I was a bit emotional today. My son was scheduled for his 15-month check up tomorrow. His pediatrician calls, and I miss it. I return the call, and luckily I do, because she tells me my son is no longer covered by his insurance. What? I am shocked. As I dial the number to his insurance, I can ... Views: 1192
When I read a recent article citing single mothers for the recent decline in newspaper sales I was appalled. I couldn't believe Chris Powell, the Managing Editor of the Journal Inquirer, actually blamed single moms for his not being able to sell more newspapers. What shocked me even more than ... Views: 1065
As another year winded down and a new one begins, I feel a sense of pressure. Don't get me wrong I'm excited to see where this next year leads, but there's this thing creeping up. I have successfully pushed it away before, but I feel it coming again. I used to work in a restaurant, so every New ... Views: 1152
Even through my 38 weeks of pregnancy, I never once imagined what motherhood would be like. I really never thought about being a single mom. Yes, you hear things will change, but I never truly understood it, which seems to be the case with most things, until you experience them.
After ... Views: 1206
With Suitor #1, he and I talked via text and on the phone a lot. Then when we met in person, there wasn't any chemistry. A friend told me next time to not talk with the guy so much. That way there wouldn't be expectations. So I decided to try this tactic, because at this point, I'm willing to ... Views: 1287
When I was younger, I had a vision for my life. I was going to be successful... that was always a priority of mine. To be successful. I always connected success with a career, never with a family. Yes, I would get married and have kids, but a successful career was of the utmost importance to ... Views: 1127
It's so easy to hold on... hold on to the maybes (maybe it's not that bad, maybe it can still happen, maybe he wants to be a part of the baby, maybe he is just busy, maybe this can still work), the hope, the dream, the passion, the good times, and everything else that might be considered good ... Views: 1369
When things first happen, they don't always appear how they should be. They may seem daunting or scary. They may not be what you want or how you planned. Life may not be working the way you envisioned it would.
I had a plan for my life. I have always been career driven. Even before I ... Views: 1416
I arrive at the doctor's office five minutes late. It seems that's par for the course when you have a baby. It takes a lot for me to get anywhere. Gone are the days where I can wake up, throw on some clothes, pull my hair in a ponytail, grab a quick bite, brush my teeth, and head out the door in ... Views: 1208
Mommy really doesn't know much right now, but I promise you I will. The only thing I do know is mommy loves you more than words, more than actions. Mommy loves you as though you are her heart, spirit, and soul wrapped in one... without a beginning or an end. There is no depth or breath to my ... Views: 3391
It still doesn't seem real. I can't believe it. It's taken me this long to get into a routine of things. Don't get me wrong, I had what I thought were routines. Then a week or two passed, and I would tweak them trying to see if something worked better. Sometimes routines put you in a rut, but as ... Views: 1194
Do you ever have those days or even though moments where you find yourself saying, "Only another single mom would understand?" Whether it's your baby rolling over for the first time, your child going off to kindergarten, or your teenager dating, there are just some things that only another mom ... Views: 1265
Tonight is my first night out with a mom's group. As a single mom, I haven't done much since having my baby. I don't really know what to expect. I know I shouldn't have any expectations, but it's hard not to when you are going into an unfamiliar situation. I don't know any of the ladies that ... Views: 1503
I received a baby gift this weekend from a college friend. He is one in the group of guys I used to hang out with my sophomore year. I remember the days like they were yesterday. He used to knock on my door so we could grab breakfast before walking to class. I even remember what I ordered each ... Views: 1172
B and I go on our second play group to a music sensory, and I'm not sure how it's going to go. The first play group with other moms and kids we went on two weeks ago could have gone better. There were about 25 moms everywhere and even more kids. I was overwhelmed, and he was ... Views: 1224
Do you ever feel like you are your own reality show? Between the kids, work, and things that happen, do you think your life is filled with enough ___________ (you fill in the blank)... so much so that even if you tried, you couldn't plan the things that happen?
I've felt that way recently. ... Views: 1229
So have you heard it? Having babies kills your focus. Hedge fund Billionaire Paul Tudor Jones has reportedly said that having babies kills the focus for women in the trading industry. Macro trading, a male-dominated, highly competitive industry, requires a lot of focus and drive. Tudor Jones ... Views: 1344
I had plans for today. It's Sunday, so I'm going to take Blaise to the park. He just loves swinging and propping his foot up in the swing to steady himself. That way, he doesn't have to hold on and can gnaw on his hands instead.
I also need to get my blogs done for the week. That's five blog ... Views: 1097
I see you walking toward me. Is it you? I can't really tell. It somewhat looks like it could be. How could it be? I never saw you come in. Well, yeah, it could be you. We pass at a distance, while I try to be nonchalant about it.
Then I see you again. I want to make sure it's you. I'm still ... Views: 1153
I had the best day with B. We decided to go to the zoo for the first time. Although the only thing I think he is really interested in are the fish, I still like showing him different things. I take him out of the stroller to point to an animal, and in a matter of seconds, he makes new friends ... Views: 1156
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Single Moms Health - by Jessica Rector, Founder of The Single Mom Movement
I went to my niece's first birthday party on Saturday. I was looking so forward to it. I can't believe it's already been a year for them. I remember getting the call that my sister-in-law was in labor, driving up to the hospital, and being in the waiting room... EAGER. Eager to make sure they ... Views: 1236
A few weeks ago, I went to a single dad event held by a non-profit organization. Upon leaving, all the single parents were given gifts to take home, some were food items. I was given a large package of hamburger patty meat. As I left, the lady handing the food to me said, "Just stick it in the ... Views: 1166
I spent a day, well most of the day, all to my son and me. I haven't done that since he's been born. I always have work of some kind to do, but today I decided it was B and mama time. YAY!
I had given two workshops early in the morning. Since I was going on less than four hours of sleep, I ... Views: 1128
B and I take our first flight by ourselves. He has traveled about four times but every other time, my mom has been with us. Doing it by ourselves... what a scary concept, but as always, we are up for the challenge.
The morning we leave, my mom is rushing me. To her credit, we are leaving ten ... Views: 1104
Being a first time mom changes you. You can't help but have it change you yet you are still the same person. I'm still the same goofy, adventurous, sarcastic, Type A personality person I was before. I still like the same things and talk to the same people. I'm still driven by passion and the ... Views: 1196
Before the conference today, I had spoken to the founder about my need to pump. So she was kind enough to find a private one-stall bathroom with an outlet for me. Since the other restrooms in this hotel either had multiple stalls or no outlet, this was the only place I could use in ... Views: 1099
I left the house yesterday in time for a meeting. I was so proud of myself that I had managed to leave in time, with my son in tow. I reversed out of the driveway and made it as far as the mailbox, when I realized I had a flat tire. Not just a flattening tire. I'm talking a completely ... Views: 1244
I love sleep. Before having my son, I would sleep ten hours a night... and even sometimes take a nap. I love sleep.
Then my son was born and sleep is no longer my friend. I still love sleep, but for some reason, it's mad at me. I'm not sure if it's jealous, because I'm spending more time with ... Views: 1257
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Single Mom Dating - by Jessica Rector, Founder of The Single Mom Movement
I didn't date a lot when I was younger. I always used to say it was because I enjoyed hanging out with my friends (which I did), but really it was more about never getting asked out. Everyone wants to be liked. Everyone wants to be asked out. College I dated more, well hung out with guys, ... Views: 1251
Tonight, all of a sudden, I had a migraine headache... the kind where the lights are even too bright. I was working and felt it coming on. Then within minutes, it was FULL force, like a hammer banging constantly on my forehead. I had no idea why I was getting one or when it would disappear.
I ... Views: 2760
I had a meeting last week with a new friend. It was only our second meeting, and I already feel like we have known each other forever. From the moment I saw her, we had something... not only is she the cutest thing ever, but we just have this synergy. We sat down and before I knew it, almost two ... Views: 1371
seven months old, that all changed. He went to bed later and woke up two hours earlier. I was NOT a fan!
But the biggest problem was he woke up several times throughout the night. When this happens, mama wakes up in the morning COMPLETELY exhausted. This went on for weeks. I felt like I was ... Views: 1165
I have a couple of friends with young kids. When I ask them what they are doing for July 4th, they are either not taking their kids for fireworks or doing it at a distance, because of the possible loud noises. None of which occurs to me. As a first time mom, should I even have considered these? ... Views: 989
Blaise and I went to a one-year-old's birthday party this weekend. It was spectacular. With a rocket and astronaut theme, the mom is uber-talented and had thought of everything. From the handmade and hand painted solar system that hung from the ceiling to the refueling station (drinks), pop rock ... Views: 1485
Blaise "always" takes a nap at a certain time, and like clock work he wakes up at the same time. After months of this routine, nothing has changed. So why would I think today would be any different. Well, like I say, Welcome to Momhood... where even the predictable is unpredictable.
I get B's ... Views: 1213
I spent the night at my dad's house, because my sister lives there and is going to watch B as I attend an all day conference in Austin. I get up about 5 am and lucky me, B gets up at that same time once he hears me stir. He has never woken up at this time, but he refuses to go back to sleep, so ... Views: 1229
When you're a mom, sometimes you can't get anything done. Well, you can't get things done the way YOU want them done. As I sit my eight-month-old son down in the living room surrounded by his security gates, that rarely do as they're intended, I'm ready to work. Yet, he has something else in ... Views: 1255
My heart is sad. You send your kids... your babies off to school. You entrust others to watch over, care for, and feed them. It would never occur to me that food my child may eat would be tainted. How does this happen? How are people that irresponsible and careless? That something so preventable ... Views: 1101
I conducted two workshops at the PTA Leadership Summit in Dallas. After my first session, an attendee came up and talked to me. She said she had a dream, she just didn't know what it was.
She was entering a new phase in her life, in her early thirties, and just settling in after a divorce, ... Views: 1386
How important is your time? I know, I know, it's important. You likely don't have enough time in your day, but how are you using the time you have?
Are you doing the dishes by hand when you could be running the dishwasher. It may cost you a few more dollars a month, but are those few dollars ... Views: 1397
As a single mom, it's a big step to date, no matter how old your kids are. You put yourself out there wanting to find love and hoping to find quality men. Talk about having faith. Well, I do. I have faith that it will happen. It might not happen when I want it to, but I KNOW it will when it's ... Views: 1265
We've all done it… then something happens, and we think "Why didn't I listen to that voice?" We think this, because the voice could have (and should have) prevented a bad result from occurring.
I have always carried my cell phone in my purse. The last couple of days, I've been carrying it in ... Views: 1281
Love is in the air. Or so we hope, especially for this single mom. This season, fall in love. Where is the best place? That's the question, I've asked myself over and over again. Where do people go to find love?
If you don't meet men through your friends or work, where do you meet them? I've ... Views: 1411
What would $1,000 mean to you? Could it change your life? As a single mom, the decision to attend college may not be easy. You make a list of the pros and cons for going back to school. You really want to go. You know in the long run it will benefit you and your family, but you feel a financial ... Views: 1310
Are you destined for greatness? Absolutely. So what's holding you back? You're familiar with where you are now. It's comfortable, yet you aren't really where you're supposed to be. You're not doing what you're supposed to be doing. You're not reaching the people who need you most.
I'm a HUGE ... Views: 1180
The other day, I was at another birthday party for a one-year old. (I didn't realize so many people I know had babies around the time I did.) I start talking with a couple about babies, as the wife is holding my son. I ask if they are ready for one. As the lady says yes, her husband shakes his ... Views: 1066
Do you leave a networking event with a stack of business cards? Do you wonder what you got from the event or why you went?
For business, networking is a must, but you don't want to feel like you wasted your time when you could be doing something else more productive. When you feel this way, ... Views: 1153
I'm going to do it! How many times have you told yourself you're going to do something and then a week goes by? Then a month? Maybe even a year and you still haven't done it? It's not that you don't want to do it, but life gets in the way…or so you tell yourself.
So, what's stopping you? Do ... Views: 1387
Why are you still single? It's this the question every single person hates. I used to get this question all the time. Now, I get more of the statement that's a question, "You're single?!"
What follows immediately is "Why?" I used to say, "If I knew the answer, I wouldn't be single anymore." ... Views: 1279
As a single mom who does it all, cooks, cleans, owns a successful business, is the only provider for her child, and now dates, I've been asked, "How do you do it?"
What a great question. Anyone who acts like they have it all figured out and together is not being honest. Even as someone whose ... Views: 1159