You are spending a lot of effort to achieve and keep, the body you want. You go to the gym four or five days a week, watch what you are eating and stay as active as possible. However, it’s been some time since you made any real gains. In fact, you haven’t changed much in the last six months. And your motivation is starting to droop. What’s up? Anytime your progress becomes stalled or slow, this is known as a plateau, and this is not where any of us wants to be.

So, how do we avoid plateaus? And what can we do to get out of one, once we are there? Simple.

1. Keep your workouts fresh. Do you remember jumping in a cold pool and feeling like you were freezing? Then slowly, your body “got used to” the temperature and it didn’t seem so cold. Workouts are a lot like that. You body can adapt to the exercises, format and even duration very quickly. And then all of a sudden you are not improving. Change your workouts every six weeks or so to keep your body on its toes. Visit The Rhino's website at for tips.

2. Get plenty of rest. It’s easy to get burned out on your workouts if you are not sleeping enough. And if you are burned out, you will not make any advances.

3. Take your vitamins. Make sure your supplements are in order and stay current with them. If you are taking something that says to cycle it, be sure you do that, too.

4. Relax. Stress kills. And it kills your progress, too. Take time to “wind down” after a stressful day. Your body will love you for it.

5. Take a break. Every six weeks or so, take a week off. Don’t want to go that long? Take a long weekend then. Any break will get your motivation back on track.

Author's Bio: 

Joe Palmieri has been involved in fitness and health having been a competitive bodybuilder and power lifter in the late 70’s and early 80’s. His passion grew into a career and he received his first of many certifications in 2001. He now owns Rhino Fitness in Corona, California where he strives to educate his clients as well as get them into shape. He can be contacted at