You're going to a Super Bowl Party. And you're dreading the pain of having to deal with all of those tempting, fattening foods. Well, you can survive. In addition to the obvious things, (like avoiding too much beer) these tips can keep you from sabotaging your fitness success.

1. Have a healthy meal prior. If you are satisfied, you are less likely to overindulge. Even if you just have a good old fashioned protein shake before you leave, you will feel more full and not be inclined to eat more than you should.

2. Bring your own healthy dish, vegetables with low fat dip. Hosts won’t usually turn their noses up when a guest brings a nice plate of food. It is almost always welcome. So you get to have something nutritious to munch on AND you get to look like a gracious guest. It’s a win-win.

3. Tortilla chips and salsa not potato chips and onion dip. There’s just way too much fat in potato chips. No one should be eating them. And then load them up with sour cream? That’s thunder thighs just waiting to happen. Opt for the lesser-of-two-evils corn chips and salsa. You’ll thank me later.

4. Use small plates – practice portion control. Smaller plates get full faster, giving you the mental picture that you are eating more. Let’s face it, if the food is there on your plate, you are more likely to want to eat it. ALL. Less on your plate, means you’ll eat less.

5. Don’t limit yourself – have fun, just make the right choices. Be smart, think about what you are putting on your plate and in your mouth. But enjoy yourself. Eating well is not a death sentence, if you make the right choices, you can still have fun.

Most importantly, remember tomorrow is Monday. Get back to the gym and get your normal routine exercising done. You’ll beat yourself up a lot less for a little overindulgence on Sunday, if you make a point to try to burn it all off on Monday.

Author's Bio: 

Joe Palmieri has been involved in fitness and health having been a competitive bodybuilder and power lifter in the late 70’s and early 80’s. His passion grew into a career and he received his first of many certifications in 2001. He now owns Rhino Fitness in Corona, California where he strives to educate his clients as well as get them into shape. He can be contacted at