In order to keep yourself motivated in the gym you must have specific goals. If you have been hitting the gym for a while and are looking for your next challenge, try one of these challenges and put your strength, power and endurance to the test.
1.Row 2000 meters in sub 7 minutes on the Erg. ... Views: 944
If you’re looking to lose fat or gain muscle then give these 10 tips and tactics a try.
1. My top 3 reps and set protocols for building muscle in the shortest possible time are 3 sets of 8 repetitions, 2 sets of 12 reps and 8 sets of 3 reps. Note that all the reps add up to 24 reps.
2. ... Views: 899
If you have been going to the gym but you’re not seeing the results you were expecting, try these tried and tested 5 fat loss strategies and watch the fat melt off for good.
1.Train your full body in each workout. Long gone are the days of split routines such as the chest and triceps workout ... Views: 1228
Losing weight while you sleep sounds a bit crazy but substantial medical research suggests interesting links between weight loss and sleep. Research has shown that both the amount and the quality of sleep we get directly effect our hormones and in turn this can seriously effect our appetite. ... Views: 648
Sleep is a highly essential act that our bodies undertake in order to recharge the batteries and allow for healing and regeneration.
If you find yourself struggling to sleep here are some simple tips to ensure you get a good nights sleep.
Blackout curtains. Keep your bedroom pitch black. ... Views: 620
I love 30 day challenges, and I believe they are one of the most valuable tools to achieving success. As a personal trainer, I always encourage clients to take my 30 day nutritional challenge. In a nut shell this challenge eliminates crappy processed foods and the emphasis is on high quality ... Views: 905
So Christmas is on the way and you have been over feeding, yep you’re getting fat and tired. It’s time to do something about it.
Step 1 – write your goals down and make a plan
Know exactly what you want to achieve with your fat loss goals. There is no point aimlessly going through the ... Views: 902
Below is RESULTS Personal Training’s top 10 nutritional tips scientifically balanced to maximise fat loss and create a healthy body and mind.
Tip 1. Buy Organic – non organic foods have been sprayed with herbicides, pesticides and pumped with chemicals that not only strip any nutritional ... Views: 744
In this article I am going to share with you some of the lesser-known benefits to some of our nations favourite foods.
Red Wine
A glass or two of red wine a week is not going to sabotage your fat loss goals. In fact it is possible that a few red wines will actually help with fat loss. ... Views: 977
1. Eat a protein-based breakfast
Stop eating cereal for breakfast! It is highly processed and rich in carbohydrates, which will spike your insulin (fat storing hormone) levels leaving you fatter, tired and hungry. Try a breakfast that is high in protein such as eggs, this will boost your ... Views: 683
It is becoming popular these days to go on a gluten free diet. How many people do you know saying they are gluten or wheat intolerant? How many people do you know complaining about being bloated, have skin disorders, gas, diarrhoea, constipation, cramps, ADD and chronic fatigue? These are all ... Views: 882
Being pregnant is certainly no excuse to pile on the weight, feel bloated and stop exercising. Being pregnant means looking after yourself through regular safe exercise, eating plenty of nutritious food and resting. Below I will explain my top 5 points to remember during your pregnancy to ... Views: 732
Back pain is such a big problem in today’s society with over half the population suffering from some sort of chronic back pain. We seem to let it get the best of us and end up taking a ton of over the counter anti-inflammatory painkillers.
Below I have outlined some simple strategies to rid ... Views: 877
Below is RESULTS Personal Training’s top 10 nutritional tips scientifically balanced to maximised fat loss and create a healthy body and mind.
Tip 1. Buy Organic – non organic foods have been sprayed with herbicides, pesticides and pumped with chemicals that not only strip any nutritional ... Views: 707
Expert Personal Trainer Paul Miller, shares 5 simple steps to ensure you achieve your fat loss goals.
1- Know what you want. The first step in your fat loss journey is to know exactly what you want and why you want it. When I sit down with a client to discuss goals, I use a ‘peeling’ method. ... Views: 728
Yes you can but its not the way you might think. Performing endless repetitions of crunches and sit-ups will not help when it comes to getting a six-pack.
Exercise science tells us that when we burn fat it comes from an overall supply of the body’s fat tissue opposed to one particular site. ... Views: 809
In this article I am going to highlight some simple yet highly effective methods to maximising your fat loss workouts
Intensity – Your workouts must be intense, in order to burn the maximal amount of fat in a workout you must aim to create a big metabolic disturbance. There are a number of ... Views: 632
So you have put on a little extra fat over the holidays, and you have made the decision to do something about it. Scrolling through the internet, you have come across literally hundreds of articles, workouts and programs written by experts on how to lose fat. The problem is these so called fat ... Views: 783
It’s that time of year again, when everyone joins the gym, exercises excessively, starts some sort of diet and skips meals just so they can look great on their summer vacation. By doing this quick fix, you may lose fat but it will come back just as quick as it fell off. It is a quick fix that ... Views: 976
Losing weight seems to be a complex science that nobody can get their head around. It doesn’t have to be that way. Think about it this way, the biggest reasons why people cannot get rid of their love handles is the hunger, cravings and temptations they go through with food every day. There is a ... Views: 738
Becoming a dad is a very exciting time in your life, however unfortunately it can mean less time for yourself. Working a 9-5 job then coming home from work and running around after the kids, eating dinner then being too exhausted to do anything else for the evening let alone think about ... Views: 1260
Conventional wisdom will tell you that you need to lose fat to get healthy but we will explain in this article why you need to get healthy to lose fat!
We are not talking about the 9-5 grind. We are talking about physical work in the gym. If you are not willing to put the time and ... Views: 805
Through my years as a Personal Trainer I have noticed there are five major fat loss movements which are guaranteed to boost your metabolism and burn more fat that any other movements out there.
Let me firstly clarify, these five movements are not five different exercises. There are many ... Views: 711
Tip 1: Stock up on non perishable foods.
Foods such as beef jerky, nut butters, canned seafood such as salmon and mackerel and nuts are all fantastic options to have on hand while travelling. Easy to carry and convenient to pull out and eat when you are hungry and on the go.
A great place to ... Views: 848
Most people simply hate the fact of getting old. We are all lead to believe that getting old means slowing down and not being able to do the things you enjoy. What a load of crap. Not doing something because your getting old is a bad excuse, it doesn’t matter if your 25 or 75 you can still be ... Views: 710
The key to losing weight and keeping it off is increasing your metabolism. Your metabolism dictates how many calories you will burn on a daily basis. By boosting your metabolism, you are able to burn more calories without increasing your exercise or starving yourself. Here are five ways to ... Views: 639
Maybe your boyfriend wants to fatten you up or you’re just sick and tired of being able to fit in those skinny jeans. Whatever your reason, here are 7 great ways to get fat in super quick time.
1. Make sure you do long slow cardiovascular workouts.
Go to the gym everyday and get on the ... Views: 4768
The first step in designing a fat loss program is to establish all the variables
Exercise selection
Selecting the right exercise is a key factor in the fat loss equation. Exercises such as bicep curls and abdominal crunches are going to get you nowhere fast. Choose multi-joint exercises ... Views: 1047
Cardio is a waste of time. If you want to burn some real fat fast incorporate some of these methods into your fat loss workout:
First off I am going to start by telling you that complexes performed correctly tough; the kind of tough that leaves you rolling around the gym floor ... Views: 1293
As a Personal Training in London I sometimes feel I should pick up the latest fitness magazine and have a browse through. This is by NO means because I think the articles published in these fitness magazines are any good; I really don’t. It is more of a curiosity in the hope that the fitness ... Views: 1145
As a Personal Trainer in North London I have helped hundred’s of clients reach their goals. Often when clients come to me for help, I see the same reoccurring mistakes again and again. By correcting these 7 issues, you will see both better fat loss results and find yourself free from training ... Views: 655
As a Personal Trainer in North London, my clients often ask how to stay on track with their fat loss goals while travelling regularly for business. I have put together 5 tips to keep them fit and not fat while they travel. Try these simple tips for yourself;
1. Prepare and pack snacks for ... Views: 702
No we do not mean taking your best friends partner home for a night of debauchery. What we are talking about is the Kettlebell.
The Kettlebell is a cast iron weight which looks like a cannon ball with a handle on top. It can be flung, swung or even hoisted. Fans of the Kettlebell include ... Views: 666
Are you doing endless amounts of sit ups and crunches and still not seeing a six pack or flat stomach? In this article we are going to give you the three most highly effective core exercises guaranteed to flatten and shred your stomach in time for your beach holiday.
Mountain ... Views: 765
Everyone has a six pack, yes even you!
Take a look down at your belly, what do you see?
Washboard abs or a belly full of fat?
If you have answered the latter you have come to the right place. In this article I will point out some of the blatant lies you have been told and I will map out ... Views: 659
For many years, raw milk has been advertised as dangerous with fears of tuberculosis, botulism and other diseases. This is just not the case. Louis Pasteur, the man who developed pasteurisation, in later years admitted the germ theory was not sound. In recent decades, all outbreaks of ... Views: 764
There is a growing trend within the fitness industry to use sales copies as websites. A sales copy is a great way to sell a product or even a service. But writing a good sales copy is a skill and like all skills it takes time to get it right.
What is a sales copy? This term is used by ... Views: 851
So you have been buying toothpaste with fluoride in and drinking fluoride water just to ensure your teeth are strong and healthy. For many years, we have been convinced that fluoride is good for your teeth and health but infact ingesting too much fluoride during your developing years can cause ... Views: 727
Some people have taken the butter out of the fridge and replaced it with the so called low fat margarine. This is possibly the worse thing you could do for your health. Here is why!
Why eat butter?
Butter is full of VITAMINS! It is a rich source of easily absorbed vit A, D, E and K which ... Views: 795
You get home after a long day at work, your tired and hungry and just want to sit down in front of the telly to watch the Eastenders. You forgot to get the meat out of the freezer this morning but that is ok, as you have a microwave to defrost it within 10 minutes and you do just that. Or maybe ... Views: 668
Ok, so you have been going to the gym 3 - 4 times a week and hammering down those protein shakes, however you're not getting any bigger. Your still scrawny and want to be brawny - here are our top tips.
Tip One: USE BIG COMPOUND LIFTS; using big lift exercises such as squats, deadlifts, ... Views: 684
Don’t shop when you’re hungry!
When you are hungry your blood sugar levels will be low, therefore you will naturally crave sugary foods. If you enter the supermarket while you are in this state, no matter how much willpower you think have, those sweet foods will be in your shopping basket, ... Views: 747
When you head to the supermarket there are some simple steps you can take to make sure your avoiding all the processed foods. Most supermarkets have their fresh produce such as fruit and veggies, meats, fish, eggs and dairy products on the peripherals of the supermarket. This is because all of ... Views: 722
This is a great winter warmer however not your usual cottage pie as we have substituted the potato mash for a cauliflower mash. The two main ingredients in cauliflower are disease fighters, Indole-3-Carbinol, which helps to lower estrogens in the body and Photonutrient Sulforaphane. This ... Views: 887
Here are four foods we at RESULTS Personal Training think are must have's in our diet due to the excellent health benefits.
Our Favourite Spice
Tumeric! The active ingredient in Turmeric is Curcumin. Curcumin is a powerful antioxidant, anti inflammatory and has anti cancer properties. In a ... Views: 903
1. Eat More Lose More!
By eating small meals throughout the day you will keep your energy levels high and your blood sugar levels stable, not to mention boosting your metabolism. Think about it this way; you wake up in the morning and start the fire (your metabolism). To get this fire up and ... Views: 787
The most effective fat loss exercises are the ones that use muscles the way they were designed to work
During the millions of years humans have been evolving, we have developed certain basic tasks running, jumping, climbing, throwing, hitting, pulling, squatting and lunging. With this in mind ... Views: 737
1 Eat organic foods – You will get a lot more nutrients and far fewer toxins. Organic food is grown without the use of toxic pesticides, herbicides, fungicides or chemical fertilizers. Organic food is better for your health and they’re produced in a way that supports a healthy environment. ... Views: 853
Do you feel like you are doing everything right to lose the weight however no matter what you do, the scales will not shift and sometimes the scales even read a little heavier! Here are some myths that you may be following on your so called ‘healthy’ plan that with a few tweaks you can start ... Views: 852
• Set yourself a goal
If you want a great body you will need a goal. There is no point trying to get somewhere if you don’t know where you’re going. When choosing a goal, be
Specific: I want to lose weight is not specific but I want to lose 7 pounds in 4 weeks is.
Measure: Take ... Views: 760