Healing Gifts, LLC is one person's journey to help others see the good in themselves. As one often misunderstood, and someone wanting to know the why of it all, Susan chose to look outside of the box and become responsible for her own health. Her studies in different modalities of bodywork (massage, cranial sacral, kinesioligy, reflexology, medical, spiritual), as well as studies of Chinese, Indian and American theories of healing set her apart from many in the health counseling field. Through self-examination, physical ailments, emotional stigmas, herbs and nutrition, Susan has taken the road less traveled in her effort to promote whole body wellness. Once diagnosed with seizures and bi-polar disorder, Susan is a living testimony to the idea that "Food can be your Medicine". Natural supplements, everyday food choices and lifestyle changes have helped Susan become secure in the life she now enjoys. Prescription drug free since 2007, Susan's faith in God, in others and in herself has helped her in her own walk of life; now it is time to give back to others as it was given to me. With a strong desire to help our military veterans and those diagnosed with mental disorders, Susan understands the need to learn from others who share her idea of the road less traveled in order to continue in her own walk of life. To read further on Susan's biography, see below.
Illness has become a way of life for many people. Stress, poor economic conditions, aging, lack of awareness and/or proper nutrition, contribute to the life we are currently living. Survival has become a way of life for many mainstream societies. While society dictates speed, the body struggles to keep up. We become reactive, rather than active, with nature.
Susan often says that she was under the right umbrella but in the wrong rainstorm. Working for the U.S. Government (both military and civilian) for 26 years as a Research Analyst in Radio Communications, Susan has used these skills to leverage her understanding of the body and it's unique characteristics at the physical, emotional and spiritual levels. Being aware of our own make-up, with its unique characteristics, helps us to connect with oursevles thereby lending credence to the universe as a whole and what is truly going on inside of us.
Susan has been encouraged by many in her studies of massage, emotional unwinding, myofascial release, cranial-sacral therapy, kinesiology, reflexology, herbology, nutrition and spirtual connections. It has been these alternative views that has helped her in her struggle to understand who she truly is and her calling in life. But it is her desire to dive deep into the regions of the mind where the emotions are stored and formed that will ultimately help others achieve their goals. Our aches and pains hold the key to what is really going on within our soul. They can be a first step in healing the pain that causes you hurt.
Speaking truth with compassion and becoming part of a network of people who have joined together to bring life and unity back to that which God has given us -- life, love, and the pursuit of happiness, are the objectives for Susan's success.
Vitamin and Mineral Cards that provide information for clients and providers on the definitions, uses, benefits, foods and spices associated with vitamins, minerals and nutrients.
3 sets of cards:
- Vitamin Set contains 19 individual double sided busines size cards for each of 19 vitamins that are essential for good health.
- Mineral set contains 21 individual double sided business size cards for 21 minerals essential for good health.
-Basics of Life set contains 36 cards that outline the importance of nutrients, enzymes, proteins, carbohydrates, fats, amino acids (with a card for each of the 25 amino acids) and the role each plays in our health.
Each set can be purchased from my website as an educational tool for you or for other clients interested in taking responsibility for their own health. The website is www.healinggifts4u.com.
My favorite: "God love ya".
God has given each of us the ability to do certain things well. If your gift is that of serving others, serve them well. If you are a teacher, do a good job of teaching. If your gift is to encourage others, do it! If God has given you leadership ability, take the responsibility seriously. And if you have a gift for showing kindness to others, do it gladly. Romans 12: 6-8
When others are happy, be happy with them. If they are sad, share their sorrow. Romans 12: 15
A loving heart is the truest wisdom. Catherine the Great
The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest her or his patients in the care of the human frame, in a proper diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease. Thomas A. Edision
You may contact me thru my website, by email or by phone to inquire of my services.
Healing Gifts, LLC
Susan can be reached via her website, email or by phone: