Own Your Power Communication’s* (OYPC) mission is to serve as an empowering Guiding Light...connecting entrepreneurs to their fullest potential. We want you to strive and succeed on a personal and professional basis. OYPC has been influencing today's entrepreneur for the last 12 years. The CEO and visionary behind the Own Your Power movement is Simone Kelly-Brown. She’s passionate about personal empowerment and encouraging many to own their OWN businesses. Simone has reached thousands with her advice and uses her talents best with various forms of media: as an author, speaker, marketing coach, and radio show personality. Through her programs under the OYP umbrella, Simone can help you gain results through her coaching, events, memberships, radio show, and various business resources.
Simone graduated from Long Island University's C.W. Post Campus in 1996. She has a Bachelor's of Science degree with a concentration in Marketing and Advertising. She received a scholarship from the Industrial Technology Assistance Corporation, Success Magazine's 40 Under 40 award, AKA’s The Top Hat Award for Women in Acheivement and the Creativity Award from the American Marketing Association.
"I couldn't have asked for a better career," says Simone. By developing a strong support system she helps grow women-owned businesses and empower many to turn their "side hustles" into their full-time careers. "When you're having fun helping others achieve success, it doesn't feel like work at all. Own Your Power allows me to help others build their businesses and experience what I am now experiencing...Freedom! We want everyone to realize that anything you want IS attainable!"
*Formerly known as Gots To Have It, Marketing Inc.
Have you been sitting on a business idea for years, waiting for 'someday' to come?
· Are you ready to tap into your buried treasures and FINALLY fire your boss?
· Are you sick and tired of the same lackluster results?
· Need some assistance getting out of your comfort zone to give your current business the WOW-factor that it needs in today's economy?