Shellie has been a practicing astrologer since 1977. She has published a book and has had an article in "The Mountain Astrologer." She studied Evolutionary Astrology with Jeffrey Wolf Greene and enjoys the rewards of counseling through astrology and tarot. Shellie holds the credential "Registered Aromatherapist," is Vice President of the National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy has been a practicing Aromatherapist since 1987. She provides custom blends, pure essential oils, writes a regular column "The Aromatic Message" in Massage Today magazine and teaches a professional level course, as weel as continuing education courses, in her current hometown. Shellie is also a Bach Flower practitioner, EFT provider and a licensed massage therapist whose work includes Reiki and Jin Shin Jyutsu, which is a gentle oriental bodywork following eastern theory to balance and harmonize the body. All of these areas of expertise enhance her astrological readings.
Shellie is a writer and poet and you can view her monthly astrological forecasts on her website, A free newsletter is also available through the website.
An astrological reading should validate and guide, presenting helpful ways to navigate 'speed bumps' in life and expand consciousness and awareness. Astrology provides a clear way to understand the cycles and rhythm of experience, indicating the best time for different projects and goals.
We are in the right place, at the right time, doing exactly what we are meant to do. The greatest gift we can give others is our own peace and wellbeing.
Find out more about my products and services by visiting my website Sign up for my free newsletter. If you are interested in Aromatherapy, read my column, "Aromatic Message" in Massage Today (online at