Centered around his near death experience (NDE) after Sky Sheridan was electrocuted at age four, asearch was fired deep within his synapses: how much deeper and broader is theworld past what our five physical senses tangibly register? Defying death leftSky to deal with an amplified fear of survival that also set himsoul-searching, to find the truth and meaning behind the quintessentialquestions of “Where did I come from”, “Why am I here” and “Where am I going”?
All the odds that predicted that he would be insane, impoverished and/or incarcerated are defied as Sky survives his entire family, only to discover the word“unknown” replacing his father’s name on his birth certificate. This initiatesa self-discovery quest to unravel the secret of who he is, a truth covered upby his schizophrenic mother who went from dolphin trainer to drug-addict anddied of AIDS when he was only fourteen, leaving Sky to be a child that wasraised by a village.
Intwenty-six years of endless beginnings, Sky endures a right of passage througha constant dance with death, an abusive home, foster care, an alcoholicGrandmother, Mormon conversion, battles with sexuality, acceptance andself-worth, male modeling, a five-year trust fund battle, finding his realfather and finally, financial ruin.
However harrowing, each crisis is a blessing in disguise that ignites a catharsis tostop soul-searching and start soul-seeing, perceiving, and thus manifesting,the world through the eyes of his soul. Sky harmonizes and aligns with theuniversal divine forces in All-That-Is by stepping into the present andtrusting that the right time and right place is always right now.
This awareness of examining and exchanging his limiting beliefs sets Sky free to seein possibility and accept the potential to create eternal fulfillment and joy.Sky resonates with the wisdom that regardless of how we judge an experience,each one is arranged to awaken our power of perception. Either we can resistfear and let it persist, or embrace and transform it by anchoring in love.
Currently Sky Sheridan prospers in the place he predicted he would after first seeing iton the television show “Taxi” at six years old; New York City.
You've never met a healthy, wealthy, happy and free man that let his circumstance limit him.
Right time, right place, RIGHT NOW
Thesooner you let it go, the sooner something better can take its place.
The path of empowerment begins with optimism.
Follow your bliss and you won’t give your power away to fear.
Celebrate all the colors of being hue-man.
Allthe universe asks of you is to enjoy
Appreciationis the key to unlocking our receiving.
Thoughts Become Things.
Emotion is Energy in Motion.
What we resist persists.
The only way to transform fear is to expose it to love.
Bless the darkness, make it right, reverse the tide and free the light.