The pervasiveness of the current economic crisis, as well as the environmental crisis, the energy crisis, the educational crisis, the health care crisis, the looming social security crisis et cetera, are all screaming, “Something is terribly wrong!” How many even larger crises will we create ... Views: 1443
Two fundamental ingredients are required to create a true team: 1) honest, open communication, and 2) a common, aligned purpose. The higher the level of emotional maturity and integrity present within an organization, the more likely these fundamentals will be present or created and the easier ... Views: 1020
Over-Managed and Under-Led
Former head of the Strategic Air Command, General Jack Chain, continually emphasized, “You lead people and manage things.” Yet how often do leaders confuse or abuse this principle, with the all-too-common result being that such leaders wind up treating ... Views: 5106
A powerful exercise is to look at what and how we blame. The faults we find in others are often indicators of what we need to look at in ourselves. If we are willing, we can use what we are upset about as a reflection to help us identify and own some aspect of ourselves that we are denying or ... Views: 1988