Born in Jeffersonville, IN he grew up in a family that owned a local florist business that lasted or 63 years. For 29 years he was personally involved in the business. Eventually becoming dissatisfied with it he left to become a sales representative and spent more than 20 years in sales roles. During that time he trained sales staff using an 8-step formula he developed. This formula helped them not only in developing their own successful territories but also their personal lives as well. After retirement Sonny became heavily involved in developing an Internet business devoted to marketing various health improvement and self development programs as well as his own 8-step formula. His desire was to teach others how set goals and then become successful in establishing their desired purpose in life.
'You are what you eat" and "You are what you think about" If you don't think that is true just take note of how you feel bodily and mentally at this moment in your life.
Whether you believe it or not, your diet is a life or death experience about your health. If that sounds shocking it really is true. Many people are eating the wrong kind of food and it's causing a multitude of problems within their bodies. Instead of planning healthy meals they resort to picking up fast food or stopping by the grocery for a processed meal. This may be alright occasionally but not on a regular schedule. Because of this eating pattern the United States is among the unhealthiest nation in the world and it's getting worse every day. Even being hooked on prescription drugs many times causes illnesses to get even worse than before individuals started taking them. Sonny started his research four years ago on the Internet and other places for health related issues. Since that time he has become convinced that the only way to be assured of developing a healthy lifestyle you must take charge of your own health practices. Sonny is a strong advocate of alternative medicine and if he needs medical advice or treatment he uses a naturopathic doctor. Even though he is a retired senior citizen he is basically healthy and vows to keep up his research on health information as long as he can. He has gathered a multitude of information on all kinds of health related subjects and has written an ebook “A Healthy Life For Sure†which is available on his website:
Sonny Julius can be reached by email at: At his summer home in Jeffersonville, IN by phone (812) 283-6743 (9AM -9PM EST) At his winter home in Sarasota,Fl by phone (941) 922-5320 (9AM - 9PM EST)