I am an authority on management strategy, reality facilitation training, and a world-renowned martial arts master. I provide solutions that empower audiences and corporate clients to turn challenges by demonstrating definitive working techniques guaranteed to bring about advantageous results. I am a certified reverend and founder of Self-Revealization Acceptanc® and author of "Self Revealization Acceptance - Your Divine Right to Live in Joy and Freedom" and "Practicing Self-Revealization Acceptance - 52 Weekly Ascensions to Empower Your Life," the first, foremost, and original reality facilitation concept ever presented to the modern world in 1993, guaranteed to bring immediate and permanent results. As well, I am the author of the best-selling interpretations of "Musashi's Book of Five Rings," "Sun Tzu's Art of War," along with "The Living Tao," and "The Sword in the Boardroom," which focuses on business management based on honesty, integrity, and morality for the contemporary negotiations. My work is considered essential study for individuals and organizations interested in progressive management/motivation development that includes life enhancement skills.
"Raise your consciousness by accepting more of yourself as already perfect." "Burn your bridges behind you and let those left behind come forth if they want to." "Demand from life that which you know you deserve."
The best way one can start to learn about Stephen F. Kaufman is by visiting his homepage: www.hanshi.com. From there are links to his blog, Facebook, Twitter, etc. To schedule a seminar, contact me via my homepage. Book purchases may be made from there, as well.