Who are accustomed to driving may not understand, but the traffic is composed of elements that can be among the biggest fears of people. The indiscretions committed by other drivers, coupled with the desire not to make mistakes and the risk of accidents often are locks when someone decides to be ... Views: 2901
Diabetes is a metabolic syndrome of multiple origin, caused by lack of insulin and / or the inability of insulin to properly exercise its effects. Insulin is produced by the pancreas and is responsible for the maintenance of glucose metabolism. The lack of this hormone causes deficit in glucose ... Views: 1003
Bipolar disorder, also known as manic-depressive illness, is often treated with mood stabilizers. They are sometimes prescribed antipsychotics and antidepressants in conjunction with such medication.
Mood stabilizers
People who suffer from bipolar disorder usually resort to mood ... Views: 2445
Erectile dysfunction is a major symptom for males as it refers to a topic that is sensitive virility of man. The ability to have and maintain an erection is a sign of a healthy body, which contributes to the welfare of man, as well as for the welfare of the couple.
When there are problems at ... Views: 1262
The CDC (Center for Disease Control) in the U.S. in November is a campaign for responsible use of antibiotics, both for parents and for doctors. The importance of buying prescription drugs is also explained.
It is important that parents know when and why to use antibiotics.
Antibiotics or ... Views: 1019
Hypertension is a condition that occurs when a person has chronic high pressure in the arteries. Hypertension, also called hypertension, can cause symptoms such as dizziness and headaches but often shows no symptoms at all. While it may show no external symptom, it can cause stroke, heart attack ... Views: 878
After more than a decade in health and fitness, one of the most common goals I encounter clients is weight loss. Easy to understand coming from a country where 30% of the population of our country is considered obese. So how do we solve this problem? Well, it's Difficult to tell where to start, ... Views: 1460
Gout (gouty arthritis) is a complex form of arthritis that causes seizures and sudden severe pain, redness and tenderness in joints, caused by crystallized uric acid concentrated around the affected joint. The most common joint affected is the big toe (called gout gout), however, gout can affect ... Views: 1143
Fibromyalgia is a recently discovered disease that afflicts 8% of the elderly population. It's good to know its symptoms and treatment.
Fibromyalgia is considered one of the mysteries of medicine, is a disease characterized by chronic and constant pain that may spread to all areas of the ... Views: 915
Older men tend to take more painkillers and have more sexual problems, but that means a problem causes the other?
Maybe so. It was concluded that a new study, said the link between drugs for pain and impotence remained even after the exclusion of age and several other diseases as possible ... Views: 1371
With temperatures falling, the population should be careful, because during winter it is common to the increase in respiratory diseases, such as colds and flu. The drop in temperature, the drier air and the largest concentration of people indoors favor the circulation of the various types of ... Views: 847
In Western societies there is a significant increase in the prevalence of allergic respiratory diseases. Among the many causes for this increase have been reported some characteristics that define the current models of life, including physical inactivity, reduced contact with nature and ... Views: 1176
I have received many emails and comments on various subjects of the tag trip. So I decided to build a post and complete with the most frequent questions. Remembering always that my answers are far from rules ok? It is all just my opinion! Come on!?
- What is the best age to have an ... Views: 845
Allergies and food intolerance can cause painful digestive symptoms. Other causes include viral and bacterial infections, slow metabolism, pregnancy, stress and diet.
Do you feel bloated? Total, achy and tender in the abdomen? Indigestion, constipation, diarrhea and gas can cause discomfort ... Views: 906
Acupuncture systemic and auricular acupuncture are techniques of traditional Chinese medicine which is based on balancing the energy flow (Qi) and blood (Xue) of the patient, treating the various functional and non inharmonies inharmonies anatomo-functional as it is in Western medicine. The ... Views: 2328
Osteoporosis (porous bone) is a disorder characterized by loss of bone mass and bone structural deterioration that leads to bone fragility and increased risk of fractures in the hip, spine and wrist.
Risk factors
Certain factors are involved in the development of ... Views: 840
The complaints are the same with some women: they retain fluid and so do not lose weight, swollen hands and legs, wearing an outfit that is tight in the morning and afternoon, not enough urine during the day and so end up taking diuretics. To summarize the story: misinterpretations and ... Views: 1790
Rimonabant, a drug originally patented by pharmaceutical giant Sanofi-Aventis has emerged in mid-2006 as one of the most promising agents in the fight against obesity. In Brazil, became the subject of cover in one of the largest circulation magazines. The drug, marketed under the trade names of ... Views: 1415
The normal heart is a strong muscle that acts as a continuous ejection pump. Its function is to eject the blood into the circulatory system. The normal heart of a person 25 weighs about 300 grams, circulates 5.5 liters per minute and achieves more than 100 000 beats per day.
The circulatory ... Views: 878
The maxim "prevention is better than cure" holds true when it comes to health. And even in cases of diseases like cancer, still the best way out is health care. This means regularly go to medical appointments and routine screening.
In the case of cancer of the colon and rectum, the tumor may ... Views: 978
The chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is actually a spectrum of diseases that includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema. Cigarette smoking is responsible for the vast majority of cases.
With the progressive increase in longevity occurred in the second half of the twentieth century ... Views: 1435
Rheumatoid arthritis is a constitutional disease, inflammatory disorders in which there are in all connective tissues of the body. The main feature is polyarthritis with predilection for smaller joints, such as the proximal interphalangeal, metacarpophalangeal and the ... Views: 1140
The Erectile Dysfunction is the inability to obtain or maintain an erection sufficient for penile penetration. The Erectile Dysfunction (ED) is different from not having sexual desire or have a premature ejaculation. Men with ED have sexual desire, but are unable to obtain or maintain an ... Views: 1005
What is Gastritis and Peptic Ulcer?
Gastritis is acute or chronic inflammation of the mucous membrane lining the inner walls of the stomach.
Now the peptic ulcer is the destruction of the mucosa lining the internal walls of the stomach and / or duodenum, forming crater-shaped openings, so ... Views: 1418
What is Cholesterol?
Cholesterol can be considered a type of lipid (fat) produced in the body. He is present in foods of animal origin (meat, milk, eggs etc..). In our body, plays essential functions such as production of hormones and vitamin D. However, the excess blood cholesterol is ... Views: 801
Antibiotics are substances used to treat bacterial infections ranging from almost fatal diseases such as meningitis, the common problems such as acne and tonsillitis.
But antibiotics are not intended to cure diseases caused by viruses such as colds or flu. The antibiotics act by inhibiting ... Views: 4247
Diagnosis Of Depression
Although depression causes physical symptoms, such as changes in sleep and appetite, there is no test or laboratory test that detects specific changes (called biomarkers) that can be used as a diagnostic method. Laboratory tests are generally required for the ... Views: 1061
You've probably seen people with hair loss located in well defined areas. They may be suffering from alopecia areata, a condition characterized by loss of hair or by round or oval areas of the scalp or other body parts.
Alopecia areata is 1% to 2% of the population. It affects both genders, ... Views: 1006
There is also a remedy to deal specifically with food allergy. The drugs are used for the treatment of symptoms (attack).
Three methods are generally employed in the management of food allergies:
1 - Remove and avoid specific allergens.
Complete exclusion of the offending food is the only ... Views: 877
What is it?
Hypertensive crisis is high, sudden, rapid, severe, inappropriate and symptomatic blood pressure in normotensive or hypertensive person. The target organs for hypertensive crisis are: eyes, kidneys, heart and brain.
Hypertensive crisis shows signs and symptoms of acute severe ... Views: 1612
It is shown in research that the percentage of people fit and healthy people reduces the percentage of unfit. The main cause of the deficiency of healthy people is caused due to the increase in obese individuals. Most who suffer from obesity are not only the industry of adults, children from ten ... Views: 1051