We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Integrity". If you have expertise in Integrity and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
Books Atkinson, 1894-1984, American journalist, said, “This nation was built by people who took risks - - pioneers who were not afraid of the wilderness, business men who were not afraid of failure, scientists who were not afraid of the truth, thinkers who were not afraid of progress, and ... Views: 1659
I couldn't help but listen in. RB, an upperclassman, was reveling in his “accomplishment” from the weekend.
“We found a gate into the pasture and drove out toward where they were sleeping,” he said, lowering his voice. “The first one woke up and ran off, just as we got close. We were ... Views: 1761
It's too often that we take for granted the little things. Especially when we're moving so fast... Our lives are full and busy, and as Latinas, we have a lot on our plates!
Start the Day With Gratitude
Do you start the day with thoughts of gratitude for all the little things? I know ... Views: 1395
A 2002 University of Massachusetts study about lying found that 60% of people lied during a 10 minute conversation. The average person told two to three lies in that 10 minutes, most didn’t even realize they were doing so, and men and women lied about the same amount.
Psychologist Robert S. ... Views: 2589
There is a part of all of us that is beyond every problem, doubt, worry or loss and is, in essence, the true and universal embodiment of success. It is here we dispense with limitation and start the journey of experiencing the truth of what we are and can be. This is the part that is never ... Views: 1463
Never deny your own value, no matter what experiences you have had so far.
Your value is an immeasurable gift to give yourself for the future, starting in the present. It really is one of the most outstanding conditions of what you are. It is here you will gain total freedom of what you can ... Views: 1613
Greed may initially bring you a certain amount of success, but in the long run it will generally stand in your way. Why is this? Surely in a world where you are encouraged to "look after you own" and claw your way to the top greed should be an asset?
Survival of the fittest is a concept ... Views: 3126
I suspect that we all like to think we have integrity, but what exactly does this mean?
Integrity usually means that a person is trustworthy, reliable and has a set of values that make them respected by their friends and colleagues. More literally, integrity means a consistent combination of ... Views: 5081
Internet predators have become a fixture of sorts on many social media sites which necessitates the need for users to exercise caution. Since the advent of the internet 'instances' of cyber crime have evolved into regular and expected occurrences. Now the growing popularity of social network ... Views: 2481
Online social media network sites have experienced an extraordinary growth in popularity over the last few years. The growth in social media use has captured the attention of not only enthusiastic users but also cyber criminals as well. It was inevitable that internet predators would gravitate ... Views: 2083
With the demand of flash analytics and flash applications, it has become a necessity to understand the basics and to have a proper knowledge of the flash technology. Most of the website owners want to understand the flash applications because it plays a vital role in attracting the online ... Views: 1160
Corporate Greed- A review of recent events and the need for Corporate Ethics (Part III of III)
At Fannie Mae, the career of well-respected CEO Franklin Raines came to an abrupt end when the Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight forced a very resistant Fannie Mae Board of Directors to ... Views: 2829
Have you noticed that tardiness is on the rise? People are chronically late for work; for their child’s teacher conference or athletic contest; or even for parties and celebrations. As the old saying goes, “they will even be late for their own funeral.” Yet, punctuality is one of the key ways ... Views: 22251
Regardless of the progress made through legislation over the years, discrimination and bigotry still exist and utilize more subtle tactics to exclude perceived undesirables from groups and organizations of all kinds. Although mobbing is usually described as a status-blind form of harassment it ... Views: 3203
“Integrity is not so much a value in itself; it is rather the value that guarantees all the other values. “ Anonymous
Your core values govern the way you live and the way you respond to life. They govern the way you react to situations that present themselves. Your core values help to ... Views: 5907
Perhaps I’m feeling a bit sensitive to this topic at the moment, as I recently had a holiday party at my home. A party to which numerous people did not RSVP and some who responded positively, didn’t attend – with no apology or explanation. But, my thoughts did not start with this event. I’ve ... Views: 1693
Drip! Drop! Drip! Drop! Drip! Drop!
Everyday for a week, when Jack looked out his Delaware window, the same dreary sight greeted him . . .
Grey clouds, grey skies, grey rain . . .
Drip! Drop! Drip! Drop! Drip! Drop!
. . . then in the midst of the drip! drop! came a ding dong! ... Views: 1199
This article shares a real life example of overcoming adversity. It will show how overcoming adversity has help shape a prominent leader. This article tells the background and story of one of the leader's success at overcoming adversity (in fact she faced the multiple adversities of racial, sex, ... Views: 3163
Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what you have into enough and more than enough. Let me share with you a bit about what I mean...
Gratitude turns denial into acceptance.
Gratitude turns chaos into order.
Gratitude turns confusion to clarity.
Gratitude creates a vision for ... Views: 2084
I was on the learning team this week, and I thought you'd benefit from what happened.
SuccessNet has been doing business on the Internet for over 12 years. And during that time, we've come to be known as one of the most trusted sources for personal and professional growth on the Web. We're ... Views: 3179
When we feel resentment we believe that someone, or something has wronged us in some way. When we feel resentful, we tend to feel negative emotions such as anger, spite, hurt and irritation.
Examples of Resentment include:
• Feeling angry against a person or group of people whom you feel ... Views: 8327
Overcoming Adversity and Leadership: Balancing of Justice and Forgiveness
I personally interviewed Major General Sid Shachnow (U. S. Army Retired), the former head of all U.S. Army Special Forces, as one of the accomplished leader participants for my Gonzaga University Doctoral dissertation ... Views: 2611
This Part I of a two part article about US Senator Inouye provides an insight into the groundbreaking proven research about overcoming adversity and the relationship it has with "Leadership and Adversity" has received extensive endorsements and enthusiastic reviews from well-known prominent ... Views: 3398
When it comes to business—and life—it’s best to build bridges that will endure.
The building blocks, and bridges, of success often emerge in different ways.
Treat your business with respect. If you respect it, it will respect you.
Build your business around others. The customer, the ... Views: 1593
I belong to quite a few groups, attend and teach at many workshops, conferences and meetings. In turn, I meet a lot of people and most of the time it is customary to exchange our business cards.
The question I have for you is why would you exchange business cards with someone if you had no ... Views: 1656
Though my knowledge of the James Ray Sweat Lodge event tragedy that has to date killed three people is slim, it parallels in a very weird way a similar tragedy that took place years ago on Mt. Everest where more people died in a climb under the care of proven leader Rob Hall than ever before. ... Views: 2943
Question: Why didn't God prevent Adam and Eve from eating the forbidden fruit?
Answer: I will have to answer this question in assumption, something I rarely do, because we often waste precious time when we speculate about things we don't know. To know every "why" and "how" would make us God. ... Views: 4565
Overcoming Adversity: Senator Orrin G. Hatch Story
United States Senator (R-Utah)
By: Howard Edward Haller, Ph. D.
The article give an insight into the groundbreaking proven research into how to Overcome Adversity and how to Turn Adversity into Opportunities by Howard Edward Haller, ... Views: 3909
Telling the Truth is a Loving Act
The tendency in most organizations—whether large companies, government departments or even family units—is not to rock the boat and refrain from telling telling our truth. For a variety of reasons, we hold back from saying what's true for us. We ... Views: 1779
To some, it may have seemed to just be a conversation about a really cute orange or red or pink teddy bear. Oops, I sound like a dude – okay I’ll go with coral. Honestly, the bear was so striking that it was the thing I first noticed about the guy in the lobby of the military base store who ... Views: 2405
How good are you at keeping your word? Many of us try very hard to keep our commitments to others. We try to call if we say we will. We make every effort to show up when others are counting on us. We try to get projects done on time. We don't promise things we can't deliver.
We want ... Views: 7105
"Apply yourself. Get all the education you can, but then, by God, do something. Don't just stand there, make it happen." Lee Iacocca. There are actually two secrets in todays post: the first is to know what you want and the second is to work hard to get it. Successful people are very clear about ... Views: 1634
"To reach great heights, a person needs to have great depth." (Anonomous) When someone becomes your dream partner, they choose to actively help you to acheive success. They become your informal sales force and, done properly, you become theirs. The right person's word of mouth can be just ... Views: 1898
Here's a riddle for you: throughout the history of humankind, people have been able to tame wolves, chimpanzees, tigers, lions, dolphins, killer whales, seals, and cobras. But there is one thing--one very small thing--each of us have that we have not been able to tame. Do you know what it ... Views: 9252
Be A Distinction
Being Authentic Is A Key For Vibrant Living
For most of us, consistent authenticity involves conscious, courageous effort. It's a challenge to recognize our deceptions and pretenses, and differentiate them from actual self-discovery. Each moment our integrity is connected ... Views: 1547
Authentic Business?
What does it mean for you?
I’ve been getting a lot of eMail lately asking what I mean by “Authentic Business”.
What stirred things up is the subhead to our upcoming conference at SuccessNetSummit.com that read, “If You Want to Build a Solid, Principle-Driven, ... Views: 1319
My client told me her department was being reorganized for the hundredth time. The call center she managed was being converted to an email and chat response center instead of a telephone call center. She was sure customers would be angry when they found that they could not get their technical ... Views: 1943
We have all already established an identity. Don’t be afraid to let this identity be up for change. In many instances we find ourselves adapting to situations, almost like being different characters in a play. This gives rise to the many faces of the one person, acting out different roles in ... Views: 2214
When setting goals to get us to where we want to be in life it is so important that we always honor our core values in all we do.
WHAT ARE CORE VALUES? Firstly values are the things in life which are most important to you but core values go even deeper still. These are the qualities and ... Views: 5373
Consequences of Not Giving Effective Feedback
Let's take a look at some typical examples of what goes on in work environments when managers don't give good feedback.
Example #1: John has been working at his new job for one month. On his first day at work, Wilma, his boss, showed him what ... Views: 1943
Some commentators have called 2008 "the moment of truth election." The phrase seems to expand in all directions. It's the moment of truth for an out of control financial system and hapless home owners in over their heads. It's the moment of truth for America's addiction to Middle East oil, and ... Views: 1162
"The unconscious is our best collaborator."- Director Mike Nichols
Did you know that you have a personal GPS system within you? It will tell you whether or not the turn, the choice, you are about to make will lead you to your destination or not. It will tell you whether you are on the right ... Views: 1707
It's amazing how far science has gone to destroy life without being blamed. We live in the scientific age, and science's prestige has permitted it to spread far beyond the good it can do. The first shock was the atom bomb in 1945. Only people of that generation recall the deep horror that came ... Views: 1248
The pervasiveness of the current economic crisis, as well as the environmental crisis, the energy crisis, the educational crisis, the health care crisis, the looming social security crisis et cetera, are all screaming, “Something is terribly wrong!” How many even larger crises will we create ... Views: 1441
I have to be honest that if a few years back someone had asked me the Webster’s definition for the word, I’d of fumbled around with the true meaning. If you Google it you will come up with a variety of definitions which incompass the word. Integrity to me is being a man of my word, period. I am ... Views: 1513
December 21st, 1998 – a brisk winter day in Saudi Arabia. I was stationed on my first combat deployment, flying missions enforcing the Iraqi southern no-fly zone.
I was scheduled to take off on only the fourth combat sortie of my career, inexperienced and quite nervous. It ... Views: 1123
Some time ago, I opened my e-mail box and found a message from a reader alerting me to something that was rather startling. He said he had just received an article that was sent to him and it was exactly the same article as one he read earlier in the week in another publication. The problem was ... Views: 1856
“Business is simple. Make some stuff and sell it for more than it cost you. There’s nothing more to it than that except for a few million details.”—president of International Harvester
I had to eat a little humble pie recently. And I want to share why, because I think it illustrates a ... Views: 1485
Choosing to live ethically and with integrity isn't for the faint of heart. It means making choices and dealing with consequences that choosing to lie might help you avoid, at least in the short-term. Here are the top 10 reasons why it's worth the time and energy.
1. It's a ... Views: 2162