We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Overeating and Obesity". If you have expertise in Overeating and Obesity and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
When most people’s feet hurt, life almost comes to a standstill; simple everyday activities such as walking and standing even for just a few minutes becomes a daunting task. Unknown to many people, the cause of the problem and the solution may simply surround the type of shoes they wear every ... Views: 1194
More people in the world today are suffering from obesity than from hunger. In fact 65% of the world’s population live in a country where being overweight and being obese kills more people than people who are underweight. Obesity is becoming the fastest-growing and most troubling health problem ... Views: 5818
Liposuction expels fat from your body utilizing suction. Amid liposuction, little, thin, limit tipped tubes (cannula) are embedded through small cuts in the skin. Fat is suctioned out through these tubes as the specialist moves the tubes around under the skin to target particular fat stores. ... Views: 774
Ever notice how many diet books there are? That’s because DIEts don’t commonly work. Think about it. How many people do you know who have DIEted and actually maintained their weight loss? Only 3% to 5% of DIEters who lose weight maintain significant weight loss.
Doesn’t sound too good to me, ... Views: 1216
Everyone seems to be in a rush these days. There’s very little downtime for anything, including eating! Although I don’t necessarily advise take-out, there are some days that you just have to. Not everyone has the time or luxury to make their own meal at home every day.
However, let’s face ... Views: 1584
Between L’Espalier in Boston Le Cirque, Eleven Madison Park and Bouley in NY, Restaurant August in New Orleans, Mélisse in LA, and Lulu in Palm Srings – I admit I’m having major food “cravings” just thinking about them as I write this article. These are the best in their respective cities in our ... Views: 1272
Weight loss beginning in midlife and extending into later life could be a sign of dementia, as uncovered by researchers at the Mayo Clinic. The findings revealed that individuals who lose weight over the course of decades are at a higher risk for mild cognitive impairment (MCI), which is the ... Views: 810
A new study has found that girls with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are at a higher risk of becoming obese than girls without the condition. The Mayo Clinic conducted the study with 1,000 girls to uncover their findings. They suggest that girls with ADHD have double the risk of ... Views: 986
By now you may have heard the ground-breaking news – bacon is linked to an increased risk of cancer. Maybe your heart broke a little bit; how can something so delicious be so harmful? But then again, aren’t the best things always the worst for you?
There is a lot of information currently ... Views: 888
A new study has found a link between fatty liver and heart failure in obese individuals. The findings stress the importance of dietary intervention in those who are obese.
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a common liver disease affecting 70 to 90 percent of obese individuals or ... Views: 1128
Bariatric surgery has come under a lot of flak in recent years but one cannot ignore its benefits – especially when it comes to obese patients needing knee surgery. Statistics show that adverse outcomes and post-operative maintenance costs are on the rise in obese patients who undergo following ... Views: 895
Weight-loss, in my experience, is best done by losing the reasons why we overeat, under-exercise, sleep very little, or are mega-stressed. All of these reasons have been proven to contribute to weight loss. Emotional Freedom Techniques, in most of its forms, involves saying what we desire that ... Views: 2197
What is the answer to stops kids over eating and being gluttonous?
There is a relatively easy answer which involves kids being outside and engaged in physical activities. Parents this means you too have to be engaged in your kid’s health to help reduce this kid’s obesity issue. You have a ... Views: 942
Childhood obesity occurs when kids have too much body fat. Kids Obesity can be curtailed with a healthy family.
Understanding Kids Obesity
Kids Obesity and kids being overweight are terms that you might hear when children have too much body fat that presents a risk to their health.
Kids ... Views: 950
Are you concerned that you or someone you love might be suffering from an eating disorder? Eating disorders are serious and lengthly debilitating illnesses. Studies in Australia found that the average duration of bulimia is 5 years, and 8 years for anorexia. The quicker that one gets help for ... Views: 1496
Weight, calories and exercise are the pressing issues that face every teen who combat kids obesity problems everyday of their life. Kids obesity, however, is more than just physical exercise and nutrition. Kids obesity also takes a significant toll on the mental acuity of kids who struggle with ... Views: 1019
Walk into any school in the US, UK or Australia and you will notice a large percentage of children who are overweight or obese. Kids obesity is a real problem and is costing tax payers billions of dollars each year to treat. Kids obesity strategies are are only hitting the surface with most ... Views: 936
In the current Western world dieting and weight are topics of great popularity -you only need look at the magazine stands of any supermarket to find that most front covers are permeated with dieting tricks, weight loss plans, celebrities who have gained or lost weight; many people find ... Views: 1486
Today there is so much pressure on women to fit a certain “body type” and live up to unachievable standards. It can put a lot of stress on you when there are already so many responsibilities that you have to fulfill. It can burden your mind and take away from your happiness.
What I often find ... Views: 1426
I think it’s safe to say that we all know obesity is a problem in this country. Sometimes we might be in denial about what an enormous problem it is, but once you pay attention and look around, you realize we have an epidemic on our hands. This is going to cripple our nation in terms of rising ... Views: 912
If you are struggling with emotional eating, you're not alone.
I still catch myself doing it- just the other day I sat down in front of my computer and opened up a bag of Terra chips and started shoveling them in. I stopped myself before I ate the entire bag because I became aware of what I ... Views: 1160
If you are struggling with emotional eating, you're not alone.
I still catch myself doing it- just the other day I sat down in front of my computer and opened up a bag of Terra chips and started shoveling them in. I stopped myself before I ate the entire bag because I became aware of what I ... Views: 1071
If you are struggling with emotional eating, you're not alone.
I still catch myself doing it- just the other day I sat down in front of my computer and opened up a bag of Terra chips and started shoveling them in. I stopped myself before I ate the entire bag because I became aware of what I ... Views: 1062
What is the answer to the billion dollars kids obesity epidemic?
It seems that governments and communities are failing to find an answer or solution to this lifestyle issue. Kids obesity is a complex issue and needs to be treated as such. Governments have a tendency just to throw money at ... Views: 937
If you want to get your body back in shape, look your finest, and all the weight loss formulas that you have tried so far are just not working to your satisfaction, you may want to consider using this natural alternative that is often overlooked but can bring desirable results.
Essential ... Views: 907
Cramping, gurgling sounds and pain – our stomach can really put us through the ringer when it’s not feeling its best. Stomach troubles can ruin your day, keep you locked up indoors and make you want to curl up into a ball. But what caused your stomach woes in the first place? Was it spices? Or ... Views: 948
It’s the weekend and your social schedule is packed. You’ve got a night out with friends on Friday, followed by a wedding Saturday afternoon, and then a birthday party to cap it all off on Sunday.
Fun? Yes.
Healthy eating? Not so much.
Whether it’s an entire weekend of not-so-healthy ... Views: 1057
Modern living has replaced important rituals that were observed keenly and devoutly in the past. Before, eating is too important an activity to be taken for granted.
Cultures and religions around the world put extra emphasis on mealtime—especially dinner. Even in American culture, most ... Views: 1799
Gastric bypass surgeries and other weight loss medical procedures
being performed in the United States are increasing for the last few years.
This may be in response for the increase in the number of people suffering from obesity.
According to the American Society of Bariatric Surgery, ... Views: 1050
Sometimes when we look at ourselves in the mirror,
we don't like what we see.
Our modern lifestyle does not exactly engender healthy living for normal people.
The convenience of fast food combined with a sedentary lifestyle
is not exactly conducive to a healthy life.
Obesity is quickly ... Views: 991
Employers are spending millions of dollars in healthcare for their workers. With the costs skyrocketing and affecting company finances, employers are forced to take care of their employees in order to avoid cases of obesity in the workplace and the financial pitfalls of having an unhealthy ... Views: 1405
Gastric bypass and other bariatric medical procedures
are primarily performed to resolve issues of morbid obesity.
Not only does gastric bypass help in weight-loss,
but studies show that it has dramatic effects on diseases associated with obesity
like heart diseases, hypertension, cancer and ... Views: 1019
Colorectal cancer is reaching epidemic proportions even though this cancer is easily treatable if detected early. Colorectal cancer treatment options decrease in its later stages. Treatment varies, and the earlier the disease is detected, the better are the chances of survival.
Colorectal ... Views: 860
What is Obesity?
When a person eats excess of fat containing food and doesn’t do any physical exercises then his excess fat is deposited in his body. By measuring the BMI (Body Mass Index) of an obese person it comes higher than the required BMI (Body Mass Index). Obesity is most dangerous ... Views: 1358
Those living in the Northeast are all letting out a sigh of relief that winter is finally coming to an end. Yet the change of seasons is bittersweet for many people as a whole new stressor now enters their lives: the dreaded bikini season. You may have enjoyed spending the winter cozying up ... Views: 1352
Unattractive, stupid, lazy, lacking self-control…is that what you not-so-secretly think of the nearly 70% of adults with “overbesity,” that is, those affected by overweight or obesity? If so, read on. You may be a fat shaming bully and not even know it.
I was working out in the gym yesterday, ... Views: 1712
What should I eat? When should I eat? How much should I eat? These are all questions that likely float around in your mind every single day. The “what, when and how much” of eating have been implanted in your mind as result of a lifelong dependency on dieting as your only hope towards losing ... Views: 1448
Many of us at some stage come to a point where we want to lose bodyfat for some reason - be it a bodybuilding/fitness model contest, a holiday or even for health reasons.
How hard do you have to be on yourself with your diet? Does your daily nutrition have to be "squeaky clean" with food only ... Views: 2086
Getting pregnant can be an exciting time for new parents. But it can also be an extremely overwhelming time, especially for first-time parents. Becoming a parent can be one of the most rewarding things in a person’s life, but like everything else, parenting too can come with its own set of ... Views: 876
Most people have heard of resveratrol, the amazing anti-aging supplement so prevalent in the news. Recent research is moving quickly to show us that resveratrol may now play a role in becoming our next anti-obesity drug.
We often compare the metabolic effect from restricting calorie intake to ... Views: 1044
In 1972, a group of Stanford University researchers did an experiment that highlighted a critical tool for fast weight loss. If you want to lose the pounds, this discovery makes all the difference . . .
The researchers placed an enticing marshmallow treat in front of each child participating ... Views: 4018
Does any of this sound familar to you?
I never really seem to lose the desire for ice cream;
I still cannot resist chocolate;
I love eating treats and goodies.
Do you find yourself tapping on these things, but still want to (and often do) eat them anyway? Should you initially ... Views: 2168
The holidays are right around the corner and love ‘em or hate ‘em one thing is certain, there’s no escaping them entirely. The season starts with pumpkin lattes, apple crisp, and candy corn and ends weeks later with millions of people cursing themselves for falling into the holiday food trap. ... Views: 922
I was recently talking to a lady who I met in the gym she was telling me about how it was a new week and she was going to get herself back on track and lose the weight she wanted to.
Firstly it is great that the lady was in the gym on a Monday and a bit fired up to start her week on the front ... Views: 1319
I was in the gym with a client doing some squats the other morning.
He was telling me how he was feeling a bit “bloated and wobbly" around the tummy area and had put on half a stone in a matter of days.
He lifted up his shirt to prove it, and he looked to me, to be holding water.
Now ... Views: 1285
This is a very common question in my inbox, and it goes something like this: "I would like to drink more water. I drink soda pop, tea, and coffee, and I'm ashamed to say I put sugar in my tea and coffee. It doesn't taste the same without it. But all diets and eating regimes say to drink more ... Views: 6011
EFT, short for Emotional Freedom Techniques, is a powerful combination of acupressure and releasing wording, designed to give you fast results with any goal that you want to achieve. Probably the biggest question people ask with EFT is what to say when they tap. No matter what kind of EFT you ... Views: 1336
CHASING HUNGER - 90 day bulimia breakthrough challenge, by author Kathy Welter-Nichols,
The technology of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) provides an opportunity to consider that behind every behavior there is a positive intention. While bulimia might seem strange or even ... Views: 2384
Most people actually choose to die than to change their behaviour - fact. I know that is a strong statement but after reading this short article hopefully you will be able to see where I am coming from.
So what about you?
Are you UNABLE to stop eating or drinking booze?
If so, don’t ... Views: 1332
I don't know if it's because of the weight I that have lost recently that I am more aware, but I can't help but notice the composition of people all around us.
I went out for a long walk yesterday on a nice summer evening and noticed how few other people were out doing the same - yet there ... Views: 1230