I am a Licensed Professional Counselor and certified as a Fellow in Thanatology: Death, Dying, and Bereavement by the Association for Death Education and Counseling (ADEC). I am dedicated to counseling those who are suffering mental, emotional,social, moral, and spiritual pain related to death, dying, andbereavement. I provide bereavement counseling to people of all agessuffering the loss of a parent, spouse/partner, sibling, child, orunborn baby. I have also led bereavement groups for Hospice Austin, the Ronald McDonald House Charities of Austin and Central Texas, The South Texas Chapter of The ALS Association, and the Blood and Tissue Center of Central Texas. Having counseled and comforted many caregivers and their dying lovedones, I am thoroughly familiar with the dying process and the stressesof being a caregiver.
Besides counseling, I have made numerous presentations on death, dying,and bereavement to various organizations and churches, have appeared onradio and television programs including Austin Now, Austin Faith Dialogue, and Law Talk with Brad, and am the co-producer and interviewer for the documentary video This Place. In addition to being an adjunct faculty member at St. Edward's University, I am a co-founder of Solace Center of the Hills.
The soul would have no rainbow if the eyes had no tears.
Contact me by phone (512-658-2684), email (worth@kilcrease.com), or website (kilcrease.com).
J. Worth Kilcrease, LPC, FT
8500 Shoal Creek Blvd.
Building IV, Suite 225
Austin, Texas 78757
P (512) 658-2674
F (512) 346-0082
E worth@kilcrease.com