Former enlisted U.S. Marine, amateur athlete, youth services worker, academic tutor, athletic coach/skills & techniques trainer and Los Angeles Unified School District employee writes provocative and riveting book to challenge and inspire student-athletes, at-risk youth, and troubled families.
A keep-it-real revelation traces the author's progress from spoiled baby-boy to local hood-fella to spiritual victory over deathly negative manifestations, while growing up in the inner-city of Los Angeles, California.
The outcome is an insightful and inspirational memoir about his triumphs over several life threatening episodes. "The author filters his own experiences into refined and contemplative sentences that inspires his audience to discard contemptuousness, embrace humility, and carve a path to the internal self."
In 1983 his parents announced their divorce, and that's when the future author transformed from baby-boy to hood-fella, literally order to survive the (L.A.) street game! Fortunately, he pushed the line to greater heights due to his all-star athletic talent(s), participation and love of sports.
Recalling his painful struggles as an at-risk youth, T.F. Hodge embarked on a journey that lead him to a successful career working at group homes, with youth services programs, as an athletics coach/trainer, an after school tutor, and a volunteer speech judge for the LAUSD Academic Decathlon's mock competition - all while working full-time as former senior assistant to the office(s) of the Budget Director, Deputy Chief and Chief Financial Officer (between 2003 and 2006) for the second largest school district in the United States.
His riveting book, From Within I Rise is T.F. Hodge's attempt to challenge students and educate their families to be ever mindful of how they choose to navigate a life of recurring ups and downs. This is a must read for those who find themselves mentally and spiritually twisted in the [perceptive] game, as a result of misguided thoughts, fears, and actions.
T.F. Hodge continues to work with at-risk youth, student-athletes and their families as they struggle to conquer many challenges with regard to education, amateur athletics, and family matters. To learn more about the author, writer, blogger, commentator, virtual assistant, motivator, advisor, athletic skills & techniques trainer, and free thinker go to!
Favorite Quote:
"As long as I can remember I feel I have had this great creative and spiritual force within me that is greater than faith, greater than ambition, greater than confidence, greater than determination, greater than vision. It is all these combined. My brain becomes magnetized with this dominating force which I hold in my hand." ~Bruce Lee
Every soul or spiritual entity must cross the burning sands of existence regardless of race, color, creed, folkways or mores. How one endures such an inevitable cleansing is a matter of choice. ~T.F. Hodge
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