I was diagnosed with diabetes nearly two years ago. I did not want to continue taking all the medications that the Dr. put me on. I was determined to change my life and reverse my diabetes. I have found success with exercise, diet and a special mix of nutrients. I have taken my A1c from a 11.7 to a 4.7 and lost 65 pounds. I feel like I am back to normal and only take 1/4 of the minimum dose of diabetic medication. I am working on being drug free.
Get my whole story here
I also have worked over 20 years in the building industry and now are teaching people about Green Building.
My newest adverture is lighting things on fire!!!
To learn more about Synergy and the products I use to contol diabetes got to
If you want to contact me about Synergy or diabetes please e-mail me at qnanzaaa@gmail.com
If you want to contact me about Green Building please e-mail me at Qnanzaaa@gmail.com
If you want to learn how to save money and earn money with coupons contact me at Qnanzaaa@gmail.com