The beginning of the year is always a great time to make New Year’s resolutions or set goals, and there are ways to be successful in making your resolutions stick and turning your goals into reality.

1) Set Realistic Resolutions And Goals

WRITE a list of the goals you really desire, believe and expect to accomplish, being careful not to sabotage your outcome by setting goals that are so out of reach that you know deep inside you will not be able to accomplish them. Then, arrange these goals in order of importance.

SET GOALS THAT ARE RESONABLE, REALISTIC AND BELIEVEABLE. Stay within the boundary of reason and believability, and be specific about your goals. It may be more believable and reachable for you to set 12 goals (1 per month), of reducing 3 pounds a month than one goal of reducing 30 pounds a year. A goal of improving your overall health, by making small progressive improvements on eating habits and adding a bit of exercise to your daily experience, may be more effective for you than setting a specific goal of weight loss. Find and do what works for you.

MEDITATE on the value, and importance of reaching these goals. IMAGINE how reaching these goals have the great potential of making real positive changes in your life. FEEL passionate about reaching your goals. Ask yourself why and how reaching your goal(s) is valuable to you and those you love and love you? PROJECT yourself into the future and imagine how your life is going to be different and/or better by reaching these goals or even moving in that general direction. By moving in that general direction you are moving in the right direction, a positive direction. STEP INTO that "future" you, and imagine how great it feels to have reached your goals.

"One resolution I have made, and try always to keep, is this: To rise above the little things. -- John Burroughs

2) Do Your Research And Create A "How To" Approach To Sticking To Your Resolutions And Reaching Your Goals

If your goal involves reducing, then research, and find the right nutritional approach that works for you. If you want increase your income, then how exactly are you going to go about it and what steps are you going to take immediately. If what you want is a loving and supportive life partner, then make the necessary positive changes in your life first that will help attract the perfect partner. Changes such as improving your health, getting yourself out of debt, setting healthy boundaries that will result in boosting your confidence, even getting a makeover can make a world of difference in the quality of your love life. The point is that you will be more successful in sticking to your resolutions and reaching your goals if you are serious about it and show a real commitment to that outcome.

3) Be Easy On Yourself And Adjust Your Goals Accordingly

Things happen, and life happens. When you make resolutions and/or set goals allow a bit of fudge factor. Allow yourself to be flexible and modify your goals along the way, yet remaining conscious of continuing to move in a positive direction. When meditating, remember to add to your programming "This or Better!"

Revisit you written list of goals often to recognize your accomplishments, update your list and make modifications. You may find that some goals loose value while others increase in value and importance. Be flexible.

4) Be Persistent

Meditate on your goals daily. Project yourself into the future and use your imagination to step into that "future you" as often as you meditate or even think of it. Give your body, mind, spirit and emotions an opportunity to "memorize" the feeling of success and own it. It will just be a matter of time before it all falls into place as you imagined or BETTER THAN THAT!

Finally, something else to consider when making your list of New Year's resolutions and goals is to make a conscious effort to eliminate those patterns of thinking, believing and behaving that just don't work for you. Free yourself of the junk in your life in order to move forward more freely. Free yourself of the obstacles that are holding you back from having it all!

"Obstacles are things a person sees when he takes his eyes off his goal"

Happy New Year, and make this year the best year of your life yet!

Laura Silva Quesada

Author's Bio: 

Laura Silva Quesada is the daughter of Jose Silva, founder of the original Silva Mind Control. She has authored the book For Parents Only and guides people through the mental exercises in the tape series on the Silva Method. She also is the star of The Silva Method in Action video and more recently one of the authors of the Universal Mind Power audio tape program. Today, Laura is responsible for the MindBiz, LLC Product Development and Communications. She is involved in continuing research that unites the best and most useful of the concepts behind our original Mind Development programs with the latest findings from studies on the Human Mind, Intuition, Alternative Health Care, NLP, and Spirituality. She acts as the communications point for our Client and Affiliate network and is aggressively developing new and exciting programs for our Internet site and Product Store.

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