Rick has provided seminars on emotional intelligence and relationship coaching at community centers in New York, Philadelphia and San Francisco. His presentations energize, motivate and inspire the participants to engage in more effective communications.
Richard continues his professional development with the College of Executive Coaching and is working toward his credentials as a master coach with the International Coach Federation. He is a member of the San Francisco Coaches chapter and American Society for training and development.
As a psychotherapist in New York, he has worked with individuals and couples to transform their relationship. He has experience as a teacher and coach to students learning how to provide spiritual care to patients in hospital and hospice. He works with clients who face life changing challenges. His 25 years as a certified massage therapist has attuned him to stress factors so he works with life balance and stress management. His positions as supervisor, department head and manager have familiarized him with organizational dynamics and cultures.
Rick has provided seminars on emotional intelligence and relationship coaching at community centers in New York, Philadelphia and San Francisco. His presentations energize, motivate and inspire the participants to engage in more effective communications. Richard continues his professional development with the College of Executive Coaching and is working toward his credentials as a master coach with the International Coach Federation. He is a member of the San Francisco Coaches chapter and American Society for training and development.
The Following are some of the behaviors that indicate Emotional Intelligence:
The Emotional Competence Framework
Generic EQ competence framework
· Personal competence - self-awareness, self-regulation, self-motivation
· Social competence - social awareness, social skills
Personal Competence
Emotional awareness: Recognizing one’s emotions and their effects. People with this competence:
• Know which emotions they are feeling and why
• Realize the links between their feelings and what they think, do, and say
• Recognize how their feelings affect their performance
• Have a guiding awareness of their values and goals
Accurate self-assessment: Knowing one’s strengths and limits. People with this Competence are:
• Aware of their strengths and weaknesses
• Reflective, learning from experience
• Open to candid feedback, new perspectives, continuous learning, and self-development
• Able to show a sense of humor and perspective about themselves
Self-confidence: Sureness about one’s self-worth and capabilities. People with this competence:
• Present themselves with self-assurance;
• Can voice views that are unpopular and go out on a limb for what is right
• Are decisive, able to make sound decisions despite uncertainties and pressures
Self-control: Managing disruptive emotions and impulses. People with this competence:
• Manage their impulsive feelings and distressing emotions well
• Stay composed, positive, and unflappable even in trying moments
• Think clearly and stay focused under pressure
Trustworthiness: Maintaining standards of honesty and integrity. People with this competence:
• Act ethically and are above reproach
• Build trust through their reliability and authenticity
• Admit their own mistakes and confront unethical actions in others
• Take tough, principled stands even if they are unpopular
Conscientiousness: Taking responsibility for personal performance. People with this competence:
• Meet commitments and keep promises
• Hold themselves accountable for meeting their objectives
• Are organized and careful in their work
Adaptability: Flexibility in handling change. People with this competence:
• Smoothly handle multiple demands, shifting priorities, and rapid change
• Adapt their responses and tactics to fit fluid circumstances
• Are flexible in how they see events
Innovativeness: Being comfortable with and open to novel ideas and new information.People with this competence:
• Seek out fresh ideas from a wide variety of sources
• Entertain original solutions to problems
• Generate new ideas
• Take fresh perspectives and risks in their thinking
Achievement drive: Striving to improve or meet a standard of excellence. People with this competence:
• Are results-oriented, with a high drive to meet their objectives and standards
• Set challenging goals and take calculated risks
• Pursue information to reduce uncertainty and find ways to do better
• Learn how to improve their performance
Commitment: Aligning with the goals of the group or organization. People with this competence:
• Readily make personal or group sacrifices to meet a larger organizational goal
• Find a sense of purpose in the larger mission
• Use the group.s core values in making decisions and clarifying choices
• Actively seek out opportunities to fulfill the group’s mission
Initiative: Readiness to act on opportunities. People with this competence:
• Are ready to seize opportunities
• Pursue goals beyond what.s required or expected of them
• Cut through red tape and bend the rules when necessary to get the job done
• Mobilize others through unusual, enterprising efforts
Optimism: Persistence in pursuing goals despite obstacles and setbacks. People with this competence:
• Persist in seeking goals despite obstacles and setbacks
• Operate from hope of success rather than fear of failure
• See setbacks as due to manageable circumstance rather than a personal flaw
Social Competence
Empathy: Sensing others feelings and perspective, and taking an active interest in their concerns. People with this competence:
• Are attentive to emotional cues and listen well
• Show sensitivity and understand others perspectives
• Help out based on understanding other people’s needs and feelings
Service orientation: Anticipating, recognizing, and meeting customers needs. People with this competence:
• Understand customers needs and match them to services or products
• Seek ways to increase customers. satisfaction and loyalty
• Gladly offer appropriate assistance
• Grasp a customer’s perspective, acting as a trusted advisor
Developing others: Sensing what others need in order to develop, and bolstering their abilities. People with this competence:
• Acknowledge and reward people’s strengths, accomplishments, and development
• Offer useful feedback and identify people’s needs for development
• Mentor, give timely coaching, and offer assignments that challenge and grow a person’s skills.
Leveraging diversity: Cultivating opportunities through diverse people. People with this competence:
• Respect and relate well to people from varied backgrounds
• Understand diverse worldviews and are sensitive to group differences
• See diversity as opportunity, creating an environment where diverse people can thrive
• Challenge bias and intolerance
Political awareness: Reading a group’s emotional currents and power relationships. People with this competence:
• Accurately read key power relationships
• Detect crucial social networks
• Understand the forces that shape views and actions of clients, customers, or Competitors
• Accurately read situations and organizational and external realities
Influence: Wielding effective tactics for persuasion. People with this competence:
• Are skilled at persuasion
• Fine-tune presentations to appeal to the listener
• Use complex strategies like indirect influence to build consensus and support
Communication: Sending clear and convincing messages. People with this competence:
• Are effective in give-and-take, registering emotional cues in attuning their
• Deal with difficult issues straightforwardly
• Listen well, seek mutual understanding, and welcome sharing of information fully
• Foster open communication and stay receptive to bad news as well as good
Leadership: Inspiring and guiding groups and people. People with this competence:
• Articulate and arouse enthusiasm for a shared vision and mission
• Step forward to lead as needed, regardless of position
• Guide the performance of others while holding them accountable
• Lead by example
Change catalyst: Initiating or managing change. People with this competence:
• Recognize the need for change and remove barriers
• Challenge the status quo to acknowledge the need for change
• Champion the change and enlist others in its pursuit
• Model the change expected of others
Conflict management: Negotiating and resolving disagreements. People with this competence:
• Handle difficult people and tense situations with diplomacy and tact
• Spot potential conflict, bring disagreements into the open, and help deescalate
• Encourage debate and open discussion
• Orchestrate win-win solutions
Building bonds: Nurturing instrumental relationships. People with this competence:
• Cultivate and maintain extensive informal networks
• Seek out relationships that are mutually beneficial
• Build rapport and keep others in the loop
• Make and maintain personal friendships among work associates
Collaboration and cooperation: Working with others toward shared goals. People with this competence:
• Balance a focus on task with attention to relationships
• Collaborate, sharing plans, information, and resources
• Promote a friendly, cooperative climate
• Spot and nurture opportunities for collaboration
Team capabilities: Creating group synergy in pursuing collective goals. People with this competence:
• Model team qualities like respect, helpfulness, and cooperation
• Draw all members into active and enthusiastic participation
• Build team identity, esprit de corps, and commitment
• Protect the group and its reputation; share credit
Philosophy:My philosophy of personal coaching is in alignment with the International Coaching Federation (ICF). Briefly, the coach’s responsibility is to: · Discover, clarify and align with the what the client wants to achieve· Encourage client self-discovery· Elicit client-centered solutions and strategies· Hold the client responsible and accountable I am committed to the core competences as outlined by the ICF and to cultivate them in my professional development. Here is a link to the core competencies: http://www.coachfederation.org/ICF/For+Current+Members/Credentialing/Why+a+Credential/Competencies/ Approach:I call my own style of coaching Holistic, Value-Based Action Coaching. The coaching style is holistic because the client’s whole life is incorporated into the coaching agenda even though the overt focus may be related to career. It is value-based because, usually by the second coaching session, we are discussing the client’s most important values or “passion areas.” This emphasis ensures that the coaching agenda rests on a foundation of what is most important to the client in his or her emerging life chapter. When goals are value based, they invigorate motivation and commitment. Finally, my style of coaching is action oriented because almost every coaching session has a focus identifying and committing to specific actions toward his or her most important goals. Holistic, Values-Based Action Coaching clearly has performance elements because of the focus on specific actions. At the same time, it usually has transformational components as clients gain clarity about their most important goals and passions and begin to live with increased integrity in relation to their primary values. Emotional Intelligence: These general notes on Emotional Intelligence are based on Daniel Goldman, author of Emotional Intelligence at Work. Emotional Intelligence is the capacity to manage feelings so that they are expressed appropriately and effectively, enabling people to work together smoothly toward their common goals. SELF AWARENESS – THE ABILITY TO READ ONE’S EMOTIONS AND RECOGNIZE THEIR IMPACT WHILE USING GUT FEELINGS TO GUIDE DECISIONS SELF MANAGEMENT – INVOLVES CONTROLLING ONE’S EMOTIONS AND IMPULSES AND ADAPTING TO CHANGING CIRCUMSTANCES SOCIAL AWARENESS – THE ABILITY TO SENSE, UNDERSTAND AND REACT TO OTHER’S EMOTIONS WHILE COMPREHENDING SOCIAL NETWORKS RELATIONHIP MANAGEMENT – THE ABILITY TO INSPIRE, INFLUENCE AND DEVELOP OTHERS WHILE MANAGING CONFLICT
I hope this information has been helpful. I offer the initial consultation pro bono in which I can further explain my role and yours in the coaching relationship. I look forward to hearing from you.
Warm Regards,
Richard Stanuikynas, CPC
Professional and Personal Coach