What exactly is mind chatter?

Mind chatter are those old tapes of doubt, fear, worry, questioning, second guessing, rehashing, etc., that keep replaying over, and over, and over again.

It’s the nattering and nagging thoughts that aren’t productive and often holds you back from your true self, others, and life.

They may sound something like this, "I can’t do this", "Why did so and so have to __________?", "Why can’t I let this go?", "I’ll never have more money, be thinner, be better, etc.", "Something always goes wrong in my life", "My partner never understands me", "I don’t know what to do", "Why can’t my partner change?", "Why don’t my children listen?", "I’ll never get this job", "I’m stupid, emotional, non-trusting, fearful, etc."

Those are only a few of the mind tapes that may be prattling away.
What are some of your old recordings?

When your basement, garage, drawers, closet, etc., become cluttered, you usually make time to clean it out and create space or maybe even clear the way for something new.

Mind chatter isn’t any different. You have to make time to clear the old tapes and create some space for new mindsets.

How does one go about clearing the mind house of negative chatter?
1. One of the first steps to changing negative thinking is by recognizing it.

We can become so used to hearing our thoughts chatter away that we aren’t aware the old tapes are even playing, let alone how they are affecting our lives.

Once you begin to take notice of your unconstructive thoughts, you are on your way to elevating your thinking to becoming constructive.

2. When old beliefs surface, don’t push them aside, ignore them, or replay them over and over again. Listen to them. Give them space and some breathing room.

Ask yourself, "How is this thought benefiting me and/or others?". If it’s not, you may want to rethink it and see if there is another one that promotes well being, rather than suffering.

3. Be patient with yourself. Since old beliefs have been around for awhile, and for some, longer than others, they may want to hang around like an old shirt or security blanket that you’re not quite ready to let go of.

Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day and neither are new mindsets.

4. Don’t beat yourself up. Once you begin elevating old beliefs to new mindsets, you might think they are gone forever; then out of the blue something becomes triggered within you and wham, you feel you are right back where you started from.

This is not a time for rehashing and being hard on yourself. This is a time for rejoicing that you recognize how powerful thoughts can be and that you want to make another choice, or that you want to stay stuck in them for awhile longer.

5. Take time to acknowledge how often you are setting new mind sets and making better choices in your life.

Write them down and truly appreciate how challenging it can be at times to not get stuck in the mind traps and games of your ego.

6. Be kind to yourself and others. Elevating your own thinking, as you know, is not always easy to do; therefore it may be as difficult, or even harder, for someone else to recognize, let alone change, his/her way of thinking and being.

Remember, you can’t change another, only yourself.

7. Elevated thinking comes from the highest source. You can always trust and rely on this to guide you, your thoughts, and your way of being. All you have to do is let go and know this is possible.

Start each new day with the intention of paying attention to your thoughts as they have so much to teach you and you have so much to learn.

The Insight Technique™ assists you in elevating your mind chatter to new mindsets and ways of being.

Author's Bio: 

Kimberley Cohen is the Founder, Facilitator and Personal Insight Coach of The Insight Technique™. She is certified in Body Mind Counselling, Process Oriented Body Work and Spiritual Psychotherapy. She founded the Insight Technique™ - Your Insight to genuine Happiness, Purpose and Prosperity to assist herself and others in uncovering and discovering their brilliance. To question and understand your thinking so you can transform what blocks and limits you from living the life you desire and deserve. Or "living your dreams". http://www.insighttechnique.com