I just received an email from a lovely lady saying that, due to her medical condition, her doctor wants her to start a raw food lifestyle (it's not a diet folks, it's a lifestyle). For those of you new to that term, it means all organic fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds that are prepared in a variety of ways, but the preparation of the plant-based foods simply doesn't exceed 118 degrees when heated.
First, I want to give kudos to the doc for being so progressive in his approach! That is fantastic and is how our healthcare should be approached – WHOLE BODY! YAY!
These days, the tables have turned from just a couple decades ago and eating whole plant-based nutritious foods can be a little more taxing on our wallets, and sadly the fast-food, processed-food garbage is what is super cheap. But at such a high cost in the end, really. Illness. Dis-ease. Obesity. Medications. And so much more.
Indeed, the "Western World tables" have also certainly turned on the extreme rise of the above maladies as our approach to "affordable foods" has shifted. It's time to take back our tables folks!
Second, her question was specifically about "affording raw foods" since that is what her doc prescribed – a raw food lifestyle. This is quite interesting when you think about it, because in not so bygone days eating fruits and veggies straight from the earth was the inexpensive way to eat – especially since so many people grew their own! Also, eating processed foods or in restaurants was much more costly!
So, let's get back to the question at hand – how to afford whole, organic produce (and nuts and seeds). I would like to be up front and say that yes, buying all organic in stores can get a bit more expensive, but you will find that the longer you eat this way, the simpler your taste becomes. Since you are getting real nutrition from plant sources, your body will be satisfied in new ways! I promise. But, there are some things you can do to minimize your grocery bill impact, and here they are.
Some Ideas for Affordable Sources...
Ideally, you can grow some of your own, even if you must do it in containers. I have done this and it works out great. I have grown peppers and tomatoes in containers on my deck, as well as many, many sprouts indoors. Sprouts are great for green juicing and for salads, wraps and soups. Lentils, peas, sunflower seeds, alfalfa – and so many more varieties are fantastic and one of the best sources of "life force energy" you can get. Bonus: growing various sprouts inside is super easy and super affordable!
Also, try to find a local farmer, Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) or co-op who doesn't use chemicals. There are many out there that perhaps haven't gone through the rigorous and expensive organic certification process, but nonetheless, do not use harmful chemicals on their crops. Ask the farmer. Go to your local Farmer's Markets. Also, you can find out more about CSA's or co-ops online. Now would be an ideal time to sign up for a springtime co-op. Split the cost/yield with a friend if that is a concern.
Get to know your local stores. I have several in my area that I frequent on a weekly or monthly basis, depending on what I am shopping for. I like Trader Joe's for its great prices, but they just do not a large selection of organics. I am also excited that I have a local store where ALL their produce is organic – I shop here quite frequently. Lastly, I have Whole Foods to fill in the gaps, but it is a bit more expensive. Sometimes, I may even pick up stuff at regular, traditional grocery stores. They tend to carry the same selection of organics all time, so for example, I know my local Safeway has avocados, zucchini and lettuce almost all the time. You will start to get a rhythm on how you do your shopping!
It Is An Investment. In Yourself.
Eating good, organic whole foods can seem like a lot more expensive at first because many of us have not been putting our wellness and self-care at the top of the list for expenditures. We are a luxury vehicle and the fuel we put into our vehicle should be the best the planet has to offer.
If you don't have your health, what do you really have at all?
Consider this – what you spend in groceries today will pay for itself in future medical bills. Think of it as an investment. In yourself.
Tina Pruitt is passionate about living life out loud and sharing with others the wildly outstanding benefits of green juicing for vibrant, healthy living and shares her healthy, green living techniques and insights via her blog and ezine at www.tinapruitt.com. If you're ready to jump into a healthy lifestyle, be sure to sign up for the mailing list at www.tinapruitt.com
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