I was a potter until, in 1993, during a "dark night of my soul", I had an incredible and unexplainable experience of whirling lights that spun over me in a vortex and gave me information that changed my life. It was a divine and nurturing goddess that reminded me that I was to work for her. So, quite shaken, I bought scores of books and took a reiki class, resisting all the way. I finally settled into this "calling" and earned a master's degree in counseling and became certified in EMDR, EFT, and subtle energy healing and the "reconnection" process. I studied hypnosis, guided imagery and metaphysics to make sense of all that information. I learned about sacred geometry, fractals and quantum physics. I still sometimes feel like Richard Dreyfuss in "Close Encounters of the Third Kind", just knowing something I didn't quite know.
People still think this is an odd journey, but I believe, without question, that we are here to transform earth into heaven on earth and to enjoy life. I think we are in the creation process of separating the light and dark in us---choosing what feels good to us as humans---what makes our heart shift to earth. We are cleansing our bodies of negativity so we can be inhabited by our light hearted spirit. So simple. HEARTHEARTHEARTHEART. THE ART (OF) HEART (ON) EARTH. It is all here already.
For 15 years, with a vast source of guidance and knowledge, I developed into a what best be described in words as a healing guide or healing coach. I do know it works.
I could not have imagined then how my life would change. I went from a critically thinking, logical and practical woman into one who was determined to understand "the lights" and find validation for the information I was given. Everytime I thought I "got it", there was more and more. After all the studying and healing work, I have come to the conclusion that we are here to smile about life, to enjoy it without stress, and to expand the abundance of love in universe.
I have a counseling practice now. The clients who find me, by the law of attraction, are "on the path". They come with good hearts that have been broken with depression, confusion, illness and disappointment in life. They are looking for something that is in them that can lead to a sense of well-being.
So I have been given, by some unknown source, an almost uncanny ability to journey with people into unknown quantum worlds of pain and suffering where they can
eliminate their darkness and create what they need to live in a truer self. Their emotion is their path and I help them track its vibration back to its source and they discreate it. It is so simple and very profound.
I don't remember how I got to do this work, but I am so lucky. I was just asking for help and, "Surprise!" You know the saying, be careful what you ask for.
My healing practice is simple. People come in to see me and sometimes they call. I offer free consultations on the phone to let people "feel" our connection before we begin our journey together.
Free 10-15 minute consultations on the phone
Approved EFT training
Mind Body Synchronization workshop/playshop (this is my version of playing with
light to facilitate change. It is easy and fun healing in a group setting)
Individual telephone and in person sessions---mental and physical health coaching
stress resolution
Changing workplace energy---on site consultation and facilitation
Energy healing is simple because you are energy IN-FORM-ATION. Energy patterns translate your experiences to guide your body's cell formation and all that you manifest. Unnwanted emotions and ideas, attached to experience, disrupt the flow of your energy patterns. You age and get sick simply because the body serves you and responds unconditionally to the patterns you send it. It is simple to enter the disruptive pattern, track it, clear it and redirect it permanently according to what you prefer. Sometimes the patterns time of origin is ancestral or from a past life or other dimensional event.
I am blessed with a compassionate heart, amazing intuition and knowing the scientific application of EFT and other protocols that restructure neural netword (the brain). I will help you bring the disruptive patterns in you to light so that you can change them according to your inner healing wisdom. Your brain will reconnect according to the new energetic language of more light (enlightenment) and you will change. I guess all I really do is help you find your own light.
I often ask people, "If you were God, what would you choose? And what if God chose to give you the choice? And you have had it all along? What did you create when you didn't know you were creating? Imagine what you can create now that you know.
Email me or call if you want a free 10 minute phone consulation or further information. I am available to travel to teach groups EFT and Mind-Body Synchronization, which is an easy method I developed to invite light. Even kids get it. If your working group or office is disruptive or non-productive, I help you clear your company energy both top down and bottom up.
Rose Marie Fantelli, MA, PCC
216-556-5045 ext 3 or rmfantelli@aol.com