Sales objections are part of selling. For most people in sales, they present an immovable object in the road to your success. Real estate Agents often freeze when presented with a sales objection. They don’t know what to do or say in the face of this perceived danger.
Let me share with you a radical concept. Sales objections are actually good. Now that I’ve blown your circuits, let me explain. There is no selling of anything significant without sales objections. Sales objections indicate an elevated level of interest, desire, or motivation to buy what you are offering. These are merely a request for more information.
The prospect is saying, “I need more information. If I like the information you give me, I will do business with you.” What could be better than that?
One of the best ways to delay objections is to refer back to your approved agenda, saying:
“Mr. and Mrs. Seller, would it be all right if I answered your question when we get to Item Number 5 on our agenda? That’s where we discuss _____.”
Better than 40% of the time, they won’t bring the sales objection up again. You handled the sales objection by delaying its arrival.
Using your agenda to delay objections is particularly important when the concern deals with the home price or the cost of your service. Don’t ever respond to pricing concerns until you have determined the sellers’ wants, needs, and expectations and established the value for your service.
Objections are inevitable, so be ready to deal with them by following this four-step system.
The Power of the Pause
When an objection arises, hear the client out completely and then pause. Pause to collect your thoughts and, for many salespeople, to lower what might feel like rising blood pressure. Pause to ensure that you heard the objection completely. Don’t try to cut the person off. I’ve watched salespeople interrupt, as if they are hoping to stuff the words back into the client’s mouth before they’re even out. This is the biggest mistake you can make. It demonstrates rudeness and insensitivity.
Acknowledging Concerns
After hearing the objection and pausing to consider it, acknowledge the concern. This confirms that you understand what the client said, and it also gives you a few moments to consider and prepare your response.
Notice, nothing in the previous paragraph advises you to agree with the client. You can acknowledge the concern and thank the client for bringing it up without saying that it is right.
You can acknowledge by using any of these phrases:
• “I understand your concern in this area.”
• “That’s a really terrific question. I’m glad you asked it.”
• “I can see where that might cause you concern.”
One of my favorite techniques is to follow acknowledgement of a concern with a question or comment that probes for more information. The following responses give you an opportunity to learn more while also buying a few moments to develop a response:
• “I understand your concern in this area. Why do you feel that way?”
• “I can see where that might cause you concern. Tell me more.”
Isolating concerns
By now you might be ready to pounce on the objection with your best answers. Hold off, if you can, while you isolate the concern. Isolation at its fundamental level, asks: “If it weren’t for this concern, we would be working together, right?”
By isolating, you cause the prospects to lay all their concerns on the table. Through this one step, you learn everything that is standing between you and a signed listing contract.
Use any of these isolation scripts as you help sellers get their concerns out into the open:
• “Is that the only concern that holds you back from moving forward with me?”
• “Suppose we could find a satisfactory solution to this important concern of yours. Would you give me the go-ahead?”
• “If this problem did not exist, would you be ready to proceed right now?”
By isolating the concern, you learn exactly what you’re up against. You might surface another objection in the process ¬– which is why many Agents shrink away from this step – but you would have heard it later anyway.
Responding with confidence
By now you’ve heard the objection, paused, acknowledged, and isolated. Now is the time to respond.
The most commonly stated objections center around Agent commission, price of the home, length of the listing term, and the need for extra time to make the listing decision. More than 80% of the objections you’ll hear over the course of your career stem from these key concerns, so prepare yourself by outlining and mastering your responses that convince the sellers you are able to handle the concern more effectively than other Agents.
Ask your Broker for scripts the company recommends to handle sales objections. If they don’t have them, then make an investment in your career and buy them from an expert.
Dirk Zeller is a sought out speaker, celebrated author and CEO of Real Estate Champions. His company trains more than 350,000 Agents worldwide each year through live events, online training, self-study programs, and newsletters. The Real Estate community has embraced and praised his six best-selling books; Your First Year in Real Estate, Success as a Real Estate Agent for Dummies®, The Champion Real Estate Agent, The Champion Real Estate Team, Telephone Sales for Dummies®, Successful Time Management for Dummies®, and over 300 articles in print. To learn more regarding this article, please visit
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