Dua at Holy Kaaba:
Numerous people have the idea that the first time that they ever set eyes on the Holy Kaaba, any Dua that they make will be answered immediately. This is not supported by Sahi Hadith.
Kissing The Black Stone:
The act of kissing the black stone is a beautiful Sunnah and an honor for all those who can do so. However as there is a huge crowd most of the people cannot reach the stone and therefore they start kissing from far away, when they are in line with the Black Stone. The pilgrims stop right in the middle, in people’s way and start to kiss the black stone. They fail to realize that suddenly stopping can cause disruption in the flow of the Tawaf of the other pilgrims around them.
The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) only kissed the stone when he could and when he couldn’t, he touched the Black Stone with his hand and then kissed his hand. Some people also think wiping their hand over Black Stone or Kabah & then rubbing them on their body will remove sins or diseases but this is a misconception & is not allowed. The only permissible act or the right way is to touch it or kiss it only when it can be done easily.
Shouting out the Duas:
Some pilgrims during their pilgrimage tend to shout at the very top of their voices while reading Dua while performing Tawaf. The pilgrims follow an Imam who shouts out different Duas and all the pilgrims follow him reciting these Duas. This disturbs other pilgrims trying to concentrate, the best thing to do is make a list of duas which you may want to read during Tawaf and read them in your own language at your own speed, not to loud making it easier for yourself as well as others trying to concentrate.
Do check out Experience Umrah “Umrah Guide” which contains all the Duas you can recite while you are on Tawaf, making it easier for you as well.
Doing Tawaf on behalf of someone:
Several people make this mistake of doing a Tawaf and then they donate the reward of this action to their family or loved ones who are either unable to perform it themselves or have passed away. This is not valid as there is no evidence to support this. Hajj and Umrah can be done on behalf of another, however, only the Tawaf cannot.
Thinking that the Jamarat is the Devil:
When people go to stone the Jamarat they often have the wrong idea in their head that they are in fact going to stone the devil. In fact, these people think that they are stoning Iblees himself. People have also started to call this act as the Stoning of the Shaitan. This is however not at all true. The Jamarat are not the devil. All we can and should do is to throw stones to these Jamarat as an act of worship and as a remembrance of the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) and remembrance of Allah. Hence it is advised not to cuss at the Jamarat and no need to push, shove or get emotional during the process.
Hair Cut after Saee:
People start cutting their hair in as soon as they complete their Umrah at the end of Saee on Marwa Mountain. They cut their hair from 2,3 places and consider that they are done with Umrah. The correct way of doing this is to go to the proper barber and ask him to cut your hair from all over the head. Cutting your hair from 2, 3 places on the head does not relieve you from the conditions of the Ahram.
Praying of 40 prayers is compulsory in Medina:
Some people think that it is necessary to complete the 40 prayers in the Prophet’s Mosque and that it is a necessary part of Hajj. However this along with visiting Medina as part of the Hajj pilgrimage is not necessary. It is a good thing none the less however it is certainly not necessary.
Wearing Ihram:
Some pilgrims coming by air delay their Ihram until they reach Jeddah Airport and then assume Ihram there or at any other point nearer to Makkah. The Prophet (Prayers and peace of Allah be upon him) described Miqat saying, "They are for the people at those very places and besides for those who come through those places". [Reported by Al-Bukhari]
Everyone who passes by or becomes parallel to a Miqat on his way, whether by air or on land, while he has the intention to perform Hajj or `Umrah, should assume Ihram at that Miqat. If he passes it and assumes Ihram at a place closer to Makkah, then he will have missed one of the obligatory rituals of Hajj/Umrah.
There are many people wearing Ihram below the waist line. Therefore the area below the belly button is exposed to everyone. It is not appropriate to pray even Salah if this area is exposed.
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