"The world we have created is a product of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking." - Albert Einstein

This wonderful quote from Albert Einstein clearly expresses a basic principle of the Law of Attraction and can be easily paraphrased and applied to the process of weight loss. For example: The body you have created is a product of your thinking. It CAN be changed by changing your thinking. So how do you change your thinking?

If you've been unhappy about your weight for many years, you may find it difficult to change your thinking. You may find it difficult to avoid thinking negatively about a subject with this much charge on it. The following Easy Weight Loss Meditation is a powerful aid to increase your ability to change your thoughts about your body from what you don't want to what you do want. This Easy Weight Loss Meditation is offered to support you in changing your thinking about your body so you can see some real results NOW.

As you read the following words, allow yourself to FEEL THIN. Allow yourself to sink deeply into feelings of living in your ideal body and you will easily and naturally change your thinking about your body. As you enjoy a relaxing journey to your inner world, you will be guided to easily IMAGINE YOURSELF THIN.

EASY WEIGHT LOSS MEDITATION: I see and feel myself with great emotion in my ideal body. My only work is to relax and breathe, relax and breathe, relax and breathe. Every day I hold the vision of my ideal body, knowing I am in the process of creating it. My body is a remarkable thing. It is resilient and flexible and hearty. My body is made up of trillions of cells, each one holding the vision of its perfection. I am happy and eager and appreciative as I see myself in my ideal body. I reach for thoughts that feel good. And I continue to reach for thoughts that feel even better until I am in a place of fully allowing what I desire. I allow my ideal body to emerge. I appreciate my body. I see and feel myself with great emotion in my ideal body. I am the creator of my physical body. I can change the appearance, shape, and size of my body by desiring it with emotion and allowing it. I see myself as I want to be - in my ideal body, in a body that functions perfectly, that feels full of vitality, that looks the way I want it to look.

When I think and imagine and visualize with great emotion, I access the power of the Universe. I see myself in my ideal body with such clarity and with such belief that I know it's mine. As I focus on my ideal body with great emotion, I know it's mine. I see my body as I want it to be. I see and feel myself with great emotion in my ideal body and I know that the entire Universe is assisting me in the fulfillment of my desire. I see myself walking through life in my ideal body, dressed in flattering clothes, confident of my appearance, looking and feeling great. As I see myself in my ideal body, I know that I am gathering power from the Universe. I know that I am creating my ideal body with my thoughts and emotions. I see myself as I want to be. I clearly see myself in my ideal body. My body responds to the image I hold of myself and I feel so good knowing I am creating my ideal body.

As you enjoy this Easy Weight Loss Meditation on a daily basis and continue to imagine yourself thin and feel yourself living in your ideal body, you are literally creating your thin and fit body. Remember: The body you have created is a product of your thinking and it can be changed by changing your thinking. This Easy Weight Loss Meditation can help you change your thinking and create the body you truly desire.

Author's Bio: 

Kate Corbin is a Law of Attraction Life Coach and the creator of Gold Star Coaching. Both her coaching practice and her two ebooks - Dining at the Cosmic Cafe, How to Be and Do and Have Whatever You Desire as well as Think and Grow Thin with the Law of Attraction - are designed to empower you to truly live the life of your dreams. To contact Coach Kate, check out her books, and subscribe to her free ezine, Magical Musings, visit Gold Star Coaching.