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Religion is an essential part of the framework of our modern lives - whether we are believers of any faith or none. Many people would claim that religions poison groups and individuals against one another as if it were a Them and Us situation.
The history of religions is also the history of ... Views: 2934
#1. The rapture occurs “at the last trumpet,” 1Cor 15:52. There are 7 trumpets, preceded by a huge earthquake in Rev 8:5,6.”The earth shall shake,” Joel 3:16.
“We must through much tribulation (before rapture) enter the kingdom.” Acts 14:22.
#2. “In the days of these kings shall the God of ... Views: 1053
When discussing the topic of how Jews in history have viewed Christians it is crucial to also look at the geopolitical context in which we ask the question.
The earliest Christians - including Paul, or Saul as he was originally known - were mistrusted by Jews. It must be remembered that ... Views: 898
In the Judaism, the mezuzah is a ubiquitous symbol. Even in secular households, it's common to see the decorative case affixed upon doorways. Inside the case is a piece of parchment paper with a sacred Jewish prayer.
"And thou shalt write them upon the doorposts of thy house and upon thy ... Views: 1774
Christian Movies have always been an essential part of society. It has been providing a positive and good impact on the teenage mind.
In recent times, people have been frustrated with the old stuff and negative content shown in the generic movies. It has impacted various innocent minds and ... Views: 840
Psychologist Wm James said, We can alter our lives by altering our attitudes.
Why not start with gratitude? Dr. Hans Selye said it’s the most healing of all emotions.
At its core, gratitude is being grateful that we have something and maybe also being grateful that we don’t have some other ... Views: 1072
“Only those who recognize that The COMMON GOOD concerns a man’s soul can explain why we should legislate rest on Sunday: to honor the God who on that day rose. This is why we call Sunday the Lord’s Day…For this reason…the Sabbath is the heart of all social legislation. Christian politics begins ... Views: 937
Third Ashra of Ramadan starts from 21st Ramadan and ends 29th or 30th Ramadan. The last 10 days of Ramadan are blessed and superior as Laila tul Qadr falls in these days and Muslims also practice I’tikaf and try to maximize their prayers. The last Ashra of Ramadan helps us to get rid of the ... Views: 1182
Allah the Almighty sent down the 1 lac 24 thousand prophets to guide the people who had forgotten Allah’s instructions and His righteous way. When Allah felt that humankind need a Messenger and director who will lead His creation towards Him then He sent down the Messenger immediately. There are ... Views: 1923
A person who enters into the circle of Islam knows that about Hajj and other creeds and fundamental principles of religion Islam. Every year, millions of Muslim brothers and sisters visit the Makkah and Madinah to perform Hajj. They use different traveling packages such as Islamic Travel ... Views: 1027
“As it was in the days of Noah,” Methuselah was the oldest man in the Bible and he died the year of the Flood. His name meant, at his death, the sending forth of waters. He died the year of the Flood as a sign it was impending. This author suggested similar for Billy Graham here.
“History ... Views: 1490
This is a fresh look at coming events as seen by the prophets--Musa and Isa (Quran). Their writings show how we may be part of the kingdom in the coming time of judgment. Judgment implies separation, like the wise and foolish virgins were separated in Isa’s teaching because the foolish weren’t ... Views: 932
Fiery volcano, unprecedented fires in California, and now fire in Paradise gets our attention. There’s wanton destruction of the planet by chemtrails, HAARP that can make earthquakes and hurricanes, dozens of murders and hundreds of rapes daily in this ‘Christian nation.’
Is there some ... Views: 833
As the saying goes, “There are no atheists in a foxhole.” That being said, is it more powerful to pray alone or in a group?
For thousands of years, Judaism has held the belief that wherever ten Jewish men gather, the Divine Presence resides among them. The Talmud states that "sanctification" ... Views: 1224
Beginnings are important. “As the twig is bent, the tree is inclined.” So it was that as America was beginning, “the devil was in the details” for seven movements destined to affect millions.
1. Karl Marx wrote The Communist Manifesto, which still appeals to millions in Latin America where ... Views: 804
Islamic Travel UK has designed cheap and top quality 5 Star Ramadan Umrah Packages 2019 according to the affordability of everyone. The prices are very reasonable and economical for every class of people. These Ramadan Umrah packages include accommodation at modern and furnished hotels such as ... Views: 1868
Christ’s letter to the last church in Revelation 3 seems negative. We like the idea that Christ is knocking at our door, but blind and naked is a bad combination for getting to the door, and naked means we aren’t ready to open, and it also means the loins are not girded with truth, Eph 6:14. ... Views: 731
When asked about the end of the world, Christ said to understand the book of Daniel. His 11th chapter is a running commentary on history from the time of Alexander the Great.
Historically, Babylon, Medo-Persia, Grecia and Rome came from the north to fight Egypt, the king of the south, but if ... Views: 781
Christ criticized the Jews for discerning the weather, but not ‘the signs of the times.’ The smiting of the winter house and summer house is linked to bad times, Amos 3. We would do well to pay attention to the context.
God said He would punish Israel’s enemies for 3 or 4 transgressions in ... Views: 799
Karwa Chauth is a grand festival for all the Hindu’s married couples in India. It is a memorable occasion of North Indian people. Karwa Chauth festival falls on the fourth day of the waning moon of Kartik month. It also comes almost nine days before the Diwali festival every year.
According ... Views: 1326
Bread is considered to be one the staples of life, but it is also a deeply symbolic food for both Christians and Jews. The Bible is replete with references to bread, showing its deep significance as a means of sustenance and also a conduit with which to praise God.
It is first mentioned in ... Views: 1713
In the 21st century we live in an increasingly diverse world, where the movement of people and ideas occurs at a dizzying pace – and this includes people’s religious beliefs.
Trying to teach children about tolerance in general, especially when there seems to increasingly be a dearth of it ... Views: 1254
The widely celebrated Diwali brings the five illuminated days filled with happiness, sharing and blessings in the month of September / October. It is the festival of the darkest nights in the starting days of the lunar month when the moon is new with less light. Adorned with new traditional ... Views: 640
The most popular festival of Hinduism, Diwali, brings the lights and joy in the lives of the devotees. So clean-up your homes, streets, offices and places as the event is soon to be there with all of its blessings and delight. The festival is all about the lights in any form like Diya, lamps, ... Views: 631
A mother of five children faces death for an act of kindness in offering a Muslim co-worker a drink of water. Her mistake? She drank from it first. In most cultures, that would not be a problem, but for Muslims quick to condemn others, it’s guilty of death for blasphemy, but drinking first might ... Views: 904
That boom of the temples and the streets is back with the carnival of victory of Rama; the Dussehra is here. This Hindu Festival is the closing day for the Navratri. Dussehra is the tenth day after the nine festive nights of Durga Puja. It is incorporated with the theme of the “victory of good ... Views: 1222
That joyous colors of Indian culture, the lights at the temples, the decorations at home and the prosperity for the devotees; come along the nine festive nights in the month of October or March. The time of the year is here when Durga is here with the blessings to shower at the places where you ... Views: 824
Bible Could Solve Pope’s Prayer Problem
The pope asks for prayer to fight the devil over the sex abuse scandals that are costing a small fraction of Vatican bank holdings. This suggests several problems.
1. The Vatican worships Lucifer. The Bible (“a dangerous book” said Francis, maybe he ... Views: 814
Bible Could Solve Pope’s Prayer Problem
The pope asks for prayer to fight the devil over the sex abuse scandals that are costing a small fraction of Vatican bank holdings. This suggests several problems.
1. The Vatican worships Lucifer. The Bible (“a dangerous book” said Francis, maybe he ... Views: 827
President Trump urged the UN to reject globalism and embrace patriotism, but was interrupted by laughter. The Guardian
It might surprise most readers to see how the Bible supports President Trump as making the US great again, even at the cost of his life.
When asked about the end of the ... Views: 781
A good church is always focusing on Bible and Jesus Christ teaching. Our innovative ideas and efforts to enhance your spiritual growth via Jesus-centred act will help us to make you feel satisfied. There is no magical stick for restoration, it can begin with conviction on the part of Christians. ... Views: 1036
The Bible says God won’t do anything without revealing it by His prophets and we should understand His prophets in the Bible. Would-be prophets today claim visions or dreams from God, but most of them do not ‘pan out.’
Here’s an explanation of an expected repeat of Bible history, since God ... Views: 989
The importance of religion in young Americans’ lives is in danger. According to trends illuminated by the most recent Pew Study on religious life in America, there is a clear downward trend in the importance of religious life in younger people compared to older people - and this trend is growing ... Views: 1403
Solomon said, “Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it are the issues of life.” Proverbs 4:23. Today we might say, “Be careful what you want to believe--it can affect your destiny.”
Darwin was reared to believe in God and the Bible, but he had a change of heart after his only ... Views: 838
As NY & NJ join PA, MO, IL, NE to investigate Catholic clergy cover-ups, Revelation 17 has clues that only fit the papacy. Papacy derives from papa. Christ said, “Call no man father,” Matthew 23:9. He further said, “All ye are brethren,” denying the idea of a hierarchy and the top has the title ... Views: 892
As today’s headlines ask, “Is the Pope a Catholic?” readers may wonder what the future holds. When asked about the end of the world, Christ said to understand Daniel’s book.
In Daniel’s 7th chapter, the kingdoms of this world were depicted as fierce beasts of prey. Historians say the lion, ... Views: 850
Hajj and Umrah 2018 is not far and Muslims are busy to confirm their Hajj and Umrah Packages 2018. They face many problems before and during Hajj and Umrah due to overcrowding. Before going to Hajj and Umrah, they face the issues such as completing documents, Visa, hotels etc. During Hajj Umrah, ... Views: 1599
Financial disasters, droughts and floods, earthquakes and other natural upheavals encourage many people to pray and seek a hopeful outcome. Unfortunately, too often, it takes an extreme situation to bring us to our knees in prayer and hopefulness for our lives. For we American’s this is a time ... Views: 936
Nowadays, Muslims are facing various difficulties regarding Islam, the Religion of Peace. The major issue Muslim community is facing that they are converting people to Islam by force and coercion. In the present times, the reputation of Islam is ruined due to several reasons. The western people ... Views: 1318
Relatively young Hollywood director Kevin Smith had a brush with death earlier this year; a massive heart attack almost did him in. Fortunately, he’s still with us, and the health crisis puts the spotlight on the notion of prayer.
Another Hollywood star, openly Christian Chris Pratt, star of ... Views: 1094
The Religion of Peace, Islam that is Divine and Holiest religion after the revelation of Christianity. Its every Muslims’ responsibility and obligation to understand the core tenants of the Islamic creed and faith. The religion Islam is very beautiful and humanity lover religion; therefore, we ... Views: 819
There is no uncertainty and doubt that Salah is the obligatory and fundamental elements of the Islamic faith. This is farz worship and every Muslim offer the Salah regularly five times a day and represent his or her obedience to Allah. That’s why the significance of the Salah can’t be denied in ... Views: 1541
Dua at Holy Kaaba:
Numerous people have the idea that the first time that they ever set eyes on the Holy Kaaba, any Dua that they make will be answered immediately. This is not supported by Sahi Hadith.
Kissing The Black Stone:
The act of kissing the black stone is a beautiful Sunnah ... Views: 590
“Let us eat, drink and be merry” is an unspoken way we operate, and it leads to the death of our choice--painless in most cases, thanks to medicine, that is also part of the bondage, says Dr. Richard Ruhling, a retired physician who says most people could do better. What does he ... Views: 887
After joint communion with Lutherans last fall, a two-thirds majority of the German bishops' conference adopted a proposal to allow Protestant spouses of Catholics to receive Communion, but the pope stays with tradition in the Syllabus of Errors. Yahoo News
“The Syllabus of Errors, issued by ... Views: 907
By mid-June, 2018, Muslims all around the world will be celebrating Eid ul Fitr, the festival of breaking the fast, marking the end of the month of Ramadan. This is a Muslim festival during which the traditional greeting of Eid Mubarak will rent the air along with the
eid mubarak images ... Views: 857
Ramzan is a holy month set aside by Muslims all over the world for fasting. The term, Ramzan, also refers to Ramadan. It is a Persian transliteration of "Ramzān".
As I give information about everything Ramadan, I'll be sharing with you some Ramzan images which you can also share to friends ... Views: 1369
5 mukhi rudraksha makes for 50 to 60% of the total production of rudraksha. So, one can easily gauge how popular they are actually are. They make for the most accessible rudraksha as well. Mahadev or Lord Shiva is the ruling God of the 5 Mukhi Rudraksha. It is believed that wearing his 5-faced ... Views: 621
“Pope Francis reportedly told a gay man from Chile who was visiting the Vatican that God made him that way and loves him the way he is. Juan Carlos Cruz, was reportedly a victim of sexual abuse at the hands of a priest.” https://yhoo.it/2IYG1jI
Rome is “Babylon, the Great, the Mother of ... Views: 1023