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Mindful meditation for pain relief has been proven to decrease the mind's response to pain by 40-57% according to a discovery published in The Journal of Neuroscience. But how do you get these benefits when you're in so much pain you can't think? This article offers you easy meditation ... Views: 5341
“Sound Healing improves and transforms a range of physical and emotional states. It is especially effective for those with chronic illness, allergies, and compulsive behavioral patterns, or who are recovering from trauma and grief,” says sound healer and teacher Philippe Garnier. Originally ... Views: 3853
Sound healing has been practiced in cultures worldwide for thousands of years. When most people think of sound, they are actually thinking of a range of vibrational frequencies, and more specifically most are thinking of the frequency between 20 and 20,000 cycles per second, that human ears can ... Views: 2504
Environment—while it is certainly pleasant to perform the Transcendental Meditation method in a silent place it is not required. Numerous challenging people from all walks of life carry out the Transcendental Meditation practice in airports, lobbies, train stations, and hotel rooms. Just because ... Views: 1729
Envision waking up each day when hrs for serious, continuous sleeping and additionally experience rejuvenated and able to start the day. Go on and ponder always going along the most manufactured apparent, astute, coupled with without worrying about rounds concerning drowsiness the fact that ... Views: 1459
By The Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Online.
Majority of people are skeptic about the true power and the effectiveness of subliminal messages hidden in songs or videos. While they listen to the songs or watch the videos, most people can’t help but try to consciously look for or listen for ... Views: 9856
Muscular pains or tension have sounds. When you know the physical pain is associated with emotional pain, the physical pain can release when you honor the physical stress with sound. This can be very challenging for those of us taught to only make “nice” sounds. But discomfort is not ... Views: 2595
A new field of research called epigenetics has emerged showing that outside forces can change your DNA throughout your life, switching on or off genes affecting various functions of your body.
In particular the work of Dr Dietrich Klinghardt and Dr Bruce Lipton also finding that there is a ... Views: 2744
Tinnitus can be a persistent, annoying sound in your ear that no one else can hear. There is no discernable cure for tinnitus. Most treatments lessen or mask the symptoms of tinnitus. However, most physicians recommend preventing tinnitus by protecting the body, ears and brain.
In some cases ... Views: 1841
The other term for self-hypnosis is auto-hypnosis. This is a kind of hypnosis where the person uses the stimulation himself. There are certain functions that are used by the self hypnosis such as auto suggestion or self suggestion. This is to amend himself at various conditions and situations. ... Views: 2149
TENS electrodes or Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation Electrodes are generally one of the most important parts of the TENS machine. These electrodes are attached to a TENS machine by wire. Most of the machines are usually battery operated and a mild current that travels to the thin wire ... Views: 1837
My healing took a huge leap forward when I discovered that my own sounds could heal. So one of the first skills I teach new sound healers to develop is the ability to sound their feelings. Why?
Sounds express pain in a way that goes beyond what you can state in words. It expresses feelings ... Views: 3626
Ringing ears are often suffered by people having tinnitus as one of its symptoms. This condition makes them irritable and bothersome. But tinnitus is considered a symptom of underlying disease such as age- related hearing loss, ear injury and disorder in the circulatory system if ruled out. ... Views: 13177
The cure for tinnitus to date has not been known and seems to be illusive for medical researchers, similar as to its idiopathic nature – its cause is also unknown. Many sufferers described this symptom as the “phantom” head or ear noise because only the perceiver can hear the buzzing, ringing, ... Views: 3347
Tinnitus depression is common among tinnitus sufferers though, the degree of occurrence is not severe compare to those suffering psychological depression itself.
As medical specialists defined, tinnitus is not a disease but a symptom – a result of several underlying conditions such as ear ... Views: 3855
A tinnitus masker is any form of device which helps the tinnitus sufferer in drowning out the incessant ringing, whizzing, humming or buzzing sounds emanating from within his inner ears.
The device may come in the form of a machine, a CD or hearing aid while the latest innovation comes in ... Views: 3284
In contemplating surgery as a last resort for tinnitus treatment, you should perhaps think about this option a hundred times over. You should be aware that tinnitus surgery involves cutting the eighth nerve in your auditory system without guarantee that the process will relieve you of your ... Views: 2914
Pulsatile tinnitus is different from the ordinary tinnitus experienced by most sufferers. The sound being heard are not considered as phantom sounds because others can hear what the tinnitus patient is suffering from.
Medical studies have determined that the pulsatile tinnitus sounds emanate ... Views: 2948
Over 35 million Americans are being affected by Tinnitus, a hearing condition where infuriating noises are experienced. Tinnitus originated from the Latin word “tinnire”, which means ringing or tinkling like a bell. It can obstruct concentration or be a reason for sleep disturbance.
Tinnitus ... Views: 7815
One of the most effective tinnitus remedy being recommended lately is called the process of habituation. Habituation refers to the behavioural techniques adopted by the tinnitus sufferer in order to relegate the noises into the background and become adept at ignoring the irritating sounds ... Views: 3190
Exasperating noises in the ears such as hooping, buzzing, or ringing can be sporadic or incessant. This situation can sometimes be associated with fractional hearing loss, and can certainly disturb and annoy you.
Tinnitus can go along with some conditions connected to the nervous system and ... Views: 2403
Once a patient submits himself for medical examination regarding ringing, whizzing, buzzing or hissing sounds emanating from his ear, the patient will be required to undergo a series of tests.
This is not surprisingly so since the causes of tinnitus are varied. The medical practitioners have ... Views: 2226
If you are a busy person who is constantly and actively on the go, you might find it difficult to stay put in a certain situation to discuss or concentrate on a certain topic for a long period of time. While your body may seem poised and relaxed, your mind could be off wandering elsewhere, ... Views: 2104
With the realization that the noises you are hearing in your ears or in your head are not going to go away comes the journey to either eliminate them or to learn to live with them.
That journey starts of course with visiting your doctor. For most of us the resulting medical examination will ... Views: 1970
The popular “The Mozart Effect” is an inclusive term signifying the transformational power of music in health, education and well being. It represents the general use of music to reduce stress, depression, anxiety, activate the body and improve memory and awareness. The original studies were ... Views: 4018
You may be aware by now that more than 40 million Americans are suffering from tinnitus and that 17% of the global population are tinnitus afflicted. You will then come to the realization that what they say about tinnitus as incurable must be true.
Otherwise, the number of tinnitus ... Views: 2498
The popular “The Mozart Effect” is an inclusive term signifying the transformational power of music in health, education and well being. It represents the general use of music to reduce stress, depression, anxiety, activate the body and improve memory and awareness. The original studies were ... Views: 6022
In order to imagine how a tinnitus sufferer feels, imagine the sounds of siren or the screeching sound of vehicles or crackling sounds of wood fire constantly ringing in the ears. This can be a tormenting condition that makes life difficult.
In fact, these sounds get more intense at night ... Views: 4570
The heart chakra defines our own inner space and our relationship to everything in the world around us. And green is the color of nature, the energy of expansion and space. Green stones and crystals can aid in the creation of balance for our lives so that we can live harmoniously with the world ... Views: 5397
Sleep machines are some of the newest baby-soothing options on the market, but they are actually based on old baby remedies. Every old granny knows that soft noises like humming and breathing will soothe a baby and help him to sleep.
These machines can help your baby sleep, too, and they ... Views: 1577
Tinnitus is quite common in war torn countries like Iraq and Afghanistan where bombs and exchange of rapid gunfire is as routine as the daily newspaper.
It’s the most prevalent injury suffered by those who are still alive and who managed to go unscathed with the everyday dose of exchange of ... Views: 1852
We live in a world which is getting more and more chaotic and full of problems. Nowadays we don’t have any time for our families and our loved ones because we are too busy with our work. Our work schedules are so rigid that we are forever fighting deadlines and trying to finish our projects in ... Views: 2236
Life is good, but for some people life could be better. This article will show the benefits of music therapy using binaural beats, that helps relieve stress and anxiety, to help make your day a little better.
Music therapy or binaural beats have been around for a long time, over 170 years. ... Views: 4586
We all know that stress and anxiety is bad for us, but in the society we live in, people just don’t have the time to deal with it. We tend to go on and try to deal with it until it effects our health, then we seek help. This article will show that there are techniques you can do in the comfort ... Views: 1847
For generations now we have been told to take a pill for everything. It's really beginning to take it's toll on the population. The fasting growing population in America is those who have buried someone they love due to a drug overdose. You would think that we are talking about teens and young ... Views: 2799
The Karate Chop and the Gamut points have always intrigued me. One interesting fact about the psychological reversal point (Si 3), is that in Traditional Chinese Medicine it is the opening point for the most important of the Eight Extraordinary Vessels; the Du Mai. The Gamut spot (Tw 3) is not ... Views: 2738
My first introduction to hearing vocal harmonics came from listening to recordings many years ago. I heard the harmonic sounds and tried to duplicate them. Later on, I studied with masters of the harmonic voice from many different traditions. Yet, there are now many individuals who hear and ... Views: 1857
In our last conversation, we began the discussion of harmonics. We talked about the actual physics of harmonics--their relationships as geometric multiples of vibrating strings. We also discussed some of their uses in the esoteric traditions such as the Tibetan "Deep Voice" chanting style. I ... Views: 1899
Sound Healing is a relatively new discipline in the healing world, yet transformation through sound has been part of human life from the beginning. Nature sounds, song, voice, chants, pounding two rocks together, hitting a hollow log with a stick are all ways in which our ancestors used sound to ... Views: 2081
These days it seems like there’s no time for anything. The hectic pace most Americans keep make it difficult to add anything into our schedules and this includes meditation and wellness exercises or classes. We must try to find time during the odd hours of our day, and it’s not always easy. Many ... Views: 2344
The Tibetan Voice is now manifesting more and more in the West as a means of creating resonance that effect both the Celestial and the Gaia energies. A number of Westerners, including myself, have now developed the Tibetan Deep Voice and are sharing it with others here in the West. Women, as ... Views: 2114
I would like to suggest that there may be some significant differences in people, from the vibrations of their physical body parts to the vibrations of their etheric fields. And I would like you to contemplate the importance of this as we delve more and more into the world of sound. Be aware ... Views: 1639
From Pythagoras to Mozart to NASA, the Sound of the Spheres went from theory to fact.
There are three sound vibrations that the earth makes as it rotates in the galaxy. The daily rotation of the earth on its axis is called “Earth Day” and has a 194.71Hz vibration, the annual cycle around the ... Views: 2930
Stressed? Yes, most are these days...but what do you do to bring back your sanity?
I tend to choose yoga, quiet time, fresh air, walking, running, and being with friends as my de-stressors, but there is something else that has been showing up on my radar …and that is chanting, singing and the ... Views: 1536
Mantras (or the "frequencies") by themselves may not be as powerful and effective as when they are coupled with visualization (or the "intent" if you like). This is not saying that they will not work by themselves, but only that they work better when a specific visualization is added. ... Views: 2286
The harmonics, which I am found of using and sharing, are an aspect of sound which bridges the different dimensions. I believe that these vocal harmonics also represent the new mantras of the 2lst Century and that these sounds will be a form of non-verbal communication we are in the process of ... Views: 1976
The purpose of this article is to help acquaint you with the technology of binaural beats. Before you start using this new technology to make positive changes in your life you must learn its benefits and also how it works.
You can use the progressive binaural beats technology to unlock your ... Views: 5545
Many frequently ask about dolphins and dolphin sounds. Dolphins have the ability to send and receive sonic frequencies of 180,00 cycles per second. That is 10 times faster than humans can perceive--human hearing ends at about 16,000 cycles per second. Dolphins have the ability to project ... Views: 4618
Someday, in the not too distant future, we will learn to communicate with others through a harmonic language. It will be a language of tone and melody, without words. This once was. Then as the bible literally illustrates, languages developed and all forms of havoc were created. Global ... Views: 1979
This book review is part of a series that covers the topic of Sound Therapy. Sound Therapy is an interpersonal process in which the therapist uses music and all of its facets - physical, emotional, mental, social, aesthetic, and spiritual - to help clients to improve or maintain their health. ... Views: 2211