See also SelfGrowth profile for Ruth Evelyn
Too scientific for spirituality and too spiritual for science, this path of walking between worlds and rules is one I am now used to. Science did not hold my attention when young. Organized spirituality, in all its praise and glory, taught me unworthiness. The Ascension 2012 Edition of my book, An Unseen Life: When the Extraordinary Becomes Ordinary, is a reflection of my way through the human quagmire of taught beliefs to authenticity of self in expression. It is through self that we align with our greatest potential. It is through self that we know how and why and where we are in any given moment. Self is the place of confidence, fulfillment and being in service to all that is. Some call this God.
Lucky to even get a grade in earth and space science, I often find myself in the presence of leading edge geneticists, medical doctors and many of the brilliant minds advancing our technologies. I channel for them. I am a channel of the higher dimensions of pure thought and my clients are unknown to the media. They are the behind-the-scenes researchers of medicine, biological evolution and advancements that are our next leap forward. These are the unnamed heroes of our human breakthroughs whose work will one day will seem passé.
Their work is their work and mine is mine. They do the work they came here to do. I simply connect them to self where they retrieve the fullness of what they already know and have already created. That is why we are here. We, in human form, have come into physical being to bring our creations of pure vibrating thought into physical form. You are, we are, all channels of our own brilliant mind creations all ready in the cosmos to become physical. You are the conduit of vibration bringing non-form into form. Connect to your self, stand still, let your cosmic mind touch the earth and become the electromagnetic field of attraction for all that you have already dreamed and now desire. You are your own self vortex.
My program, Engaged Quantum Health, teaches participants of the hidden realms of the emotional body, emotional fitness through frequency management, cultivating potentials present and ready to come into fruition, magnifying your attraction field and how to blend it all into your every day living.
I am an international published Author, Artist and Intuitive with expertise in Emotional Frequencies, Emotional Vibration in the Enteric Fields, Connecting with Authenticity and Activating Authentic Purpose.
"It does not matter the grandeur of our dreams, desires and goals, how strongly we feel we have a greater life or calling, how deeply we believe or how desperately we want things to change. No system, process or spiritual belief is able to hand us the fullness of our dreams naturally vibrating at higher frequencies as long as we are vibrating at low frequencies" Ruth Evelyn
"The great things along our path are never what we expect them to be, but they are always greater than we can imagine." Ruth Evelyn
"Whatever You Desire In The Outside World,
You Must First Create In Your Emotional World.
Awareness Of What You Desire Is Necessary, Therefore...
Awareness Of Who You Are Is Essential." - Ruth Evelyn "What is in front of us is not what it means and what it means is not in front of us." Ruth Evelyn
Life is juicy! It's delightful and succulent...and you just don't know which way it's going to squirt!" Ruth Evelyn
"I do not deny opposites exist. Where I exist, opposites do not." Diana Griffen