Hi, my name is Sarah Norwood. I’m a Shamanic Healing Practitioner, Psychic Medium, Intuitive Reiki Master &Young Living Essential Oils Distributor. I have the ability to see, hear and feel what is going on in your physical, emotional and spiritual body. These gifts allow me to offer energy healing and psychic readings. Essentially, I ‘scan’ your energy during an energy healing session. This helps me to locate areas of blockage, stress or stored trauma. I combine the ancient healing techniques of Shamanism and Reiki during my distance energy healing sessions. The marriage of these two healing modalities is extremely powerful and can create profound shifts in your life. Sometimes, people are looking for clarity and intuitive guidance instead of a deep healing. This is why I also offer psychic readings. Some people are looking for HEALING, and others are looking for ANSWERS. What can I help you with?
Shamanic Reiki Energy HealingSo, what is ‘Shamanic Reiki’? The easiest way to explain my sessions is that while I am on a deep, meditative Shamanic journey, I call on your Spirit. In this alternate realm, your Spirit tells me a story. With the help of Spirit guides/helpers, the Angels and any other enlightened beings, I am able to be a channel/medium for the Reiki energy and sacred messages. Your distance energy sessions are recorded and sent to you immediately afterwards. You will hear the Spirits speak through me, guiding you on your own healing journey.
Psychic ReadingsSarah is able to tap into the Universe and ask Spirit for guidance. Sarah calls upon Spirit guides, power animals, the angels and other enlightened beings for intuitive messages. During her psychic readings, Sarah also utilizes tarot, angel and animal spirit cards. Remember, EVERYTHING is temporary and YOU have the POWER to change and shift your own reality in any moment. Sarah’s readings will give you a ‘current’ answer, but the rest is up to you!
Sarah offers long distance energy healing sessions and psychic readings to people all over the world. Miracles are an everyday occurrence at Shamanic Mountain Healing!
Go to htpp://www.shamanicmountainhealing.com to learn more about Sarah's healing sessions! The energy awaits you! Discover how to heal yourself today so that you can live your dream life tomorrow!
"It takes Courage to grow up and become who you really are." ~EE Cummings
Sarah has been called a ‘Spiritual Guidance Counselor’ because she walks beside you every step of the way during your distance energy healing sessions. During Sarah’s powerful Energy Healing sessions, Sarah meditates and goes on a Shamanic journey which allows her to help her clients to heal at a Soul level. Distance energy healing utilizes an energetic process where the Shaman is in one location and the client is in another. Essentially, Sarah ‘travels’ to alternate realms to find, communicate and assist in healing your Spirit. In this realm, she utilizes a variety of energy healing modalities including Reiki,Shamanic Reiki, aura repair, chakra balancing,soul retrieval , past life regression, karmic cleansing, and soul possession clearing.
Sarah heals with energy. She heals with love. She heals with forgiveness and gratitude. She teaches YOU how to heal yourself.Sarah’s true gift is being able to ’see’, ‘feel’ and ‘hear what is going on in your body, mind or spirit. She connects to your spirit, watches as your Spirit unfolds it’s own story and relays this sacred information to you . Sarah’s Energy Healing sessions are NOT completed by phone or in person. This is because Sarah’s gifts are enhanced when she is in a deep meditation, trance-like state (just like her energy healing sessions). Sarah records what she see, feels and hears and then, sends you an MP3 audio recording of your energy healing session immediately up it’s completion! Sarah is a channel or medium for the loving energy and messages from Spirit, gently guiding you on your life journey. Energy healing goes to the ‘core’, unveiling and healing any pain so that you may uncover your deepest joys and peace. Sarah encourages you to discover, create and manifest your highest intentions,dreams and happiness.
GOT ENERGY? Sarah NOW offers quick 30 Min. Chakra Balancing Sessions! If you are just feeling ‘off’ or drained of your energy, Sarah offers what she calls ENERGY REPAIR for you to maintain or GET BACK your positive ‘juju’ energy TODAY!
“Working with Sarah and her shamanic healing has been one of the most profound experiences of my life. It has literally changed me. Forever. Her work is extraordinary. Her wisdom profound. Her caring unending. Experiencing her shamanic work has been incredibly transformative. Incredibly. With each journey I have deepened my connection to Spirit, I have found my voice and I am living with more peace and joy than ever before. It took forty years to get to this point…and with just one healing session I was altered and on the road to healing. In a way I never even knew existed. ” ~ Shanna, Colorado Springs
Shamanic Mountain Healing
Sarah works with people all over the world. No matter where you are located, she can call on, and connect with your Spirit. For 'What to Expect' with one of Sarah's sessions, please go to: http://www.shamanicmountainhealing.com/sessions/
To purchase the #1 highest therapeutic grade oils on the planet, go to: https://www.youngliving.org/sarahnorwood
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