Verna is my birth name and Maruata Atahu, my ancient maori name, remembered and returned to me by Spirit. A Kaumatua says Maruata means the apricot colour of sunrise, or dawn’s fire.
I am a pure channel and an energy imprinter. A Pure channel is someone who brings nothing of themselves to the channel experience. There is not one atom of my energy in the paintings / portals the Ascended Masters create through me. Energy Imprinting, is manifesting an energy from its source in creation into the physical – so we can see and feel it. I am able to imprint from source due to my rare double crown chakra.
The Ascended Masters, Cosmic Masters, Devas and Elohim have utilised my pure channels to imprint their energy into the molecular structure of paintings, oils and crystals they create.
Ascension isn't just for the few - it is for every person on this planet - 2012 approaches. These are the times of Ascension - old paradigms no longer serve our needs - these are new times and we need new tools.
Visit the Ascended Masters website to see their painted portals, crystals, and oils - all tools for Ascension
Ascended Master Isis - "Things don't happen to you, they happen for you."
Ascended Master El Morya - "The path of self healing is the path of self knowledge."
Ascended Master Mary Magdalene - “To find your place of power is to find your divinity”
Cosmic Master Lakshmi - “Let your actions be ruled by your heart, not by your mind"
Ascended Master El Morya - "It is in letting go that liberation is obtained."
The Ascended Masters have created a unique portal for themselves here in New Zealand. This huge portal allows the Ascended Masters to work in this dimension without manifesting a body. The portal is used not only by the Ascended Masters but also the Cosmic Masters, Elohim, Archangels, Angels, gods and goddesses to name a few. There is constant activity. A wonderful experience for those with dimensional sight.
It has been made clear this portal is only for the Ascended Masters to work in. Here they work on a level and interact at a level that they would previously only be able to do if they manifested a body. They are here to help humanity in their Ascension process.
They are helping humanity in many ways - some seen and others unseen. For seven Full Moons in a row the Ascended Masters and Cosmic Masters manifested an Ascension Flame oil for humanity to use in their ascension process. They manifest crystals and metals in the portal for specific people to use - these are usually rare and special crystal portals with a specific purpose and energy for the recipient. An arrival is announced with sound and light.
The Masters are also creating individual crystal portals of themselves - these are linked to a specific person or group for the Masters to work more closely with. These crystals can also be requested by those who have a calling to work closely with a Master.
All the oils and crystals you find on this site has been created in the Ascended Masters portal by the Ascended Masters, Cosmic Masters, Devas, Elohim, Archangels, gods and goddesses. My input has been to prepare the oils in the way the Ascended Masters have taught me in a process made possible by my rare double crown chakra.The portal is closely linked to my energy via my double crown chakra.
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