It is shown in research that the percentage of people fit and healthy people reduces the percentage of unfit. The main cause of the deficiency of healthy people is caused due to the increase in obese individuals. Most who suffer from obesity are not only the industry of adults, children from ten years. The factor that causes the obesity range from diet to genetics. What worries doctors is that if children in the age of ten developing obesity becomes more difficult for that person to get rid of later stage, due to the slowing of metabolic rate.

Fortunately, due to advancement in the field of medical science, it is possible to solve the problem of obesity in many ways. The patient has the choice between surgery to change eating habits, depending on the patient's wishes. It is always favorable for the patient to use the fastest way out - weight loss drugs.

Started in 1950, the medications were prescribed for weight loss. These drugs work by increasing the level of serotonin in the brain into believing the stomach is full, effectively increasing the metabolic rate.

Shortly afterwards, in 1990, the side effects of these drugs have been discovered, such as valvular heart disease. This led to withdrawal of drugs. Since then, new drugs developed require FDA approval, many of whom are still on the waiting list.

The way the drug works is simple, the body changes with the need to change in diet or trying to avoid anything to eat.

This industry has made lot of profit from the consumer. The drugs are readily available or over-the-counter or simply prescribed by the physician. However, side effects are still outstanding. The patient may go through many unpleasant experiences, such as diarrhea, vomiting, urinary problems even if the fatal heart attack to be more or stroke. Overdose can even cause hallucinations or seizures.

Depending on the patient's habits, side effects vary. It's always good to consult a doctor before buying any medicines for weight reduction. These are just the physical side effects, research shows mental stability can also be affected, because the patient may experience mood swings, nightmares, depression and even severe irritation.

Clinical study shows that weight reduction drugs work effectively with the aid of a low calorie diet, with the exercise routine. The diet should have all food groups. Micronutrients and phytochemicals, enzymes from fruits and vegetables are essential. Other sources of food group, such as fiber vitamins and minerals are also important for the body to have a healthy diet and stay fit.

Exercise is also important, you can work out regularly at the gym next or just prefer to go for a long walk every morning. Physician should be consulted to make the right amount and intensity of daily exercise right. The exercise should include cardiovascular (for heart) and weight (for weight loss). They help reduce the calories in the body and reduce the percentage of fat in our body. In doing so, the amount of fat to muscle will help reduce the increasing rate of metabolism in our body and stay fit.

Author's Bio: 

At our online dictionary of drugs you'll find more detailed information on what is now modern medicines used for weight loss (Acomplia). Also, read about the necessary changes in life style for obesity, as only one drug you can not lose and maintain weight.