I heard the most evil thing the other day. My definition of evil is often flexible, lying somewhere in between totally heinous and completely ridiculous. This story falls in there--you decide for yourself.

My gal pal told me she read a book this guy wrote ( If I had one less scruple, I might tell you his name--for now, we'll call him something friendly, like Penile Supremacist...PS for short. Fine--forget that, let's just call him Jack. There! Who can argue with that?) So JACK made quite an impression on my not-so-easily-impressionable gal pal recently. She rang me straight away to give me the scoop.

"Maryanne, you're not going to believe what @#$% says in his book!" She's known me for 15 years now, knows that in general male/female issues have been in my top 10 list of favorite things to get bunged up about...particularly when they're coming from downwind, let's say. Historically, she delivers the message and then runs for cover. As she started recounting "The top10 qualities women are looking for in relationship with men," my eyes started rolling back in my head. (I get bored easily sometimes.) Here's all I can remember:

1) Presence

2) Intelligence

3) Sense of humor

However, I perked up a bit when she started on the men's list, which I remember every detail of, luckily. You have to be so excited--are you? I mean, finally someone is willing to divulge such privileged information--top 10 qualities men are looking for in relationship with YOU! Here they are, in order of importance:

1) Great in the sack

2) Great in the sack

3) Great in the sack

4) Great in the sack

5) Great in the sack...

Sorry.. I know I am going too fast--I do that sometimes--but did you get that so far, 'cause I have 5 to go... but - you already know what the rest of them are. Exactly--great in the sack, great in the sack, great in the sack, great in the sack, great in the sack.

Now then while I am sure JACK has some motivation for telling this story, other than to humiliate men for making them appear as though they have no discretion--which would really be like saying men are stupid (that can't be true). Perhaps he's simply lost his way. I must give him credit for the fact that he apparently asked these gentleman to rethink the question, and they did come up with some insightful, significant qualities they are looking for in their relationships with women.

Apparently our friend (who now shall, for his own protection, remain nameless) has not been informed that hormonal litmus testing is medieval, that we live in houses now, we even read and write. (How did he miss that?) We have developed skills beyond pounce and attack. How does someone who is in the position of teaching open, impressionable people get away with spouting ancient stereotypes like he was proud of the "well-known fact" that men often think with their smorgasbords?

The point is--well, one point is: Making love is an art – and it's not just about the sex. It's no wonder so many women think being great in the sack is a good investment of their time. How about we all revisit that list, people...take pen and paper and really make a list. Look and see what unconscious ideas you may have about the other sex...'cause when mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy!

Author's Bio: 

Maryanne Comaroto is an internationally known relationship expert, talk show host and author. Her weekly live radio talk show reaches millions of listeners in the U.S. and around the world. Maryanne's philosophy is "Great relationships begin within!" http://www.maryannelive.com

She leads popular workshops and seminars for men and women http://www.corrcertification.com, and has had a private practice as a clinical hypnotherapist for more than 20 years. She is the author of the award-winning memoir Skinny, Tan and Rich: Unveiling the Myth. Her latest book, Hindsight: What You Need to Know Before You Drop Your Drawers, outlines the 14 critical questions to ask before you get intimate in a relationship and gives the reader six tools for their Relationship Toolbelt.

Maryanne is also the founder of a leading non-profit, The National Action Organization, a 501(c)3 organization committed to changing the way our culture values women.