Has your thyroid and adrenal disease been missed or mistreated? There are an estimated 60,000,000+ people today with undiagnosed hypothyroidism. Discover which toxic things may be affecting your thyroid and adrenal health. This is part 1 of 3 articles.
As with all things, don’t go overboard ... Views: 1085
Has your thyroid and adrenal disease been missed or mistreated? There are an estimated 60,000,000+ people today with undiagnosed hypothyroidism. Use this hypothyroidism questionnaire to determine if your thyroid and/or adrenal glands are underperforming.
In the last 2 articles, we covered 11 ... Views: 1428
Has your thyroid and adrenal disease been missed or mistreated? There are an estimated 60,000,000+ people today with undiagnosed hypothyroidism. Discover what it takes to get properly tested; this is part 2 of 2 articles on thyroid adrenal disease testing.
In this second article, we continue ... Views: 807
Today we will talk about five different factors that are important in testing your thyroid – different things you need to know about and really think about to evaluate your thyoid properly. This will be part one of two articles on testing for thyroid.
1.Complete thyroid blood testing. A TSH ... Views: 950