VicToria Freudiger, Founder and Editorial/Art Director of Digi-Tall Media and Entry Way Marketing and Publishing has fifteen years experience in the publishing, editing, advertising and marketing fields. After working in the advertising and marketing fortune 500 world, she began her her first company, Digi-Tall Media, in the mid 90's, shortly followed shortly by Forced Victims, Poetry Highway and then later, Entry Way Marketing and Publishing. At this time she is serving as Editorial and Art Director for several companies and enjoys all of them. To date, she has worked with a great many authors, five artists, various printers, and has brought to book shelves over twenty-eight book products.
VicToria is an editor and published author with ten years legal experience along with many years of event coordinating. In the last five years, she has worked with over fifteen newspapers and has built thirteen websites; five of them for other authors. Before becoming a writer, this expert found her sobriety from alcohol in 1990 and has enjoyed a great many forms of recovery since that date. With 17 years of sobriety and many years of writing for magazines in the field of recovery, she now would like to offer her skills as a writer, an editor and a publisher to help others to present to the public either their story or their solution with regard to addiction.
VicToria is also available to help bring about a better understanding of the 12 steps, having taught from the podium during her 10-year tenure of attending AA and Alanon meetings.
Look for a sample of an easy to understand presentation of each of the 12 steps to be aired here within the next couple of days. Children mean a great deal to VicToria and she will be glad to help in any way possible with regard to helping children work through either their own addictions or those of their parents/siblings.
Until then, remember:
Peace comes when you forgive either yourself or someone else.
Let us all start out by taking the 12-steps of recovery from addiction one-step-at-a-time. Therefore, this week we will begin with Step One.
Imagine yourself climbing a set of stairs and as you begin the climb, Step One doesn't seem too hard. After all, it is at this moment feeling better than losing your life or wife, or all the materials things you've gathered throughout your strife of being addicted to alcohol and - or other substances.
Quote from Alcoholics Anonymous (A.A.) big book - "We admitted we were powerless over alcohol - that our lives had become unmanageable." This is Step One.
Part One: We admitted we were powerless over alcohol... (please slip in here anything you may find yourself addicted to so that it will feel perfect for you).
Let us look at some questions and my hope is that you will interact with me and send me answers and participate from the beginning.
1. How much of your addiction of choice did you use at a time?
2. How often?
3. What chemical was your second choice?
4. How much of it did you use at a time?
5. How often?
6. What was your third choice?
7. How much of it did you use at a time?
8. How often?
9. What other drugs and/or other substances are you currently addicted to?
What is Chemical Dependencey?
Chemical dependency is a disease. As chemically dependent people, we lose control over our drug use. Very often, bad things happen to us because of using alcohol or other drugs, but we still can't control our use. We keep using chemicals and keep having problems because of our use, until we get help to begin a recovery program.
What causes Chemical Dependency? We don't know. But we know our chances of becoming chemically depenent are greater if we have a chemically dependent parent or other close relative with the same problem. We believe at least 10% of adult Americans are chemically addicted and/or dependent.
We know chemical dependency is not caused by moral weakness or lack of willbpower.
Next, we will go over some common statements used by peope who may be close to discovering they are in Step One and having a hard time believing it.
To believe -- trust -- and this trust will begin to set you free.
Free is an awesome place to be.
Please email me your comments and questions.
VicToria Freudiger
P.O. Box 868024
Plano, TX 75086-8024
Fax: 866-223-7289
Email: or