Whether you have dieted in the past, you are on a diet now or you are going to start a diet there are dieting tips that should be followed to get the best results you can from your diet. Every diet is not for everyone so following these diet tips may be the key to successfully completing your ... Views: 677
Hundreds of people start and stop diets every year for many reasons. People choose to start diets because they want to lose weight. However, people don’t anticipate how hard it will be. Losing weight takes dedication and motivation. However if you aren’t prepared for the challenge then you may ... Views: 643
Sleeping is a necessary part of life that allows our brains and body to rest and rejuvenate, to keep us functioning at an optimal performance level. When adequate sleep is not achieved then our brain function and body capabilities diminish causing symptoms of fatigue, memory loss, difficulty ... Views: 564
The word diet is presumed to mean a specific food constriction to lose weight. However the real meaning of diet in nutritional terms means the sum of food consumed. The meaning of the word diet has been warped over the years giving a misconception. People have been dieting, in the sense of ... Views: 744
Hair care is a huge market in today society. Salons, stylists and hairdressers make a bundle off of keeping your hair looking fabulous. However, it’s not without a price. Breathe a little bit easer because now there is a way to get salon-looking hair in the comfort of your own home very ... Views: 646
Have you ever experienced red, painful, swelling, in a body part? This reaction in the body is called inflammation. Inflammation is a normal response by the body to start the healing process. Inflammation can occur for many reasons and be classified as chronic or acute. Although the body ... Views: 1269
For anyone who has tried to lose weight they know what it’s like to hit a plateau. A plateau is when you continue to exercise and diet at the same rate but the weight stops declining. It’s a horrible feeling to know that you worked so hard and watched your food intake, and not to see the results ... Views: 742
Although most people feel they don’t have time to exercise, or don’t think they need to exercise, what they don’t realize is that exercise is an essential part of a healthy life style. Exercise is key to controlling weight management, protecting against various diseases and stress management. ... Views: 1829
Exercise balls have been around for a long time. You may have seen them at the gym, or you may even have one at your house. Fitness balls have been used by physical therapists and personal trainers alike. The reason this exercise equipment is used so frequently and by so many is because it’s ... Views: 815
Asthma is an airway condition that has rapidly increased in prevalence over the last couple of decades. This may be due to the increase in pollution, toxins and triggers in our environment. However, with the increase in prevalence there is an increased motivation to find treatments to relieve ... Views: 1145
Whatever is causing your fatigue the number one best way to cure your symptoms is to rest. Physical and mental fatigue can be relieved through physical rest and relaxation. This gives your body and mind time to recuperate from the strain, tiredness, weariness, and exhaustion that it is going ... Views: 1004
If you have ever experienced constipation, which most people have at some point in their life, you know that it can be painful, embarrassing and uncomfortable. What most people don’t realize is that an unhealthy diet that lacks water and fiber can cause the slow, sluggish elimination that causes ... Views: 826
Fatigue is a common symptom that everyone experiences at some point in his or her life. About 20% of Americans experience fatigue daily that interferes with their daily life. More and more people are presenting in the hospitals, at their doctors office and in walk in clinics with fatigue as ... Views: 994
Do you work too much? Are you stressed out and don’t have any time for yourself? Or maybe you have late nights studying and cramming for exams? Maybe you are bored or depressed by life because you are under stimulated. All of these situations are a normal result of fatigue. Everyone experiences ... Views: 733
Constipation is a gastrointestinal problem that affects almost everyone at some point in his or her life. Constipation causes painful or difficult bowel movements. When you experience constipation, initially reducing pain and eliminating hardened or dried stool from the bowels is the first ... Views: 937
Constipation is one of those problems that most people experience at some point in their life but rarely talk about. It is most common gastrointestinal complaint in the United States. Most often than not constipation affects women and the elderly, however everyone is susceptible to have ... Views: 835
Neck and back pain can have a debilitating effect on someone’s life. No one likes to experience pain however when it occurs the main goal is to make it stop as soon as possible. According to the National Institute of Health Sciences (NIHS) neck pain is the 3rd most common type of pain ... Views: 893
Acne is one of those pesky little problems that shows up especially when you don’t want it to. Most people spend a lot of time and money to keep pimples from popping up but it doesn’t always stop them. Because acne has several causes and not everyone experiences the same type of acne, it makes ... Views: 896
Spices were originally developed in the Middle East and herbs later on in East Asia. Early uses of spices and herbs included magic, medicine, religion, tradition, and preservation. Spices were originally used by the upper class and nobles, however, it wasn’t long before spices became part of the ... Views: 1556
Pilates is a form of physical fitness that has had a resurgence over the past decade. Joseph Pilates of Germany originally developed Pilates in the early 20th century. Described as ‘contrology’, Pilates is similar to corrective exercise or medical gymnastics where the mind controls muscle ... Views: 1607
Botox is one of the newer forms of cosmetic surgery, which is practiced in today’s society. Cosmetic botox is relatively new compared to other facial cosmetic surgeries such as a facelift, eyelid surgery, chin surgery, nasal reconstruction and lip enhancement. Unlike these procedures, botox is ... Views: 815
Asthma causes symptoms of wheezing, coughing, chest tightness, and shortness of breath. Due to the fact that asthma is incurable, treatment will be needed throughout life. Modern treatment includes long-term control medication as well as rescue treatments such as inhalers. However, for thousands ... Views: 1292
When someone is diagnosed with asthma it is customary for the doctor and patient to put an action plan into place to eliminate triggers, prescribe treatment and ultimately control asthma symptoms. Being able to control asthma will prevent chronic symptoms of asthma such as coughing and wheezing, ... Views: 840
Naturopathic medicine has been using detoxification for over 3000 years. Ayurvedic medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Native Americans, and folk medicine all use herbs and spices for medicinal and detoxification purposes. Herbs and spices are the primary detox supplements used to cleanse ... Views: 1050
As toxicity has become a growing concern within our society the need for detox has grown greater. With newer, stronger chemicals in the air, water, drugs, medications and foods the risk for exposure is much greater than it was in the past. Other factors such as lifestyle also lead to the risk of ... Views: 1100
Detoxification is the elimination of toxic substances from the body. Alternative medicines such as Ayurvedic and Traditional Chinese Medicine have used herbs, diet, exercise and supplements for detoxification for over 3,000 years. Although, there are several detox programs, diets and products ... Views: 1146
There has been a lot of talk about detoxification, detox diets and whether they are necessary, healthy, or appropriate for the body. Doctors are split over the controversial issue. Alternative medical professionals recommend a detoxification at least once a year especially with the increased ... Views: 855
Asthma is an incurable disease that affects the lungs and makes it difficult to breath. The muscles within the bronchi spasm, causing tightening around the airways. As the airway narrows it makes it difficult to breathe especially breathe out. Asthma can affect all ages, from kids all the way to ... Views: 937
Dieting and weight loss go hand in hand. Everyone wants to lose weight, however conventional diet and weight loss can be difficult and time consuming. Most people become bored or lose the motivation to stick with their weight loss plans. However, there are ways to augment your weight loss. The ... Views: 592
The ankle is the part of the body that is normally completed neglected when it comes to exercise. Although there are no major muscle groups associated with the ankle, the ligaments and tendons that hold ankle in place need to be kept strong and flexible. The foot and the ankle form the ... Views: 1437
The calf makes up the lower half of the leg below the knee and above the ankle. The calf is made up of two large muscles in the back of the leg called the gastrocnemius and the soleus. The front of the lower leg encompasses the tibialis anterior muscle. Without knowledge of the calf anatomy it ... Views: 4266
Every woman wants to have firm, tone sexy legs, while every man wants to have muscular, strong legs. Our legs are the base support, which hold up the rest of the body. They provide stability, balance, strength, and functionality. Strong leg muscles allow for daily activity such as walking, ... Views: 2258
Acne is a skin condition that appears as pimples, zits or pustules that show up out nowhere and can ruin your day, night or self-confidence. Almost everyone experiences acne at some point in his or her life. Acne occurs most often during adolescence, however it is not uncommon to have acne ... Views: 906
Desiring beauty can be as simple as having clear, clean, healthy looking skin. Skin is the largest organ that covers the entire outer surface of the body. Having great looking skin is not only for women anymore, men and women of all ages are searching for the best way to keep their skin youthful ... Views: 1044
Aromatherapy has been used for thousands of years as medicines with healing properties. However, now a days we know a lot more about the different types of essential oils and how they can be used to improve physical and emotional health and restore balance to the whole body. Aromatherapy is an ... Views: 4673
Smell is the ability for us to perceive odors within our environment. An odor can revive a memory, give us a feeling, remind us of a person, place or thing, or even enhance our mood. This is why aromatherapy has been introduced as an alternative medicine to be used with or without other ... Views: 1237
Nutritional supplementation or dietary supplements are intended to supplement the diet to provide nutrients to the body. Examples include vitamins, minerals, herbs, fiber, fatty acids and amino acids. The use of medicinal supplementation dates back to the origins of civilization when herbs and ... Views: 1440
Stress can have an unbalancing effect upon the body, which can cause moderate to severe changes in our normal bodily function. Whether stress is acute or chronic we experience several symptoms, which affect not only our mind but our body as well. Acute stress causes symptoms of increased heart ... Views: 1047
Stress is a relatively new psychological and biological term to describe the failure of an organism to respond appropriately to a threat. Previous to this description stress was used in mechanics to mean a strain. Both definitions are accurate to describe how stress affects a human being. Stress ... Views: 980
People develop ways to cope with stress over their lifetime from past experiences, expectations and environment. Coping mechanisms are triggered once we assess a situation to be stressful. However, not everyone copes with stress in an effective way. Therefore stress management can help to ... Views: 1029
Stress management is a coping technique to deal with the stresses of daily life. Most stress management methods intend to equip a person with effective coping mechanisms to deal with stress. For many people they are unable to deal with stress and ignore it, bottle it up, or don’t deal with it at ... Views: 5926
Stress is a natural part of life. These days there are very few who don’t get stressed over money, the economy, the housing market, jobs or even family. Our bodies naturally react to stress through blood pressure, heart rate, respiration, body temperature and muscle contractions. Everyone deals ... Views: 698
Have you heard of the “French Paradox”? Well, its based on a theory that the French people have less incidence of heart disease and coronary heart disease because of the fact that they drink red wine which contains resveratrol. Since this discovery was made public back in 1991 resveratrol has ... Views: 825
Antioxidants are all the rage now a days. With the increased amount of knowledge, information and data available about antioxidants, the public is becoming more aware of why we need to include antioxidants in our diets. Our bodies are made up of thousands of unique combinations of substances and ... Views: 662
What’s causing that ringing in your ears? It may be a condition called tinnitus. Tinnitus causes you to hear noise that other people cannot hear. Unfortunately, determining both the cause and correct treatment are quite difficult in many cases. Although there are many causes of tinnitus it is ... Views: 3886
Tinnitus is a condition that causes ringing in the ears. Normal causes of tinnitus include loud environments, head or neck injury, genetic abnormalities, drugs or stress. Unfortunately, tinnitus can be quite an annoyance especially since there is no cure. Most treatments are intended to lessen ... Views: 1348
Alternative medicine is becoming more readily accessed by patients and chosen more frequently than traditional medicine. This is due to the holistic look at the patient, their family and their life rather than just the symptom. Additionally, alternative treatments look at preventing disease and ... Views: 1037
Tinnitus can be a persistent, annoying sound in your ear that no one else can hear. There is no discernable cure for tinnitus. Most treatments lessen or mask the symptoms of tinnitus. However, most physicians recommend preventing tinnitus by protecting the body, ears and brain.
In some cases ... Views: 1841
Tinnitus is a condition defined by abnormal noise in the ear that is only heard by the person and not by other people surrounding them. Currently there are several reasons why tinnitus may occur but no active cure for it. Approximately 36 million Americans suffer with symptoms of tinnitus. ... Views: 721
Tinnitus is a condition that causes a person to hear sounds and noises that no one else can hear. Tinnitus is a fairly common condition that occurs in about 10% of the population. Tinnitus is normally found in the elderly however more recent studies have shown an increase in tinnitus occurrence ... Views: 1399