life. All you have to do is ASK!
Kate Corbin is a Law of Attraction Life Coach and the creator of Gold Star Coaching. Both her coaching practice and her two ebooks - Dining at the Cosmic Cafe, How to Be and Do and Have Whatever You Desire as well as Think and Grow Thin with the Law of Attraction - are designed to empower you to truly live the life of your dreams. To contact Coach Kate, check out her books, and subscribe to her free ezine, Magical Musings, visit Gold Star Coaching.
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