Some people take better care of their car than they do of their body. Are you treating your physical vehicle as if it is divine? Neale Donald Walsh
My Wake Up Call
Nearly 10 years ago I experienced an extraordinary life change. I was about 100 pounds overweight when I went to see my ... Views: 874
When it comes to holiday food and eating all bets are off. We diet; we starve ourselves in advance of this the biggest food season of the year so we can stuff ourselves to the point of nearly bursting from our skin. When it’s all over after New Year’s Eve, we create a list of resolutions to go ... Views: 1712
Do you stand in front of the mirror, look at yourself, and say, I love you to yourself? What do you see? We’re born with self-esteem it just doesn’t magically disappear. If you have a negative opinion of yourself and cannot recognize the beautiful soul inside of your physical body, or feel ... Views: 1264
Food is the fabric of our lives and at the center of every culture. When anyone thinks of dieting they immediately think of having to give up enjoying food and eating unappealing and tasteless meals. I have been on every diet imaginable, taken pills, I even drank those awful diet shakes; ... Views: 890