Facial exercising is an alternative, holistic, non-traditional way to reduce and prevent the signs of aging through minimal efforts done once a day. Although results are not immediate, the early in life that facial exercises are begun, the less likely you are to show signs of aging throughout ... Views: 813
The face is the first thing that people see when you come into contact with them. Our face and skin are our biggest assets that produce our first impression. As we age, signs of deterioration show on our face and skin. Wrinkles, dryness, fine lines, sagging skin, and age spots are all signs that ... Views: 1944
There are over 100 medications and drugs being used in the treatment of arthritis as well as hundreds more natural remedies and treatments. Equally there are over 150 different types of arthritis all of which affect the joints and bones. When determining the right treatment program it is good to ... Views: 924
It’s a natural part of the aging process, sagging skin, wrinkles, and age spots, although no body wants to get old. Regardless of the signs of aging, the physical and mental signs can take a toll as well. For most women avoiding those signs of aging are a day to day struggle. With thousands of ... Views: 987
For several years green tea has been toted as the most beneficial beverage besides water, however its benefits are still unproven and the FDA denies any evidence supporting green tea health benefits. On the other hand, doctors, nutritionists and other healthcare professionals are all vocalizing ... Views: 816
Do you take a multivitamin? Why should you take a multivitamin? Are all multivitamins the same? These are all questions that you should ask before beginning taking a multivitamin. Multivitamins are becoming a more widely taken vitamin and mineral supplement that people use to supplement their ... Views: 781
Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that can reduce the signs of aging not only externally but internally as well. The first signs of aging appear on your skin such as wrinkles, fine lines, sagging, age spots and stretch marks. Unfortunately they are unsightly and most people would prefer to ... Views: 714
Vitamin E is one of the essential vitamins that the body needs to maintain proper function. It plays a key role in cellular structure and the formation of DNA, RNA and red blood cells. As an antioxidant it neutralizes free radicals that can cause wrinkles, age spots and fine lines. It also ... Views: 741
When most people think of aerobic exercise they think of the classes called aerobics that involves a rhythmical routine that is taught at the gym. Although this is definitely aerobic exercise there are many other aerobic exercises that should be mentioned when considering any exercise routine. ... Views: 1083
Aerobic exercise has been around since the 1980’s and has benefited the exercise community by strengthening the body, improving circulation, and increasing performance. Aerobic exercise was obsolete before 1978 when exercise was about strength and resistance training by building muscles. ... Views: 622
Most people want to lose weight but feel they don’t have the time, money or effort to put into a regular exercise routine. The fact of the matter is that exercise should be included in everyone’s daily routine. Becoming healthier and more fit has so many benefits on the body that there should be ... Views: 1260
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) can affect both children and adults alike. Normal ADHD appears in early childhood as hyperactivity, distraction, restlessness, impulsiveness and poor concentration. Although it is becoming more commonly diagnosed, there are some circumstances where ... Views: 1885
There are very few diseases or disorders that are diagnosed in children and don’t carry over into adulthood. ADHD or Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is one of those disorders that is usually diagnosed early on in childhood and persists throughout the persons life. It is a myth that as ... Views: 1614
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder has been widely debated over for the last couple of decades as more and more children are being diagnosed. Some people think that people with ADHD are lazy, stupid and lack will power, however ADHD has been recognized by the National Institute of Health ... Views: 2241
After being diagnosed with ADHD, educating yourself with the knowledge about ADHD and gaining the support of your family and friends is crucial. Developing manageable solutions to your specific problems will help you through your challenges. While most people who are diagnosed with ADHD as ... Views: 1271
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) can be a debilitating, self-conscious disorder that can encumber your life. If you are diagnosed with ADHD in adulthood, then more than likely you have had ADHD all your life. Either you coped with your symptoms throughout childhood or you were ... Views: 1075
During the months of September through February when the temperatures are particularly cold in most parts of the world, colds and the flu run rampant. Although you can catch a cold or flu at any time throughout the year, it is more prevalent when the temperature seems to dip. Unfortunately, ... Views: 1334
Since 2000 BC white teeth have been the mark of beauty and a sign of wealth. Not unlike our ancestors, we share this vain ideology that a sparkling smile will make us more beautiful, more attractive and more valuable. Teeth whitening has only appeared within the main stream about two decades ago ... Views: 1142
If you have never eaten a pomegranate, you don’t know what you’re missing! Pomegranates are not just a fruit; pomegranates are a super food filled with healthy vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients. With more and more research being done on the health benefits of pomegranates we are learning ... Views: 672
There are over 100 different types of massage practiced in today’s society. Each one uses different techniques, strokes and instruments throughout the massage to accomplish the ultimate goal of healing. For each different type of massage there is a specific training, hands on hours and state ... Views: 1651
Stretching is probably one of the most important activities that should be done throughout the day, however most people don’t do it for whatever reason. The importance of stretching is lost on these people, which can lead to unfavorable body mechanics and injuries down the road. With so many ... Views: 1317
Lower body exercise is necessary to balance and stabilize the body. Our legs and the muscles of the lower body support the upper body and initiate body movement. Without proper strength in the lower body, the body would be immobile, unable to support the rest of itself. Therefore it is essential ... Views: 1276
Are you looking to tone your legs? Does your lower body pail in comparison to your upper body? Are you off balanced due to an unstable lower body? Then it’s time that you start a lower body workout routine. Toning the lower body is vital to supporting the rest of your torso, upper body and head. ... Views: 1612
Here a 6 key core exercises to reduce that flab and tone the stomach, back and pelvis. You should see in improvement in strength, balance, and stability after just one week of core strength training. Most exercises should be held for 15-30 seconds and repeated 5-10 times. Start at the lower ... Views: 1248
Honey has long been used as food, a sweetener, in skin care, for medicinal purposes and in several other facets of everyday living. Honey has been in use for over 10,000 years, with several different cultures using it in different aspects of life. For some honey is part of a religious belief ... Views: 898
Through technology and medicine we are continually researching and developing techniques to increase the human lifespan. Even though we have come a long way, we still are searching for that one product that will reverse the affects of aging and keep us young and beautiful throughout the years of ... Views: 993
The most popular excuse for people to not start exercising is “I don’t have time”, or “ I don’t know how I’m going to fit it into my schedule!” However, the people who are the most motivated to lose weight are the people who find time, or make time to exercise. Those people who can’t find time ... Views: 816
There are three key elements to any exercise program that should be considered before starting your physical fitness. These elements are safety, effectiveness, and enjoyment. Nine times out of ten people will quit an exercise routine because they do not enjoy what they are doing. Although ... Views: 1028
Yoga was first experimented with in the US in the 1960’s and has steadily grown in popularity since. Approximately 30 million Americans practice Hatha yoga. Like many of the other alternative medicines, yoga promotes a whole-body approach to health and exercise. Unlike traditional medical ... Views: 1044
Women, unlike men have to deal with unwanted hair in and on parts of their body that is unappealing, embarrassing and a pain in the butt to remove. Although, shaving is the traditional form of removing unwanted hair, waxing has offered a quick alternative to shaving. Even more sugaring is the ... Views: 1362
The face and the facial skin is the first thing that people see. So when we leave our homes you want to present a clean, clear, beautiful looking face. The facial skin unlike other areas of skin on our body is always exposed to the environment and therefore is easily damaged through sun ... Views: 1961
Acne is the most common problem that affects our skin today. No matter what age you are 15, or 40 acne can affect the appearance of your skin. Acne is caused by sebaceous glands producing excess sebum. Sebum clogs the skin and pores or the hair follicle, which forms acne. Grease, dirt, and harsh ... Views: 2102
Ayurvedic medicine has been around for thousands of years. With the increased popularity in complementary and alternative medicines, Ayurveda has been steadily increasing in the number of followers in America. Although, Ayuravedic medicine is still used as the traditional medicine in India. The ... Views: 1132
Asthma is an incurable inflammatory disease that affects the airways in the body. When an asthma attack is triggered the airways constrict, become inflamed which causes narrowing and mucus fills the airways. The symptoms are noticed immediately such as shortness of breath, wheezing, chest ... Views: 764
Ayurveda is one of the oldest systems of medicine in the world. Ayurvedic medicine is an up and coming practice in the United States. In Western medicine it is regarded as a complementary or alternative medicine however, Ayurvedic medicine is the traditional medicine in Eastern cultures of the ... Views: 1094
Have you suffered with acid reflux for most of your adult life? Do you take over the counter antacids or prescription heartburn relief medications that aren’t effective for hours? Are additional symptoms from medications making your acid reflux even more unbearable? Then stop taking prescription ... Views: 868
Ever get heartburn after eating your favorite meal, or have a sore throat with acidic remnants? This could be caused by acid reflux or GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease). Most people at some point in their life experience the symptoms of acid reflux but about 10% of American adults deal with ... Views: 1160
Exercise is essential for proper body weight, muscle tonicity and body functioning. Although when we exercise we are putting stress on the body, to build muscle, burn calories, and burn fat. Unlike mental stress, physical stress is good to keep the body maintaining proper function. However, ... Views: 847
It is every woman’s dream to have perfect skin that is clear, smooth, and healthy. However, it is rare that this dream is a reality unless you are a celebrity or model. Skin care is a multi billion dollar industry with thousands of products coming out yearly, new skin care techniques and salons ... Views: 2298
When most people think about meditation they think of someone sitting Indian style on the floor with their eyes closed, breathing in and out. Although this thinking is not entirely wrong it doesn’t explain what mediation is or how you benefit from it. The purpose of meditation is subjective to ... Views: 863
Acupuncture is a technique whereby inserting needles into specific points on the body will reduce pain and increase the body's own ability to heal itself. Much like several of the other alternative medicines, acupuncture has not been readily accepted in Western culture. It has only started to ... Views: 938
Having fresh, clean, younger looking skin is a goal that everyone especially women aspire to. With an unlimited amount of beauty products on the market it is hard to determine which product will work best for different types of skin. But what if you could get clearer looking skin through all ... Views: 4486
People don't realize that 80% of your weight comes from what you put into your mouth. To really lose weight you have to change your lifestyle. Change the way you eat and you will start to notice the difference right away. Replace high calorie, high sugar snacks with fruit and vegetables. If you ... Views: 735
As someone who has been mildly overweight all their life, I understand the need for motivation when it comes to weight loss. It is so hard to get motivated. Most time we make excuses for not starting today or we are just lazy about actually doing it. Well if you are tired of making excuses and ... Views: 694
Acne scars are unsightly and embarrassing. No matter what your age, acne is an unpleasant skin condition that can pop up out of nowhere or can inhabit your skin on a daily basis. One unfortunate side effect of acne is acne scars. Although, not everyone has noticeable acne scarring, people who ... Views: 5687
Acne is a skin condition that affects 90% of the population at some point during their life cycle. It is unsightly, embarrassing and unattractive. Acne occurs as a result of blockage in the follicle of our pores. As a result our skin becomes irritated causing a pimple which is usually large, red ... Views: 1063
Have you ever tried a natural or herbal remedy to cure a condition or possibly for everyday usage? Some people think of herbal remedies are a ruse to lure people in and buy products. However now a days even medical doctors are realizing the benefits of natural herbal remedies. Herbs have been ... Views: 1308
Migraines are painful syndromes that attack men and women all over the world on a daily basis, some with no relief. Managing and treating migraines is an ongoing process because of the increasing number of triggers, treatments and prescriptions available. Not to mention that not everyone ... Views: 907
Asthma is common condition that affects thousands of people all over the world. There is no cure for asthma but there are definite ways to improve your quality of life. Living with asthma can be easy as long as you can figure out what triggers your asthma attacks and how to avoid these triggers. ... Views: 1218
Is acne affecting your life to the point where you are about to give up? Ever think that maybe what you are eating is affecting how your skin looks. Stop a minute and think about what you eat on a daily basis. Is it filled with high fat, high sugar, greasy unhealthy food? This could be causing ... Views: 1278